What Is Quantum Theory?
Over the period 1885-1889, Hein-
rich Hertz1 discovered that elec-
tromagnetic waves propagate through
empty space, and demonstrated
experimentally that these waves trav-
el at the speed of light and are trans-
versely polarized. This work con-
firmed predictions James Clerk
Maxwell had made 20 years earlier, in
1864. Hertz’s major papers were col-
lected in a book, Electric Waves, for
which he wrote an extensive intro-
duction. In that introduction occurs
his famous, extraordinary statement:
“To the question: ‘What is Maxwell’s
theory?’ I know of no shorter or more
definite answer than the following:
‘Maxwell’s theory is Maxwell’s system
of equations.’ ”
Superficially, this statement might
appear innocent-even ingenuous-—
but it goes deep, and in its time it
caused a sensation. There was, at the
time, a rival tradition of electromag-
netic theories, especially strong in
Germany, which advocated action-at-
a-distance formulations in preference
to fields. These theories had the
advantage of continuing the tremen-
dously successful Newtonian tradi-
tion, and of using familiar, highly
developed mathematical methods.
They also had enormous flexibility.
With velocity-dependent force laws,
most of the previously known facts
about electricity and magnetism could
readily be described using action-at-a-
distance. Arnold Sommerfeld recounts2
of his student days (1887-1889) in
Koenigsberg, “The total picture of elec-
trodynamics thus presented to us was
awkward, incoherent, and by no means
Perhaps some modification would
also describe Hertz’s new results.
(Indeed, we know now that by using
retarded potentials one can reproduce
the Maxwell equations from an
action-at-a-distance theory, rather
elegantly in fact.) So Hertz sought to
forestall unproductive debates
between rival theories with identical
physical content by focusing on the
bottom-line content. Sommerfeld con-
FRANK Wuczsx is the ]. Robm Oppen-
heimer Professor in the School of Natural
Sciences at the Inszitutefor Advanced
Study in Princeton, Newjersey.
Frank Wilczck
tinues, “When I read Hertz’s great
paper, it was as though scales fell
from my eyes.”
Also, Hertz wanted to purify
Maxwell’s work itself. The point is
that Maxwell reached his equations
through a complex process of con-
structing and modifying mechanical
models of the ether and, according to
Hertz, “. . .when Maxwell composed
his great treatise, the accumulated
hypotheses of his earlier mode of con-
ception no longer suited him, or else
he discovered contradictions in them
and so abandoned them. But he did
not eliminate them completely . . .”
Yet a modern physicist, while not
contradicting it, could not rest entire-
ly satisfied with Hertz’s answer to his
question. Maxwell’s theory is much
more than Maxwell’s equations. Or, to
put it differently, merely writing down
Maxwell’s equations, and doing them
justice, are two quite different things.
Indeed, a modern physicist, asked
what is Maxwell’s theory, might be
more inclined to answer that it is spe-
cial relativity plus gauge invariance.
While not altering Maxwell’s equa-
tions, in a real sense these concepts
tell us why that superficially compli-
cated system of partial differential
equations must take precisely the
form it does, what its essential nature
is, and how it might be generalized.
This last feature bears abundant fruit
in the modern Standard Model. The
core of the Standard Model is a
mighty generalization of gauge
invariance, which provides successful
descriptions of physical phenomena
far beyond anything Maxwell or Hertz
could have imagined.
With this history as background,
let us return to the analogous ques-
tion, posed in my title, What is Quan-
tum Theory? At one level, we can
answer along the lines of Hertz.
Quantum theory is the theory you find
written down in textbooks of quantum
theory. Perhaps its definitive exposi-
tion is Dirac’s book.3 Conversely, you
can find, in the early parts of Dirac’s
book, statements very much in the
Hertzian spirit:
“The new scheme becomes a
precise physical theory when all
the axioms and rules of manip-
ulation governing the mathe-
matical quantities are specified
and when in addition certain
laws are laid down connecting
physical facts with the mathe-
matical formalism, so that from
any given physical conditions
equations between the mathe-
matical quantities may be
inferred and vice versa.”
0f course, the equations of quan-
tum theory are notoriously less
straightforward to interpret than
Maxwell’s equations. The leading
interpretations of quantum theory
introduce concepts that are extrinsic
to its equations (“observers”), or even
contradict them (“collapse of the wave
function”). The relevant literature is
famously contentious and obscure. I
believe it will remain so until someone
constructs, within the formalism of
quantum mechanics, an “observer,”
that is, a model entity whose states
correspond to a recognizable carica-
ture of conscious awareness; and
demonstrates that the perceived
interaction of this entity with the
physical world, following the equa-
tions of quantum theory, accords with
our experience. That is a formidable
project, extending well beyond what is
conventionally considered physics.
Like most working physicists, I
assume, perhaps naively, that this
project can be accomplished, and that
the equations will survive its comple-
tion unscathed. In any case, only after
its successful completion might one
legitimately claim that quantum the-
ory is defined by the equations of
quantum theory.
Stepping now toward firmer
ground, let us consider the equations
themselves. The pith of quantum the-
ory, which plays for it the central role
analogous to the role of Maxwell’s
JUNE 2000 Pil‘r'SlCS TODAY ‘.1
Psist, Erwin, buddy...
Put the cat in 51 box with I/ZZZZa
a poison gas to demonstrate /
the influence of the
observer in quantum
equations in electrodynamics, is sup-
plied by the commutation relations
among dynamical variables. Specifi-
cally, it is in these commutation rela-
tions—-and, ultimately, only here-
that Planck’s constant appears. The
most familiar commutation relation,
lp, ql = —i/*1, is between linear momen-
tum and position, but there are also
different ones between spins, or
between fermion fields. In formulat-
ing these commutation relations, the
founders of quantum theory were
guided by analogy, by aesthetics,
and-ultimately—-by a complex dia-
logue with Nature, through experi-
ment. Here is how Dirac describes the
crucial step:4
“The problem of finding quan-
tum conditions is not of such a
general character . . . . It is
instead a special problem which
presents itself with each partic-
ular dynamical system one is
called upon to study. . . . a fairly
general method of obtaining
quantum conditions is the
method of classical analogy
[original italicsl.”
I think it is fair to say that one does
not find here a profound guiding prin-
ciple, comparable to the equivalence
of different observers (that inspires
both relativity theories) or of different
potentials (that implement gauge
Those profound guiding principles
of physics are statements of symme-
try. ls it possible to phrase the equa-
tions of quantum theory as state-
ments of symmetry? A very interest-
ing but brief and inconclusive discus-
sion of this occurs in Herman Weyl’s
singular text, where he proposes [the
original is entire-
ly italicsllf’ “The
k in e m a t i c a 1
structure of a
physical system
is expressed by
an irreducible
unitary projec-
tive representa-
tion of abelian
rotations in Hil-
bert space.”
Naturally, I
won’t be able to
unpack this for-
mulation here,
but three com-
ments. do seem
First, Weyl shows
that his formula-
tion contains the
Heisenberg alge-
bra of quantum
mechanics and the quantization of
boson and fermion fields as special
cases, but also allows additional pos-
sibilities. Second, the sort of symme-
try he proposes—abelian-—is the sim-
plest possible kind. Third, his sym-
metry of quantum kinematics is
entirely separate and independent
from the other symmetries of physics.
The next level in understanding
may come when an overarching sym-
metry is found, melding the conven-
tional symmetries and Weyl’s symme-
try of quantum kinematics (made
more specific, and possibly modified)
into an organic whole. Perhaps Weyl
himself anticipated this possibility,
when he signed off his pioneering dis-
cussion with: “It seems more probable
that the scheme of quantum kinemat-
ics will share the fate of the general
scheme of quantum mechanics: to be
submerged in the concrete physical
laws of the only existing physical
structure, the actual world.”
To summarize, I feel that after sev-
enty-five years-and innumerable
successful applications-—we are still
two big steps away from understand-
ing quantum theory properly.
1. An excellent recent brief biography of
Hertz, including an extensive selection of
his original papers and contemporary
commentary, is J. Mulligan, Heinrich
Rudolf Hertz, Garland ( New York). 1994.
2. A. Sommerfeld, Electrodynamics, Acad-
emic (London), 1964, p. 2.
3. P. A. M. Dirac, Quantum Mechanics, 4th
revised edition, Oxford (London), 1967,
p. l5.
4. Ibid., p. 84.
5. H. Weyl, The Theory of Groups and
Quantzun Mechanics, Dover (New
York)v 1950, p. 272. I
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