The “gradient invariance” of Fock became identified by London and then by Weyl with an analogue of Weyl’s “eichinvarianz” (scale invariance),
by C Quigley - 2003 - Related articles
Apr 14, 2003 - The gauge principle was first recognized in electromagnetism, but in .... In this highly suggestive form, Weyl's gauge transformation of the lengthDel. : Correct enunciation
Called Nabla or del. This has four different uses, which can be easily distinguished while reading out loud, but it gets confusing when the first and last uses (grad and covariant derivative) get mixed up with
I've come across various different symbols being pronounced as "del". What is the internationally accepted del? If not internationally, then what's the English/American(specify which one if they are different) one that most lecturers/&c use?
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For what it's worth, in the community I hang out with, we generally just say "partial ecks" for
, and when we are feeling even lazier and when the context is clear, we call the same operator "dee-dee ecks", as if it were the ordinary
, however, is always "nabla", unless it is used for the gradient of a function, in which case we say "gradient of eff" for . In class, however, if the expression is embedded in prose (say as part of a theorem statement), I would never read the symbol. I would instead say what it means. So while I may write Important, we always haveI would say, Important, we always have that partial derivatives commute.Or if I write ThereforeI would say Therefore the partial derivative of eff with respect to ecks is zero.Or if I write By the Maxwell's equations,I would say By the Maxwell's equation, ee is divergence free.The only time I might read the symbols as symbols is if I am performing a computation on the board and am just copying stuff directly from my notes. In those cases I honestly cannot remember what I would usually say. | |||||||||||||||||
Alright, I've sort of realized that there is no correct answer to this question. I'm summing up my thoughts and what I've gleaned from the other answers in this CW answer so that I can accept it.
It really depends upon context. Usually you won't see used with together in an ambiguous manner. Usually will be in the form of , so it won't be confused if read out "del by del x". is never called del. Covariant derivatives can have their bases declared beforehand. So, here is the list of ways of pronouncing stuff:
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I don't know how relevant this is, but in Brazil, none of those symbols is called "del."
is Nabla,
is (lowercase) Delta, and
is "Derronde." (A bastardizazion of the French for "round D.")
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Mathematicians i know refer in general to the differential operator represented by the symbol
(nabla) as del. Like someone refers to the operator of addition, represented by the symbol of + with the word "plus". But when it comes to a specific vector operation like
they refer to this operation as div x or curl x. But theoretically speaking as the word del describes the operator represented with the symbol
, someone could combine the words and refer to the operation
as del cross x.
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This is an interesting discussion. In the context of partial derivatives, I've only ever known ∂ to be pronounced "dar", so that ∂y/∂x is read aloud as "dar y dar x", and there is no mistaking it for dy/dx which is read as "dee y dee x". But I have probably not heard it in speech beyond the Australian universities I studied at, so I'm in no position to judge how international is this pronunciation. (BTW, pronounce "dar" so it rhymes with bar, car, far, Mar(s), etc.)