Monday, April 11, 2016

IID three discrete selection models MNL, MNP, MIXED LOGIT.

independent, identically distributed (IID) random variables

Would someone explain in simple terms what IID random variables are and give me an example?
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say you are sampling from a known distribution with replacement. Every time you, say, draw a sample, this is a random variable. Drawn samples are independent of each other, and the distribution never changes. Thus, IID random variables – Eleven-Eleven Aug 13 '13 at 21:41

2 Answers

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Im sure you know that iid means independent, identically distributed. I think the most prominent example is a coin toss repeated several times.
If X1,X2, designate the result of the 1st, 2nd, and so on toss (where Xi=1 means that in the i-th toss you have got head and Xi=0 tail), you have that X1,X2, are iid.
They are independent since every time you flip a coin, the previous result doesn't influence your current result. Edit: there is a mathematical definition of independence, but I don't think it is necessary at the moment.
They are identically distributed, since every time you flip a coin, the chances of getting head (or tail) are identical, no matter if its the 1st or the 100th toss (probability distribution is identical over time). If the coin is "fair" the chances are 0,5 for each event (getting head or tail).
Does that help?
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.So basically you will consider events where the outcome in one case will not depend on the outcome of the other cases .It is called identical because in every case u consider the possible outcomes will be same as the previous event .Some one has suggested yes tossing of coin is a good example .I will try to be a statistician here .You should go through few statistical distributions like normal ,gamma etc and then see additive property .There while proving the additive property u will consider independent events initially and then prove that the addition of all the independent variates also follows the respective distribution using the MGF of that particular distribution and then you will extend your property to see what if the variates are made similar .Hope you got your answer
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Welcome to Math.SE. This question has a well-accepted answer. You have provided nothing new. And what you have provided does not exactly answer the question. Please refrain from opening up old questions which have good answers unless you have something significant to contribute. THere are many new questions begging for answers. – Shailesh Mar 11 at 14:46 

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The Application of Discrete Choice Model on Retailing Research –Based on Comparation between MNL、MNP and Mixed Logit

Liu Yong, Wang Gao

Abstract  Discrete Choice model has been used widely in many research fields such as traffic, reas estate, tele-communication, energy and marketing in the world, however the model in marketing research is still in its infancy in China. This paper applies three discrete selection models MNL, MNP, MIXED LOGIT. It focuses on the impact of marketing devices on customers' brand selction and market share in Sanitary Pad market. The author found that the brand and various other promotional factors are playing positive impact when customers purchasing decisions are made. Particularly, some promotional means, such as Gift-promotion, which can bring customers some visible advantages, effect the greatest.

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