Tuesday, April 26, 2016

ibm The opposite of batch processing is transaction processing or interactive processing. In interactive processing, the application responds to commands as soon as you enter them


batch processing

Executing a series of non-interactive jobs all at one time. The term originated in the days when users entered programs on punch cards. They would give a batch of these programmed cards to the system operator, who would feed them into the computer.
Batch jobs can be stored up during working hours and then executed during the evening or whenever the computer is idle. Batch processing is particularly useful for operations that require the computer or a peripheral device for an extended period of time. Once a batch job begins, it continues until it is done or until an error occurs. Note that batch processing implies that there is no interaction with the user while the program is being executed.
An example of batch processing is the way that credit card companies process billing. The customer does not receive a bill for each separate credit card purchase but one monthly bill for all of that month��s purchases. The bill is created through batch processing, where all of the data are collected and held until the bill is processed as a batch at the end of the billing cycle.
The Challenges of Cloud Integration

The opposite of batch processing is transaction processing or interactive processing. In interactive processing, the application responds to commands as soon as you enter them.


    The main purpose of this document is to give quick overall view about UNISYS and IBM Mainframe concept. This document will be very useful for the associate who is moving from UNISYS technology to IBM or vise versa. We have compared the IBM mainframe concepts and commands with corresponding UNISYS mainframes concepts and commands to make the user understand easily.

    Introduction to IBM Mainframes

    • IBM introduced its first system processors in the 1950’s. Then, in 1964, it introduced
    the System/360 family of processors that provides the foundation for all subsequent systems.
    • Aside from greater performance, one of the major advantages offered by S/390
    systems over earlier processors was the introduction of ESCON architecture. ESCON uses fiber optic cables to connect I/O devices to the processor over long distances. It also allows for a higher-speed information flow between the I/O devices and the channel subsystem on the processor.
    • The z/Architecture found on IBM’s zSeries processors is perhaps the largest change in system architecture since the introduction of the S/360 system. That’s because it uses a 64-bit addressing technology rather than the 31-bit addressing technology found on S/390s and earlier systems. This allows for an unprecedented level of memory addressing.
    • In a 31-bit environment, S/390 systems are capable of addressing up to 2 gigabytes (GB) of main storage. In a 64-bit environment, the addressing range can theoretically reach up to 16 exabytes (EB). However, current z900 server models are limited to 64GB of addressable main storage.
    • When talking about computer capacity, some units of measure you’ll commonly hear are megabyte or MB (about a million bytes), gigabyte or GB (about a billion bytes), terabyte or TB (about a trillion bytes), and exabyte or EB (about a million terabytes).

    Introduction to UNISYS Mainframes

    • Many people will recognize the name UNISYS, the second largest computer company in the world. UNISYS, which stands for "UNIted SYStems," was formed by the merger of two Fortune 100 companies, Burroughs and Sperry.
    • In 1951, UNIVAC I became the first commercially available computer.
    • The new UNISYS, started producing its first 80386 based microcomputers in 1987.
    • Unisys developed 2200 series in 1986, including the UNISYS 2200/500 CMOS mainframe, and the Micro A in 1989, the first desktop mainframe.
    • The company's mainframe line, Clearpath, is capable of running not only mainframe software, but both the Java platform and the JBoss Java EE Application Server concurrently. The Clearpath system is available in either a UNISYS 2200- based system (Sperry) or an MCP-based system (Burroughs).


    IBM JCL (Job control Language) Vs UNISYS ECL (Executive Control Language)

    JCL (Job control Language) – IBM Mainframes

    Job Control Language, or JCL, is a set of control statements that provide the specifications
    necessary to process a job, and the series of JCL statements that make up a job is typically
    called a job stream.

    ECL (Executive Control Language) – UNISYS Mainframes

    Like JCL in IBM mainframes , ECL is used in UNISYS mainframes to execute the batch JOBs.
    ECL is set of control statements that are used to provide the necessary details to process a
    batch JOB. Like Initiate and control runs , Execute programs , do all kind of file operations
    and send message to the operator/users.

    The basic JCL statements - IBM Mainframes

    A JOB statement, to mark the beginning of a job and assign a name to the job. The JOB
    statement is also used to provide certain administrative information, including security,
    accounting, and identification information. Every job has one and only one JOB statement.

    An EXEC (execute) statement, to mark the beginning of a job step, to assign a name to the
    step, and to identify the program or procedure to be executed in the step. You can add
    various parameters to the EXEC statement to customize the way the program executes.
    Every job has at least one EXEC statement.

    One or more DD (data definition) statements, to identify and describe the input and
    output data to be used in the step. The DD statement may be used to request a previouslycreated
    data set, to define a new data set, to define a temporary data set, or to define and
    specify the characteristics of the output.

    • Delimiter (/*) → Marks the end of an instream data set.
    • Null (//) → Marks the end of a job.
    • Comment (//*) → Provides comments.

    The additional JCL statements

    • OUTPUT → Supplies options for SYSOUT processing.
    • PROC → Marks the beginning of a procedure.
    • PEND → Marks the end of a procedure.
    • JCLLIB → Identifies a private procedure library .
    • INCLUDE → Copies statements from another library member into the job.
    • SET → Sets default values for symbolic variables.
    • IF/THEN/ELSE/ENDIF → Provides conditional execution of a job step.
    • COMMAND → Identifies an MVS or JES command that is to be issued when the job runs

    The basic ECL statements - UNISYS Mainframes

    A RUN command, to mark the beginning of a job and assign a name to the job. The RUN
    statement is also used to provide certain administrative information, accounting, and
    identification information. Every ECL has one and only one RUN statement.

    • @CAT command, to catalog a file in Master File Directory (MFD).
    • @ASG command, to assign files or devices or communication lines for a batch run.
    • @FREE command, to release files or devices or communication lines from a batch run.
    • @DELETE command, to delete a file or element.
    • @USE command, to simplify the file name, if the file name is complex.
    • @XQT command, to execute the program.
    • @FIN command, to mark the run stream end.

    The basic format for JCL statements - IBM Mainframes

    identifier [name] [operation] [parameters] [comments]

    • Identifier→ Starts in column 1 and generally consists of two slashes (//). There are
    two exceptions: (1) a delimiter statement (identifier is /*) and (2) a comment
    statement (identifier is //*).
    • Name → One to eight alphanumeric or national ($,#,@) characters, starting with a letter or national character. Must begin in column 3 if coded.
    • Operation → A valid operation code, such as JOB, EXEC, or DD. Must be preceded and followed by a space.
    • Parameters → One or more parameters, depending on the operation. Individual parameters are separated from one another by commas, with no intervening spaces.
    • Comments → Comments may follow the parameters, preceded by one space and not extending beyond column 71.

    Example :

    The JCL parameters field :

    There are two types of parameters: positional and keyword

    • The system interprets the meaning of a positional parameter based on its position
    in the parameters field. As a result, an omitted positional parameter that is
    followed by additional positional parameters must have a comma to mark its place.

    • Keyword parameters are interpreted based on a keyword followed by an equals
    sign and a value. They can be coded in any order.

    The basic format for ECL statements - UNISYS Mainframes

    @Label : command,Option(s) Field1, Field2 … comment

    • Label → The length of the label field would be 1 to 6 alphanumeric character. First
    character should be alphabetic. Label field is optional field terminated with a colon (:).
    • Command → Command is a valid ECL statements.
    • Options → Alphabetic character used depends upon the command.
    • Comment → Any comment can be give by the programmer with respect to requirement.

    The syntax of the JOB statement - IBM Mainframes

    //jobname JOB [ accounting-information ] [,programmer-name ]
    [ ,MSGCLASS=class ]
    [ ,MSGLEVEL=(stmt,msg) ]
    [ ,NOTIFY=user-id ]
    • Accounting-information → Specifies an account number or other accounting
    information. Typically used to charge the job’s processing time back to a
    department or group. The requirements of this parameter vary from installation to
    installation, but it often has a format similar to this:
    • Programmer-name → Identifies the owner of the job. The name can be from one to
    20 characters long, but it may not be required depending on the installation.
    • MSGCLASS → Specifies a single-character output class to be used for the job’s message output.
    • MSGLEVEL → Controls which JCL statements and system messages are produced by the job.

    Example : JOB Statement

    //MM01XXXX JOB 36512,'R MENENDEZ',

    The syntax of the RUN statement - UNISYS Mainframes

    @RUN Run-id, Account/ User-id, Project
    • Run-id → The run-id would contains 1 to 6 alphanumeric character assigned by the
    user to identify the job run. It should be unique to system.
    • User-id → The user id would consists of 1 to 12 character alphanumeric can contain period(.) and hyphen(-).
    • Project → The project would contain 1 to 12 alphanumeric character can contain
    hyphen(-) and $ assigned by the user to identify and classify the run.

    The syntax of the EXEC statement – IBM Mainframes

    //stepname EXEC PGM=program-name [ ,PARM=information ]
    • PGM → Specifies the name of the program to be executed for this job step.
    • PARM → Optional; specifies information that’s passed to the program.
    Example : EXEC Statement //PAYLIST EXEC PGM=PAY5B10

    The syntax of the XQT statement – UNISYS Mainframes

    @XQT File-name. Absolute-name
    The name of the absolute element will be loaded and executed from the mentioned file.
    Example : XQT Statement

    The syntax of the DD statement for DASD data sets - IBM Mainframes

    //ddname DD DSNAME=data-set-name
    [ ,UNIT=unit ]
    [ ,VOL=SER=serial-number ]
    [ ,SPACE=unit,(primary-qty,secondary-qty,dir) ]
    [ ,DCB=(option,option…) ]
    • DSNAME → Specifies the file’s data set name.
    • DISP → Specifies the file’s status and normal and abnormal disposition.
    • UNIT → Specifies a group name, device type, or device number that identifies the
    device where the file resides. Not required for cataloged data sets.
    • VOL=SER → Specifies the six-character volume serial number of the volume that
    contains the file. Not required for cataloged data sets.
    • SPACE → Specifies the DASD space to be allocated for the file. Unit indicates the
    unit of measure; primary-qty and secondary-qty indicate the amount of space for
    the initial and secondary allocations; and dir indicates the number of directory
    blocks to allocate for a partitioned data set.
    • DCB → Specifies options to be used for the file’s data control block.
    Example: DD Statement
    // SPACE=(CYL,(10,2)),

    The syntax of the ASG statement - UNISYS Mainframes

    @ASG,Option File-name
    Options : Options are used to define the file properties
    • T – Create and assign temporary file for the run.
    • C- Create ans assign a new file ans catalog on normal run termination or when the
    file is released.
    • U- Create and assign a new file and catalog regardless of run termination status
    • A- Assign a previously cataloged file to the run.
    • P- catalog as a public file.
    Example : ASG Statement
    @ASG,A File1
    @ASG,UP File1
    @ASG,T File1

    JOB Submission and Scheduling (IBM Mainframes)

    To enter, or submit, the job into the system, the programmer or system operator issues a
    SUBMIT (SUB) command
    We can schedule the JOB by coding the JES3 (Job entry subsystem) //*MAIN COMAND
    along with your JOB statement or Job scheduler tools can be used.

    JOB Submission and Scheduling (UNISYS Mainframes)

    To enter, or submit, the job into the system, the programmer or system operator issues a
    @START command
    OPCON and other Job scheduler tools can be used to schedule the UNISYS JOBs.


    IBM Database (DB2) Vs UNISYS Database (RDMS)

    DB2 – IBM Mainframes.

    DB2 is Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).The DB2 Universal Database
    (UDB) is a cross-platform database system developed by IBM.

    Components of DB2 :

    1.Data Control Language (DCL).
    2.Data Definition Language (DDL).
    3.Data Manipulation Language (DML).

    A table is an organizational structure which is defined in a Create Table statement. In this
    statement, the data attributes are defined by column, giving each column its own unique
    name within the table.

    A index is used in conjunction with the “Primary Key” parameter of the Create Table
    statement. It is made with the Create Index statement and provides the duplicate recordchecking
    necessary for a unique key.

    A view is an alternative perspective of the data present in a database. It is made with the
    Create View statement and can represent a subset of the columns defined in a table. It can
    also represents a set of columns combined from more than one table.

    Data Manipulation Languages (DML)
    DML used to manipulate the data in DB2 table. DML are embedded in the host language
    programs to manipulate records defined in the table. Always DML commands should be
    coded in between EXEC SQL and END-SQL.


    SELECT command is used to retrieve the records from the Table.

    Syntax :
    SELECT <Column name >
    FROM <table name >
    WHERE <condition>


    INSERT command is used to insert the records into the table.
    INSERT INTO <Table Name >
    VALUES <value1 , value2, ….....>


    UPDATE command is used to alter the existing record data in the table.
    UPDATE <table name>
    SET <column name = Value>
    WHERE <condition>


    DELETE command is used to delete the record from the table.
    Syntax :
    DELETE FROM <Table name>
    WHERE <condition>

    RDMS (Relational Database Management System)– UNISYS Mainframes

    Unisys supports database management systems for OS 2200 systems through the Universal Data System (UDS). UDS supports network databases through Data Management System (DMS), flat file databases through Shared File System (SFS), and relational databases through RDMS.

    RDMS users use SQL statements to create and access RDMS databases Components of DMS :

    UDS has two components that support all databases, regardless of type:

    • UDS Control

    UDS Control handles all actual input/output operations on the database. It also provides recovery and locking services for you.

    • Unisys Repository Manager (UREP)

    UREP handles repository tasks, such as storing table and view definitions.

    Relational data Structure

    The relational data model represents information, or data, in an organized way: as a table or a group of tables. A table (also called a relation) is a collection of rows, each containing values for a fixed number of columns. (Rows are also called tuples, and columns are also called attributes.)
    Relational tables are just like the tables you see every day in reports or timetables. Each row in the table contains information about one item. Each column in a row reveals something about the item the row describes. Each column has a set of permissible values called its domain.

    Tables look like and are similar to conventional sequential files. Like a file, each table has a name. The rows in a table are like the records in a file and are, in fact, sometimes referred to as "records." The columns in a row are like the data fields in a record. Like data fields,columns have names and data types associated with them.

    RDMS stores the structural definition of each table in the repository. From the table definition, RDMS can determine how many columns a given table has, the names o f the columns, and the data types.


    A table is an organizational structure which is defined in a Create Table statement. In this
    statement, the data attributes are defined by column, giving each column its own unique
    name within the table.


    A index is used in conjunction with the “Primary Key” parameter of the Create Table
    statement. It is made with the Create Index statement and provides the duplicate recordchecking
    necessary for a unique key.


    A view is an alternative perspective of the data present in a database. It is made with the
    Create View statement and can represent a subset of the columns defined in a table. It can
    also represents a set of columns combined from more than one table.

    Querying the Database


    SELECT command is used to retrieve the records from the Table.
    Syntax :
    SELECT <Column name >
    FROM <table name >
    WHERE <condition>


    INSERT command is used to insert the records into the table.
    INSERT INTO <Table Name >
    VALUES <value1 , value2, ….....>


    UPDATE command is used to alter the existing record data in the table.
    UPDATE <table name>
    SET <column name = Value>
    WHERE <condition>


    DELETE command is used to delete the record from the table.
    Syntax :
    DELETE FROM <Table name>
    WHERE <condition>


    TIP (Transaction Processing ) - UNISYS Mainframes

    TIP is used to execute transactions in Unisys mainframe OS 2200 environment.
    Activities which are occurs while entering a transaction in a terminal

    1. The user’s input at the terminal (screen 1 in each figure) becomes part of an input message that is ultimately sent to the program. The input message consists of the transaction code (which identifies the program to execute) and the parameters that the program needs for processing.
    2. CMS 1100 gives the message to the MCB, which is the message handler for the program.
    3. MCB gives the transaction code to TIP, which verifies that the program exists and schedules it for execution.
    4. When program execution begins, the program gets the input parameters from MCB and processes them.
    5. The program reads or updates the database and produces an output message.
    6. The output is passed back to MCB, which gives it to CMS 1100 as an output message.
    7. CMS 1100 delivers the output message to the user’s terminal, or to the designated follow-up transaction program.

    CICS (Customer Information Control System) – IBM Mainframes

    CICS is used to execute transactions in IBM Mainframe .

    Activities which are occurs while entering a transaction in a terminal

    1.Each transaction is identified by a unique four-character code called a transaction identifier, or just trans-id. Most often, a transaction is invoked when an operator enters the transaction’s trans-id at a terminal. In that case, the terminal is automatically associated with the resulting task.
    2.When a transaction is invoked, a specified application program is loaded into storage (if it isn’t already in storage), and a task is started.
    3.Transactions are defined in the CICS Program Control Table (PCT). Each trans-id is paired with the name of the program CICS will load and execute when the transaction is invoked.
    4.The CICS Processing Program Table (PPT) contains a list of all valid program names and keeps track of which programs are located in storage. CICS uses it to determine whether it will load a new copy of the program when the transaction is invoked.
    5.Each transaction loads and executes a single program, but that program may issue CICS commands (specifically, LINK or XCTL) to load and execute other programs. And those programs may in turn execute other programs. As a result, even though a task is always the execution of a single transaction, it may result in the execution of more than one program.
    6.After the execution the result will be displayed in the user terminal.

Unisys phasing out decades-old mainframe processor for x86 chips

unisys server
Credit: Unisys
Unisys is phasing out its decades-old mainframe processor, which lags behind in speed and scalability compared to newer chips.
The chip is used in some of Unisys’ ClearPath flagship mainframes, but the company is moving to Intel’s x86 chips in Libra and Dorado servers in the ClearPath line, it said Tuesday. Unisys also announced 12 high-end servers with Intel’s Xeon server chip E5-2600 v2 chip, leaving its proprietary mainframe processor out of the mix. The servers are aimed at Unisys customers in running legacy applications in financial services, telecommunications and transportation markets.
The aging CMOS chip will be “sunsetted” in Libra servers by the end of August and in the Dorado line by the end of 2015, said Unisys spokesman Brian Daly. Dorado 880E and 890E mainframes will use the CMOS chip until the servers are phased out, which is set to happen by the end of 2015.
“It has not gone away yet because we haven’t surpassed the performance characteristics,” said Brian Herkalo, director of ClearPath portfolio management at Unisys, regarding the CMOS chip.

X86 wins

x86 processors are faster and more power efficient, which makes them a more attractive option, Herkalo said. They are also compatible with the latest components and interconnects, and common hardware infrastructure makes it easier for new Libra and Dorado servers to talk to systems based on Windows and Linux in data centers, Herkalo said.
The switch to x86 processors won’t affect existing Unisys customers looking to upgrade older mainframes with faster systems. x86 Dorado servers will continue to support the ClearPath OS 2200 operating system, while the Libra line will support the ClearPath MCP operating system. Both the OSes will execute tasks on Intel’s Xeon server chips through a firmware layer that translates the OS code for execution on x86 chips.
As Intel comes out with new processor technologies, ClearPath servers will get faster, Herkalo said. x86 architecture also allows Unisys to use many of the latest technologies to boost security and increase throughput among a network of servers in data centers.
The fastest Libra 8300 server scales to 9,000 million instructions per second, compared to 5,800 million instructions per second with its highest-performing server with the proprietary mainframe processor.

The death of proprietary processors

“We’re seeing the same gains on the Dorado side,” Herkalo said.
Unisys’ move to commodity hardware to replace its mainframe processor follows the footsteps of Hewlett-Packard, which is providing a pathway to move from the mainframe-focused Itanium to x86 server chips, both owned by Intel. Historically, less expensive chips have replaced more expensive mainframe chips—x86 faces a threat from the cheaper ARM server processors, which are still being developed and tested.
The servers introduced Tuesday, which don’t run Linux or Windows, are designed to operate as black boxes sitting at a higher layer in data centers through which transactions are processed. The servers can create partitions with dedicated processor cores and memory units to run specific applications, for example, mobile, e-commerce or databases. Transactions generated through database applications on Linux and Windows servers in data centers will pass through a firewall on Libra and Dorado servers before being transmitted to external computers.
The Dorado and Libra servers are equipped with the Infiniband interconnect for a throughput of 56Gbps. Unisys technology called S-Par sets up the partitions on the servers with its own cores and I/O ports.
Libra 8300 servers start at US$5.6 million. The Libra 6300 series starts at $1.2 million and the 4300 series starts at $900,000.
The new Dorado line includes the 6300 servers, which start at $2 million, the 4380 and 4390, which start at $665,000; and the 4350 and 4370, which start at $325,000.
The servers will ship late this month, Unisys said.

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