We begin with proposing a decomposition-based branch-and-bound (DBAB) algorithm for solving two-stage stochastic programs having 0-1 mixed-integer variables in both stages. Since the second-stage problems contain binary variables, their value functions are in general nonconvex and discontinuous; hence, the classical Benders’ decomposition approach (or the L-shaped method) for solving two-stage stochastic programs, which requires convex subproblem value functions, cannot be directly applied.
Discrete Two-Stage Stochastic Mixed-Integer Programs with Applications
to Airline Fleet Assignment and Workforce Planning Problems
Xiaomei Zhu
(Extended Abstract)
Stochastic programming is an optimization technique that incorporates random variables
as parameters. Because it better reflects the uncertain real world than its traditional
deterministic counterpart, stochastic programming has drawn increasingly more attention
among decision-makers, and its applications span many fields including financial engineering,
health care, communication systems, and supply chain management. On the flip side,
stochastic programs are usually very difficult to solve, which is further compounded by the
fact that in many of the aforementioned applications, we also have discrete decisions, thereby
rendering these problems even more challenging. In this dissertation, we study the class of
two-stage stochastic mixed-integer programs (SMIP), which, as its name suggests, lies at the
confluence of two formidable classes of problems. We design a novel algorithm for this class
of problems, and also explore specialized approaches for two related real-world applications.
Although a number of algorithms have been developed to solve two-stage SMIPs, most
of them deal with problems containing purely integer or continuous variables in either or
both of the two stages, and frequently require the technology and/or recourse matrices to
be deterministic. As a ground-breaking effort, in this work, we address the challenging
class of two-stage SMIPs that involve 0-1 mixed-integer variables in both stages. The only
earlier work on solving such problems (Carøe and Schultz (1999)) requires the optimization
of several non-smooth Lagrangian dual problems using subgradient methods in the bounding
process, which turns out to be computationally very expensive.
We begin with proposing a decomposition-based branch-and-bound (DBAB) algorithm
for solving two-stage stochastic programs having 0-1 mixed-integer variables in both stages.
Since the second-stage problems contain binary variables, their value functions are in general
nonconvex and discontinuous; hence, the classical Benders’ decomposition approach
(or the L-shaped method) for solving two-stage stochastic programs, which requires convex
subproblem value functions, cannot be directly applied. This motivates us to relax
the second-stage problems and accompany this relaxation with a convexification process.
To make this process computationally efficient, we propose to construct a certain partial
convex hull representation of the two-stage solution space, using the relaxed second-stage
constraints and the restrictions confining the first-stage variables to lie within some hyperrectangle.
This partial convex hull is sequentially generated using a convexification scheme,
such as the Reformulation-Linearization Technique (RLT), which yields valid inequalities
that are functions of the first-stage variables and, of noteworthy importance, are reusable in
the subsequent subproblems by updating the values of the first-stage variables. Meanwhile,
since the first stage contains continuous variables, whenever we tentatively fix these variables
at some given feasible values, the resulting constraints may not be facial with respect
to the associated bounding constraints that are used to construct the partial convex hull.
As a result, the constructed Benders’ subproblems define lower bounds for the second-stage
value functions, and likewise, the resulting Benders’ master problem provides a lower bound
for the original stochastic program defined over the same hyperrectangle. Another difficulty
resulting from continuous first-stage variables is that when the given first-stage solution is
not extremal with respect to its bounds, the second-stage solution obtained for a Benders’
subproblem defined with respect to a partial convex hull representation in the two-stage
space may not satisfy the model’s binary restrictions. We thus need to be able to detect
whether or not a Benders’ subproblem is solved by a given fractional second-stage solution.
We design a novel procedure to check this situation in the overall algorithmic scheme. A key
property established, which ensures global convergence, is that these lower bounds become
exact if the given first-stage solution is a vertex of the defining hyperrectangle, or if the
second-stage solution satisfies the binary restrictions.
Based on these algorithmic constructs, we design a branch-and-bound procedure where
the branching process performs a hyperrectangular partitioning of the projected space of the
first-stage variables, and lower bounds for the nodal problems are computed by applying the
proposed modified Benders’ decomposition method. We prove that, when using the leastlower-bound
node-selection rule, this algorithm converges to a global optimal solution. We
also show that the derived RLT cuts are not only reusable in subsequent Benders iterations
at the same node, but are also inheritable by the subproblems of the children nodes. Likewise,
the Benders’ cuts derived for a given sub-hyperrectangle can also be inherited by the
lower bounding master programs solved for its children nodes. Using these cut inheritance
properties results in significant savings in the overall computational effort.
Some numerical examples and computational results are presented to demonstrate the
efficacy of this approach. The sizes of the deterministic equivalent of our test problems
range from having 386 continuous variables, 386 binary variables, and 386 constraints, up to
1795 continuous variables, 1539 binary variables, and 1028 constraints. The results reveal
an average savings in computational effort by a factor of 9.5 in comparison with using a
commercial mixed-integer programming package (CPLEX 8.1) on a deterministic equivalent
We then explore an important application of SMIP to enhance the traditional airline fleet
assignment models (FAM). Given a flight schedule network, the fleet assignment problem
solved by airline companies is concerned with assigning aircraft to flight legs in order to
maximize profit with respect to captured path- or itinerary-based demand. Because certain
related crew scheduling regulations require early information regarding the type of aircraft
serving each flight leg, the current practice adopted by airlines is to solve the fleet assignment
problem using estimated demand data 10-12 weeks in advance of departure. Given the
level of uncertainty, deterministic models at this early stage are inadequate to obtain a
good match of aircraft capacity with passenger demands, and revisions to the initial fleet
assignment become naturally pertinent when the observed demand differs considerably from
the assigned aircraft capacities. From this viewpoint, the initial decision should embrace
various market scenarios so that it incorporates a sufficient look-ahead feature and provides
sufficient flexibility for the subsequent re-fleeting processes to accommodate the inevitable
demand fluctuations.
With this motivation, we propose a two-stage stochastic programming approach in which
the first stage is concerned with the initial fleet assignment decisions and, unlike the traditional
deterministic methodology, focuses on making only a family-level assignment to each
flight leg. The second stage subsequently performs the detailed assignments of fleet types
within the allotted family to each leg under each of the multiple potential scenarios that
address corresponding path- or itinerary-based demands. In this fashion, the initial decision
of what aircraft family should serve each flight leg accomplishes the purpose of facilitating
the necessary crew scheduling decisions, while judiciously examining the outcome of future
re-fleeting actions based on different possible demand scenarios. Hence, when the actual
re-fleeting process is enacted several weeks later, this anticipatory initial family-level assignment
will hopefully provide an improved overall fleet type re-allocation that better matches
demand. This two-stage stochastic model is complemented with a secondary model that
performs adjustments within each family, if necessary, to provide a consistent fleet typeassignment
information for accompanying decision processes, such as yield management.
We also propose several enhanced fleet assignment models, including a robust optimization
model that controls decision variation among scenarios and a stochastic programming model
that considers the recapture effect of spilled demand.
In addition to the above modeling concepts and framework, we also contribute in developing
effective solution approaches for the proposed model, which is a large-scale two-stage
stochastic 0-1 mixed-integer program. Because the most pertinent information needed from
the initial fleet assignment is at the family level, and the type-level assignment is subject
to change at the re-fleeting stage according to future demand realizations, our solution approach
focuses on assigning aircraft families to the different legs in the flight network at the
first stage, while finding relaxed second-stage solutions under different demand scenarios.
Based on a polyhedral study of a subsystem extracted from the original model, we derive
certain higher-dimensional convex hull as well as partial convex hull representations for this
subsystem. Accordingly, we propose two variants for the primary model, both of which
relax the binary restrictions on the second-stage variables, but where the second variant
then also accommodates the partial convex hull representations, yielding a tighter, albeit
larger, relaxation. For each variant, we design a suitable solution approach predicated on
Benders’ decomposition methodology. Using certain realistic large-scale flight network test
problems having 900 flight legs and 1, 814 paths, as obtained from United Airlines, the proposed
stochastic modeling approach was demonstrated to increase daily expected profits by
about 3% (which translates to about $160 million per year) in comparison with the traditional
deterministic model in present usage, which considers only the expected demand.
Only 1.6% of the second-stage binary variables turn out to be fractional in the first variant,
and this number is further reduced to 1.2% by using the tighter variant. Furthermore, when
attempting to solve the deterministic equivalent formulation for these two variants using a
commercial mixed-integer programming package (CPLEX 8.1), both the corresponding runs
were terminated after reaching a 25-hour cpu time limit. At termination, the software was
still processing the initial LP relaxation at the root node for each of these runs, and no feasible
basis was found. Using the proposed algorithms, on the other hand, the solution times
were significantly reduced to 5 and 19 hours for the two variants, respectively. Considering
that the fleet assignment models are solved around three months in advance of departure,
this solution time is well acceptable at this early planning stage, and the improved quality
in the solution produced by considering the stochasticity in the system is indeed highly
Finally, we address another practical workforce planning problem encountered by a
global financial firm that seeks to manage multi-category workforce for functional areas
located at different service centers, each having office-space and recruitment-capacity constraints.
The workforce demand fluctuates over time due to market uncertainty and dynamic
project requirements. To hedge against the demand fluctuations and the inherent
uncertainty, we propose a two-stage stochastic programming model where the first stage
makes personnel recruiting and allocation decisions, while the second stage, based on the
given personnel decision and realized workforce demand, decides on the project implementation
assignment. The second stage of the proposed model contains binary variables that
are used to compute and also limit the number of changes to the original plan. Since these
variables are concerned with only one quality aspect of the resulting workforce plan and
do not affect feasibility issues, we replace these binary variables with certain conservative
policies regarding workforce assignment change restrictions in order to obtain more manageable
subproblems that contain purely continuous variables. Numerical experiments reveal
that the stochastic programming approach results in significantly fewer alterations to the
original workforce plan. When using a commercial linear programming package CPLEX 9.0
to solve the deterministic equivalent form directly, except for a few small-sized problems,
this software failed to produce solutions due to memory limitations, while the proposed Benders’
decomposition-based solution approach consistently solved all the practical-sized test
problems with reasonable effort.
To summarize, this dissertation provides a significant advancement in the algorithmic development
for solving two-stage stochastic mixed-integer programs having 0-1 mixed-integer
variables in both stages, as well as in its application to two important contemporary realworld
applications. The framework for the proposed solution approaches is to formulate
tighter relaxations via partial convex hull representations and to exploit the resulting structure
using suitable decomposition methods. As decision robustness is becoming increasingly
relevant from an economic viewpoint, and as computer technological advances provide
decision-makers the ability to explore a wide variety of scenarios, we hope that the proposed
algorithms will have a notable positive impact on solving stochastic mixed-integer programs.
In particular, the proposed stochastic programming airline fleet assignment and the workforce
planning approaches studied herein are well-poised to enhance the profitability and
robustness of decisions made in the related industries, and we hope that similar improvev
ments are adapted by more industries where decisions need to be made in the light of data
that is shrouded by uncertainty.
This work is based on research supported by the National Science Foundation under
Grant Numbers DMI-0094462 and DMI-0245643.
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