Friday, March 25, 2016

computing similarity between two sequences can be performed by computing the distance between the model parameters, 统计流形上给出了两个点之间的距离,也是两个点之间的信息量,这个距离叫做Fisher信息度量,它等于流形上两个点之间的最小距离(也叫测地距离),而不是两个点之间的欧氏距离。

5.1 Feature Space Manifold: Kendall’s Shape Sphere for Human Gait Analysis Shape analysis plays a very important role in object recognition, matching and registration. There has been substantial work in shape representation and on defining a feature vector which captures the essential attributes of the shape. A description of shape must be invariant to translation, scale and rotation. The Kendall’s shape space is a natural feature to use in such cases. Given a binary image consisting of the silhouette of a person, we extract the shape from this binary image. The procedure for obtaining shapes from the video sequence is graphically illustrated in Figure 3(a). Note that each frame of the video sequence maps to a point on the spherical shape manifold. Consider a situation where there are two shape sequences and we wish to compare how similar these two shape sequences are. One may want to use non-parametric sequence matching such as Dynamic-Time warping or a parametric approach such as state-space modeling. In either case, we need to take into account the geometry of the shape-manifold for matching. Consider dynamic time warping, which has been successfully used by the speech recognition [34] community for performing non-linear time normalization. Pre-shape, as we have already discussed lies on a spherical manifold. In our experiments, we use the Procrustes shape distance described in section 3.2 during the DTW distance computations. For state-space modeling such as autoregressive (AR) or ARMA, we use the tangent structure of the manifold. We project a given sequence to the tangent plane constructed at the mean-point. The AR and ARMA model parameters are then estimated on the tangent-planes. The tangent structure for Kendall’s shape manifold was 20 Chellappa et al. discussed in 3.2.1. Once the model parameters are estimated, computing similarity between two sequences can be performed by computing the distance between the model parameters. We refer the reader to [48] for details of model fitting and computing similarity between the model-parameters. Next, we present some experiments that demonstrate the utility of these methods. 

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