Wednesday, August 12, 2015

相对论刚体: 没有加速度,经典力学的刚体模型就不会出问题, 不过也就没有任何存在的价值了, 用固有时当做基准吧……毕竟根据初始条件是可以给出τ=0的事件簇的。


Born Rigidity, Acceleration, and Inertia

在物理学里,理想刚体(rigid body)是一种有限尺寸,可以忽略形变的固体。不论是否感受到外力,在刚体内部,质点与质点之间的距离都不会改变。根据相对论,这种物体不可能实际存在,但物体通常可以假定为完美刚体,前提是必须满足运动速度超小于光速的条件。在经典力学里,刚体通常被视为连续质量分布体;在量子力学里,刚体被视为一群粒子的聚集。例如,分子(由假定为质点的电子与核子组成)时常会被视为刚体(请参阅条目分子的分类为刚性转子)。




 2009-07-29 21:42:16来自: cmp0xff不小心(添加签名档)


因此这个刚体的“形状”发生了改变。那么这个刚体的“刚性”表现在哪里呢?如果真的有这样一个盘子,让它高速旋转起来,盘子的物质结构又会发生什么变化呢? 喜欢

2009-07-29 22:53:57 捕.风 Sophy (这是病,得治。)


2009-07-30 07:20:14 cmp0xff不小心 (添加签名档) @捕风



2009-07-30 13:38:24 捕.风 Sophy (这是病,得治。)


2009-07-30 14:01:43 [已注销]

2009-07-30 14:53:36 cmp0xff不小心 (添加签名档) @Γει|ωЭ>

2009-08-04 11:40:31 VapourNov (君子固穷)

 2010-02-07 20:46:54 cmp0xff不小心 (添加签名档)


2010-02-08 09:04:48 [已注销] 相对论考虑的就是信息的传播,缸体模型就不是干这个的。更好的提法似乎是,相对论观点中的客体会怎样行为。

  • 幽灵蝶洛仑兹收缩并不是真实的收缩,而是一种参考系效应,对于旋转的刚体转盘,在每一处微元处的随动参考系内,该处只受惯性力和刚体给的反作用力,在任何参考系内都不存在洛仑兹收缩导致的力,所以刚体形变只是假像,把刚体放到不同的弯曲时空会看到不同的形状,
    2012-8-22 14:09回复
  • 幽灵蝶洛仑兹收缩并不是真实的收缩,而是一种参考系效应,对于旋转的刚体转盘,在每一处微元处的随动参考系内,该处只受惯性力和刚体给的反作用力,在任何参考系内都不存在洛仑兹收缩导致的力,所以刚体形变只是假像,把刚体放到不同的弯曲时空会看到不同的形状,
    2012-8-22 14:18回复
  • uukoo回复 幽灵蝶 :会收缩的,理想的盘子会裂开,参考梁灿彬老师的《微...》中册爱因斯坦转盘部分
    2012-8-22 21:05回复
  • guanxinzhu回复 uukoo :如果把一个氢原子看成一个盘子,这个氢原子会裂开(质子与电子分离)吗?
 2009-08-04 11:40:31 VapourNov (君子固穷)

 2010-02-07 20:46:54 cmp0xff不小心 (添加签名档)


2010-02-08 09:04:48 [已注销] 相对论考虑的就是信息的传播,缸体模型就不是干这个的。更好的提法似乎是,相对论观点中的客体会怎样行为。
  • 幽灵蝶洛仑兹收缩并不是真实的收缩,而是一种参考系效应,对于旋转的刚体转盘,在每一处微元处的随动参考系内,该处只受惯性力和刚体给的反作用力,在任何参考系内都不存在洛仑兹收缩导致的力,所以刚体形变只是假像,把刚体放到不同的弯曲时空会看到不同的形状,
    2012-8-22 14:18回复
  • uukoo回复 幽灵蝶 :会收缩的,理想的盘子会裂开,参考梁灿彬老师的《微...》中册爱因斯坦转盘部分
    2012-8-22 21:05回复
  • guanxinzhu回复 uukoo :如果把一个氢原子看成一个盘子,这个氢原子会裂开(质子与电子分离)吗?
    2012-8-24 01:36回复
  • 我也说一句 



  • _昕0昕_这是来玩数学的么..
    2012-8-22 20:47回复
  • uukoo回复 _昕0昕_ :不玩数学,物理就不是物理了
    2012-8-22 21:06回复
  • joy12_Good idea
    2012-8-23 06:42回复
  • fishwoodok回复 joy12_ :呵呵,有时候数学的东西挺有用,用语言怎么也说不清的的时候,一个简单的数学式子就ok了~~
    2012-8-23 06:57回复
  • joy12_回复 fishwoodok :数学真可谓延伸人类思维的神器~
    2012-8-23 21:50回复
    • wolfking97怎么定义啊?
      2012-8-24 05:48回复
    • ENGINEER波还是不行的,取物体上任两点,在时空中是两条世界线,那间隔该取哪两个时空点算?
      2012-8-25 05:46回复
    • 坂上中微子回复 ENGINEER波 :这个可以用固有时当做基准吧……毕竟根据初始条件是可以给出τ=0的事件簇的。
      2012-8-25 06:21回复
    • 坂上中微子而且,所谓刚体也无非就是物体内部任意两点之间保持距离不变,而闵氏间隔本身就满足这个条件,并不存在所谓取哪两个点的问题,因为任何两点都是这样。
      2012-8-25 06:22回复
    • fishwoodok回复 坂上中微子 :尽管任一两点之间的距离不变,但是你还没有解决刚体中信息传播速度问题?







    1. 刚体与相对论的不兼容以及力的传播速度




    以上的朴素模型不仅可以用来解释力的传播机制,并且可以用来理解它的传播速度依赖哪些因素。首先,连接小球的弹簧越硬(不易被拉伸或压缩),旁边的小球就会越快受到影响;其次,小球越重,惯性就越大,就越不容易推动,传播速度就越慢。弹簧的抗拉伸抗压缩能力是固体的组成材料的固有特性,我们有个专门名词来称呼它,叫做“弹性模量”(elastic modulus);而小球在单位体积的质量就是材料的密度。弹性模量越大,密度越小的固体,声波在其中的传播速度就越大。它跟声波本身特性(频率,强度等等)反而没什么关系。





    • fishwoodok不妨定义下何谓“相对论认为最理想的刚体”?
      2012-8-23 03:09回复
    • 狐说笆道回复 fishwoodok :具体定义不好说,但特点首先是要能以光速传递应力,然后是不能有质量,肯定还是会有一点点弹性,不可能完全刚性。其它特点大家可谈谈看法。
      2012-8-23 03:55回复
    • wolfking97回复 狐说笆道 :恩,我有点明白你的意思了。你可以看看当初对以太的要求。那个会很接近你想象的理想刚体,因为那个就是用经典力学模式来传递光速用的。
      2012-8-23 06:37回复




    • fishwoodok所谓声音传播,无非是一个扰动或者形变吧,这并不矛盾。 假如你说时空就是一个刚体,请问一个问题:在你所定义的时空内,放进一个物体后,原先的时空结构或者流形会发生变化吗?
      2012-8-25 07:20回复
    • wolfking97这只是semantics而已,不必太追究。这里的“音速”可以理解为任何状态变化信息的传播速度。刚体本质上是个有体积的质点,只有外部性质,没有内部结构。
      2012-8-25 07:21回复
    • 坂上中微子回复 fishwoodok :这里有个问题是,在物理上,某处某时不存在“有某物”和“无某物”都能成立的情况,物体什么时候在哪里,这都是确定好了的,说白了没有所谓的“原先”和“改变之后”,因为这本身就容不得你去改变。
      2012-8-25 07:26回复
    • 坂上中微子四维时空流形上任何一点除了有确定的空间坐标之外,还具有具体的时刻。既然具体到了时刻,那么该有就是有,该没有就是没有。有的话就不允许你假设“没有会如何”,没有的话同样不允许你假设“有又会如何”,这些都是非物理的假设。
      2012-8-25 07:30回复
    • 坂上中微子回复 wolfking97 :有体积就必然有结构可言……否则就意味着这块区域不准你微分——这合适吗?
      2012-8-25 07:32回复
      • fishwoodok回复 坂上中微子 :我们是无法“准确滴”确定“先后”,但是,为逻辑性考虑,有时必须讲出先后。
        2012-8-25 07:32回复
      • fishwoodok回复 fishwoodok :尽管他们是同时发生的。
        2012-8-25 07:33回复
      • 坂上中微子回复 fishwoodok :不是能不能确定先后的问题,是本来就没有先后——有就是有,没有就是没有,先有再改成没有,或者先没有再改成有,这些操作是不具有物理意义的。因为流形要求你具体到时刻——而如果仅把三维空间拿出来,你当然可以问,在不同时刻,某点存在哪些东西是不一样的,此时会有什么变化?


  • 昨天躺床上想了想,23楼昨天最后给出的思路具有以下特点:

    wolfking97: 回复 fishwoodok :他的意思是,4维时空就代表了过去现在永远,一切发生过跟尚未发生的事情。所以黑洞的互相吞噬是时空结构的一部分。把Z轴暂时当时间轴的话,z=0时有两个黑洞,z=1时只有一个大黑洞,两个时刻空间结构当然不同,但却是整个一体的“时空”。

    • wolfking97你可以认为,其间各异的空间结构通过时间完美融合在一起。当然在这里我们已经是在考虑广相了。从狭相的角度,时空是平直的,物体的“运动史”构成上面的一个流(current)。这两种理论都是决定论的,理论上说,整个世界的历史,从过去到无限的未来,都在上面被决定了,都有自己固定的“流”。
      2012-8-26 08:03回复
    • wolfking97从广相的角度,这整个一切共同决定了时空的几何性质。
      2012-8-26 08:05回复
    • wolfking97所谓的按时间的“演变”,从相对论角度看只是我们硬把时间停住截取的一个个截面。就像你去做MRI,仪器给出的是空间的一个个二维截面,所以你会先看到五根手指骨的五个圆形截面,然后截面渐渐变粗,到上面融合成掌骨,最后到手腕,手臂。但其实整个人的解剖结构才是全部的几何。
      2012-8-26 08:14回复
    • wolfking97决定论的物理学,就是指通过前面指骨的截面,可以推出以后到掌骨的融合等等。前面的物质分布也决定了后面的分布。跟熟悉人体解剖学的医师从指掌部分多少可以推测手臂部分不无相似之处。
      2012-8-26 08:21回复
    • wolfking97回复 wolfking97 :相对论的最大贡献,在于指出了时空是密不可分的,以前我们常做的那种MRI,只是因为那台机器有问题,能拍出片子的似乎都是一个角度,于是大家以为MRI只能按一个角度拍。后来又进口了一台,才发觉你完全可以用其它角度取截面。这意味着“现在”这个词不再有明确意义。
    • wolfking97我觉得你的想法离波恩的定义不远了。就是不知道你这里会不会条件太强。


    (下面的定义相对抽象,大家包涵点,这样的地方不会很多)波恩的做法是,考虑动体上的每一点的运动轨迹,用固有时(proper time,这个词是从@坂上中微子 那里刚学的)把轨迹曲线参量化,这些参量化后的运动轨迹就构成了4维时空中的一个流(current),或者用我们熟悉的说法就是所有轨迹上每点的切矢量构成了一个矢量场。对一条轨迹上的每个点,他再考虑跟切向正交的子空间,然后考虑闵氏度规在子空间上诱导的度规(induced metric)。波恩的刚性要求就是,这个诱导度规关于固有时这个参量的导数处处为零。


    这听起来似乎是个很自然的定义。但是后来人们发现它对物体的运动是有很强的限制的。我们今天先看一个简单的例子,以后再来介绍一些相对复杂些的情况(比如埃伦费斯特(Paul Ehrenfest)佯谬)。最后如果大家有兴趣我们会介绍一个刻画波恩刚性的赫格洛茨-诺特定理(Herglotz-Noether theorem)。
      wolfking97: 恩对第三段的解释补充一句:换句话说,如果你跟你的朋友坐在两个不同的点上,那么在运动过程中你们发觉彼此的距离一直不变。
      2012-8-26 23:51回复
      坂上中微子: 我现在应该可以确定,我和波恩的想法是完全一致的(至少从你所叙述出来的那些看来,还有没有其他的我就不清楚了)
      2012-8-27 19:08回复
      坂上中微子: 与轨迹切向正交的子空间上的诱导度规,对固有时的导数为零——这与我说的“经过同样长的固有时,四维间隔保持一定”是等价的说法。
      2012-8-27 19:11回复
      fishwoodok: 回复 坂上中微子 :“考虑动体上的每一点的运动轨迹,”---这不是你说的“时空结构”~~~目前我看还是有差异的。
      2012-8-27 19:20回复
      坂上中微子: 回复 fishwoodok :当然不是……我前面就说,我那个想法实际上偏题了。
      2012-8-27 19:21回复
      fishwoodok: 回复 坂上中微子 :最起码是good idea,该表扬的~~
      2012-8-27 19:29回复
      坂上中微子: 回复 fishwoodok :
      2012-8-27 19:33回复
      wolfking97: 回复 坂上中微子 :恩我不确定的,就是你是否只考虑正交子空间上的度量还是整个的。前者对应的是Killing运动,后者才是波恩的刚性运动。前面那个微分方程是线性的,因为求导对象就是闵氏度量,后面那个是非线性的,因为诱导度量本身又是动体轨迹的函数。
      2012-8-27 21:27回复
      wolfking97: 回复 wolfking97 :前面的“前者”跟“后者”搞反了!对整个度规求导是Killing motion。我感觉你已经认识到两者区别了,只是没有在前面明确表述。
      2012-8-27 21:30回复
      坂上中微子: 回复 wolfking97 :诱导度规是轨迹的函数——这是显然的,但不意味着有非线性的问题,因为它对轨迹没有动力学反馈。(不过我怎么忽然感觉我可能对诱导度规这个东西可能理解得不对呢= =)

    • wolfking97这个帖子就是你的问题的讨论中派生出来的。建议从头读一下,如何认为有问题可以向我提出来,我会考虑的




    利用同样的推理过程,我们可以看出唯一可能让杆子在运动中具有波恩刚性的办法,是对杆子上每一个点同时加速!波恩选了个最简单的做法,就是让每点做匀加速运动(准确地说,是具有恒定“固有加速度”(proper acceleration)的运动,所谓固有加速度是随动系中测得的加速度。以下的匀加速都是指固有加速度不变,但这个细节对大家理解问题没有影响)。

    波恩从最简单的情形出发,首先考虑x轴上单个质点向右作匀加速运动的世界线。他发现跟牛顿力学中类似,这条世界线也是一条圆锥曲线,但牛顿力学中得到的是一条抛物线,而在闵氏时空中得到的是一条双曲线。于是波恩就把这样的匀加速运动取名为“双曲运动”(hyperbolic motion)。波恩还发现,假设加速度为a,当他把坐标原点取在质点左边(1/a)个单位的位置上时,这个方程有很简单的表达式(以下我们都调整单位使得光速c = 1),就是 x^2 – t^2 = 1/a^2 (这里 x^2 表示x平方)。这是个以1/a为半长轴,以光锥 t = x





      • fishwoodok借助数学工具,作出如此奇妙的构思,太有才了!
        2012-8-28 03:02回复
      • fishwoodok回复 fishwoodok :这会儿我想起了“规划”二字,事实上做规划是一件很难的事情。波恩的规划做得太妙了。
        2012-8-28 03:05回复
      • 坂上中微子顶,顺便贴出我以前那篇讨论这个问题的贴:
        2012-8-28 03:11回复
      • wolfking97回复 坂上中微子 :那个帖子讲得挺好的。跟这里描述的其实都是波恩刚性,只不过没用具体公式,可能对初学者反而容易理解。那里唯一模糊一点的是先提到了“让棍子的各个部分同步感受到一股相同的加速度”,下面又说后端要有更大的加速追赶前端,可能有个别细心的会觉得困惑。我是看到后面就忘了前面。
        2012-8-28 09:54回复
      • 坂上中微子回复 wolfking97 :所以我特意指明了“感受到一股相同的加速度”的确切含义,如果细心,在看完后面的论述也就明白了。
      举报 | 2012-8-28 21:36回复
    • 坂上中微子所以我很想知道的是波恩刚性在这个定义之上,究竟还有什么实际意义啊数学性质啊什么的,这个我思考起来有点力不从心。
      2012-8-28 21:37回复
    • wolfking97回复 坂上中微子 :这个还真不知道








        • 坂上中微子有一点比较疑惑:你第4点里所说的诱导度规,是纯空间部分度规还是四维的度规?
          2012-8-29 01:45回复
        • fishwoodok你的例子让我想起以前拉普拉斯讨论过的“橡皮筋拉伸“问题~~
          2012-8-29 06:04回复
        • 卜学乖回复 坂上中微子 :他说的是空间度规
          2012-8-29 06:35回复
        • wolfking97回复 坂上中微子 :恩这是我混淆了概念,我说的是随动系,其实脑子里想的是随动系中经过该点的等时线。诱导度规就是4维度规,但如果你只生活在三维的等时线上,你就会把它当成三维空间的空间度规,这是因为等时线可以看成是跟切向正交的子空间,而世界线的切向是类时的,所以等时线的诱导度规是正定的。
          2012-8-29 06:41回复
        • wolfking97回复 fishwoodok :拉普拉斯那个橡皮筋是个什么样的故事?
        坂上中微子回复 wolfking97 :我越来越发觉我对诱导度规的理解不正确了……
        2012-8-29 08:29回复
      • wolfking97回复 fishwoodok :看到了一点。他是用橡皮筋比喻非惯性系,用刚体比喻惯性系,跟这里的说法有共通之处。上面例子中的双曲运动通常被说成只有一个“自由度”,因为一旦头上的加速度确定了,整个杆子的运动就确定了。

        wolfking97: 回复 坂上中微子 :我给你举个例子:比如正常的欧式平面,是个平直的空间。现在我考虑以原点为圆心的单位圆。什么是上面的诱导度规呢?就是普通的弧长。诱导度规是个局部的概念,是局部用切线来逼近子流形上的曲线来定义长度,或者用形象的语言就是局部把曲线拉直了来量长度。
        2012-8-30 04:16回复
        olfking97: 回复 坂上中微子 :但一般说来子流形上两个点在诱导度规下的距离跟原来流形中的距离不同。要相同只有一种情况,就是子流形是所谓测地子流形,就是诱导度规的测地线就是原来流形的测地线。欧氏空间中的平面,球面上的大圆就是测地子流形。
        2012-8-30 04:23回复
        坂上中微子: 回复 wolfking97 :嗯……看来我对诱导度规的理解并没有出错,不过这样一来我连我哪里不清楚都不知道了= =
        2012-8-30 12:27回复
        坂上中微子: 主要是,这种诱导度规其实就是直接指向随动系的,所以我一方面觉得我那个描述和你说的等价,但另一方面我想不明白从哪来的非线性……
        2012-8-30 12:28回复
        wolfking97: 回复 坂上中微子 :你的诱导度规理解应该没问题,是我这里讲得不清楚,而且我没有真把双曲线用固有时参量化后去算等时线上诱导度规的导数,而是希望简单地用随动系下到原点距离不变这个条件来推出双曲线的微分方程。
        2012-8-30 13:14回复
        wolfking97: 回复 wolfking97 :我是以为两种做法本质上是等价的,但这个想法不一定对。等我回头再仔细算一下。


        Born Rigidity, Acceleration, and Inertia
        Consider a uniform distribution of particles at rest along some segment of the x axis of an inertial coordinate system x,t at the time t = 0. Each particle is subjected to a constant proper acceleration (hyperbolic motion) such that, with respect to its instantaneously co-moving inertial rest frames, the distances to each of the other particles remain constant. This condition is called "Born ridigity", named after Max Born, who first suggested it as a natural relativistic analog of the (untenable) classical concept of a rigid body. Let xj denote the coordinate where a given particle crosses the x axis, and let aj denote the constant value of proper acceleration to which this particle is subjected. At t = 0 we have dx/dt = 0 and dv/dt = aj. Also, the space axis of the particle's new instantaneous rest frame has the slope v, so the particle's locus of simultaneity intersects the original x axis at the point xp = xj - dt/dv = xj - 1/aj, which shows that the instantaneous locus of simultaneity of the particle simply pivots around the event on the x axis at a distance 1/aj in the direction opposite the direction of acceleration. (We're using units such that c=1. In conventional units the expression 1/aj has units of sec2/m, so to convert this to units of distance it must be multiplied by c2. Thus the location of the "pivot point" is -c2/aj.)
        It follows that this pivot event is fixed for the entire acceleration, the particle's path is a hyperbola asymptotic to the lightlines through this pivot event, and the particle's proper distance from this event (with respect to it's co-moving inertial frames) is constant. Likewise every other hyperbolic path asymptotic to the same light lines (i.e., sharing the same pivot event) maintains a constant proper distance from that event and, therefore, from every other path in this class. Hence, in order for our set of particles distributed along the x axis to accelerate while maintaining constant proper distances from each other, the magnitude of the constant proper acceleration of each particle must be inversely proportional to it's (signed) distance from the pivot event xp. In other words, if xj is the location of the jth particle at time t = 0, then this particle's constant proper acceleration must be aj = 1/(xj - xp). Notice that the magnitude of the acceleration goes to infinity at the pivot event, and also changes sign, so particles on opposite sides of the pivot event are accelerating in opposite directions. Choosing our initial coordinates such that the pivot event is as the origin, the worldlines of several uniformly spaced particles undergoing this kind of "Born acceleration" are shown in the figure below.
        The segments highlighted in red indicate snapshots of a finite rod (located entirely to the right of the pivot event) undergoing Born acceleration, and each segment represents an "instant" with respect to the co-moving inertial frames of the rod. The equation of motion of the jth particle is
        Taking the differential of both sides, we have 2x dx - 2t dt = 0, and therefore the velocity of the particle at each point is v = dx/dt = t/x. The differential lapse of proper time along any one of these worldlines is then given by
        Defining the proper time of each particle to be zero as it crosses the x axis, we can integrate this relation to give
        Solving for t as a function of t, and substituting into the equation of motion to give x, we have the parametric equations for x and t as a function of the proper time t along the worldline of the jth particle
        Since the velocity of the particle is v = t/x, this gives
        To illustrate the application of these formulas, suppose a finite rod (initially at rest with respect to the inertial coordinates x,t) is subjected to Born acceleration such that the leading end of the rod moves with constant proper acceleration and achieves the speed V by the time it has traveled a distance of D. In other words, by the particle's proper time tf it has moved a distance D and reached the speed V, so we have
        Solving the right hand equation for ajtf , substituting into the left, and solving for aj gives
        This is the magnitude of the constant proper acceleration which the leading end of the rod must undergo in order to meet the stated conditions. Also, the reciprocal of this value represents the distance of the leading end of the rod from the pivot event. Trailing sections of the rod must undergo a greater acceleration in order to maintain Born rigidity with the leading end, and the required acceleration is inversely proportional to the distance from the pivot event. In a sense, this places a limit on the length of the rod, assuming we impose the additional condition that all the parts of the rod were stationary with respect to the x,t coordinates prior to t = 0. This is because particles more than 1/aj behind the leading end of the rod are on the opposite side of the pivot event, and can only be part of the Born acceleration if they are accelerating in the opposite direction in both space and in time. This is shown clearly in the figure above. The line of simultaneity for the accelerating particles simply rotates about the pivot event, and it sweeps into negative values of t on the left as it sweeps into positive values of t on the right. An arbitrarily long sequence of particles undergoing Born acceleration requires that the particles on one side of the pivot event must already have been in motion prior to t = 0, specifically, they must have been approaching that event while accelerating away from it, in a reflected and time-reversed version of the motions of the particles on the other side of the pivot event in the positive t direction.
        Given a set of particles articulating the full hyperbolic paths on both branches, the totality of these particles for all time is symmetrical both spatially and temporally. The entire complex of worldlines fit completely within the "present" of the pivot event. The set of instantaneous co-moving inertial frames for these particles is also symmetrical, in the sense that we cannot say absolutely whether the line pivots clockwise or counter-clockwise. Each direction represents increasing proper time for the particles on one side of the pivot event, and decreasing proper time for the particles on the other side. In either case, the instantaneous proper distances between the particles remains fixed.
        On the other hand, with respect to the original inertial coordinates x,t, the two branch families represent two widely separate clusters of particles, initially both approaching the pivot event at near light speed and highly contracted spatially. As they approach, each cluster slows down and expands, until finally the two clusters both come to rest at time t = 0, just as they touch each other and achieve their maximum lengths. Then they separate again, each accelerating away and contracting.
        It sometimes puzzles people when they consider a physical rod of some arbitrarily great length L, initially at rest, and then subjected to forces so that the leading end of the rod accelerates in the positive x direction with constant acceleration a > 1/L. What happens to the rest of the rod? Needless to say, if we accelerate the leading end simply by pulling on that end, the effect will propagate down the length of the rod at roughly the speed of sound in the rod material, and the rod will not maintain Born rigidity. However, it is theoretically possible to apply coordinated forces to each section of the rod in unison, so we can imagine trying to accelerate the entire rod to maintain Born ridigity with the leading end. The problem is that the acceleration which each section must undergo increases, and is inversely proportional to the distance from the pivot event. As a result, it will be necessary to exert arbitrarily large forces, and eventually the required acceleration goes to infinity. Another way of saying this is that the acceleration must be accomplished in less and less time as we approach the pivot event, and it must be instantaneous at the pivot event. On the other side of this event, the acceleration must be accomplished in negative time, i.e., those sections of the rod would need to have been accelerating (in the opposite direction) prior to the time t = 0 when the leading end began its acceleration.
        Of course, nothing prevents us from accelerating every part of an arbitrarily long rod, all in the same direction, in unison, but this sort of acceleration does not maintain Born rigidity. The instantaneous rest length of the rod increases, i.e., the rod is stretched. It sometimes confuses people to think of (say) a steel rod being stretched, typically because they fail to recognize that any object, of any material whatsoever, is essentially perfectly stretchy on a scale and over a time duration such that the radius of the sound cones over the duration in question is small compared with the size of the object. In other words, if a rod is 1000 units long, and the speed of sound is only one unit per unit of time, then on the time scale of one unit of time the overall rod can be accurately regarded as essentially a sequence of independent parts, since material stresses cannot propagate more than a tiny fraction of the length of the rod in this interval of time. In this context, the application of the same force profile to each section of a rod would result, not in Born rigid motion, but in a stretching of the rod such that it's length with respect to the original rest frame (in which the force applications are synchronized) is constant.
        More fundamentally, it's worth recognizing that, even in circumstances when Born rigid motion of a configuration of particles is feasible, it does not actually represent perfectly "stressless" motion, because although the proper distances with respect to the instantaneously co-moving reference frames remain constant, the proper times of the different parts of the object do not remain coherent. In other words, if we contrive to hold the spatial relations fixed during an acceleration, a phase shift is introduced between different parts of the object, just as, if the phase is held constant, there is spatial stretching. (This is even more obvious in the case of angular acceleration, because in that case both spatial and temporal distortions are unavoidable.) This raises the question of whether material particles and their associated fields resist changes in their temporal as well as their spatial relationships. Typically we regard the equilibrium conditions as dependent only on the latter, and ignore differences in elapsed proper time, probably because such differences are extremely slight for the motions of ordinary macroscopic objects. Also, once a phase shift has been introduced, the assumed memorylessness of elementary entities ensures that the new equilibrium configuration will have the same spatial relations as the old. Nevertheless, it may still be the case that entities resist changes in their proper phase relations.
        This leads to the intriguing idea that inertia, i.e., the resistance of objects to acceleration, may be partly or totally due to self-stresses of extended configurations. When we push on an object, it seeks to maintain not only the pre-existing spatial relations between its parts, but also the temporal phase relations. As we've seen, a direct consequence of the Minkowskian structure of spacetime is that if all these relations are held constant, the object cannot be accelerated. In order for the object to be accelerated, it is necessary to overcome the object's intrinsic resistance to changes in these relations (spatial, temporal, or both), and this resistance might be identified with the resistance of inertial bodies to acceleration. The only truly stressless "acceleration" would be of objects in a perfectly uniform gravitational field, in which case the intrinsic curvature of spacetime conforms identically to the skewed spatio-temporal relations usually associated with acceleration, so that in a local sense the object is actually moving inertially.
        In the years around 1900 there was considerable debate among physicists (notably Lorentz and Abraham) about the shape of an electron, and whether it remained spherical or became flattened into an ellipsoid (with respect to the lab coordinates) when put in motion. Subsequently the electron came to be regarded as a point particle, although its field gives it a non-zero scattering radius. If we were to identify inertia totally with internal stresses of extended objects, this might suggest that a truly point-like entity (if such a thing exists) would necessarily be massless. On the other hand, even an object with zero spatial extent has non-zero temporal extent, and (presumably) interacts with surrounding entities, so it could still resist changes in temporal phase relative to its surroundings.
        The idea that inertia may arise naturally from the Minkowskian structure of spacetime can also be expressed in more elementary terms. If we let A and B denote two systems of inertial coordinates, and A(B) denote the speed of the origin of B with respect to A, then the relativity of position is expressed by A(A) = 0, and the relativity of velocity is expressed by the skew symmetry A(B) + B(A) = 0. Likewise, if acceleration was relative, we would expect the cyclic symmetry A(B) + B(C) + C(A) = 0, and indeed this is in accord with Galilean spacetime. However, in Minkowski spacetime the actual relation between three inertial frames is A(B) + B(C) + C(A) = -A(B)B(C)C(A), and it is this non-linearity that accounts for the absoluteness of acceleration. For more discussion of this topic, see Another Symmetry. According to this view, the inertia of a body is the result of internal forces tending to maintain (or resist changes in) the spatio-temporal configuration (including phase relations) of the body in the context of Minkowski spacetime, the structure of which precludes the fully coherent acceleration of extended configurations.
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