Friday, August 7, 2015

entropy 存量 stock gdp是衡量经济状况的比较标准,主要有存量和变量两大部分,而变量又可分为换量和增量。

mitchell porter

When Erik Verlinde talks about "entropy" and "temperature", you should put those words in mental quotation marks. "Entropy" really means "phase space volume", and "temperature" means "density of energy levels". It's just that the relationships between these quantities resemble the relationships in thermodynamics. Only on or behind a gravitational horizon, such as inside a black hole, does it truly become thermodynamics.

His idea is best understood in terms of the matrix realization of string theory. The diagonal matrix elements represent the position in space of D-branes, and the off-diagonal matrix elements represent the open strings between the D-branes.

Suppose you have some D-branes which make up a black hole; they will be described by some part of the matrix diagonal, and there will be a sub-matrix of off-diagonal matrix entries connecting them. In this case, the off-diagonal degrees of freedom will be about the same size as the on-diagonal degrees of freedom. This is the thermodynamic equilibrium, equilibrium between off-diagonal and on-diagonal.

Outside a black hole, it's different. The off-diagonal elements are close to zero. This holds both for off-diagonal elements between two D-branes in space, and for off-diagonal elements between a D-brane inside a black hole and another D-brane outside it.

His claim is that gravity is an effective force which you see happening on the matrix diagonal - acting on the positions of matter in space - which is just an approximation to the full matrix dynamics. The full matrix is evolving according to some matrix-model Hamiltonian through the abstract space of matrix values. Because it is Hamiltonian dynamics, there is conservation of phase-space volume. But if you just focus on the on-diagonal degrees of freedom, and construct an approximate dynamics by integrating out the off-diagonal elements, you will find some effective forces acting on the on-diagonal degrees of freedom (positions of matter in space). Technically, they are adiabatic reaction forces. Adiabatic processes are slow, and the on-diagonal degrees of freedom change slowly compared to the off-diagonal degrees of freedom. The conservation of phase space volume in the full dynamical system becomes the presence of a reaction force acting on the slow variables in the approximation; this is a general principle that was explored in some depth by the physicist Michael Berry. Verlinde is applying this to matrix theory.

Gravity is the leading effect, but all the other forces are supposed to be reaction forces too, higher-order corrections to the reduced dynamics of the on-diagonal degrees of freedom.

There's no paper spelling this out yet, but it's in his talk at Strings 2011.

In matrix theory, you aren't working in space-time any more. You have a matrix which evolves in time, and events in ordinary space correspond to what happens on the matrix diagonal. In AdS/CFT, on the other hand, you still have space and time on the boundary, just with fewer dimensions than in the bulk. So that is the first bridge to be crossed.

Now what about the holographic screens? In Verlinde's idea, the entropy is not on the screens. All the actual entropy (the matrix "entropy", anyway) is behind the gravitational horizons. "Entropy" (volume in matrix phase space) is an adiabatic invariant for the reduced dynamics of the matrix diagonal, and an adiabatic invariant is a quantity that doesn't change. Matter in space attracts other matter because of the underlying matrix dynamics. Distance from a screen (such as the equipotential surfaces he considers in his 2010 paper) is a relationship between on-diagonal degrees of freedom, and it's connected to these pseudo-thermodynamic quantities "entropy" and "temperature" (see my first paragraph), but matrix "entropy" isn't located outside the black holes and isn't changing outside the black holes.

The holographic screens really apply at a level of description above the matrix level employed by Verlinde - Bousso's "covariant entropy bound". This is a statement that the entropy of matter along lightlike surfaces is bounded by A/4G. This must have something to do with black holes forming if you get too much matter together - Bousso's bound is the entropy for a black hole with surface area A - but he says the origin of the general bound is obscure and should arise from a principle of quantum gravity, such as the holographic principle.

As I said, in AdS/CFT you still have space and time, you just have less space dimensions on the boundary. At the end of his talk linked above, Bousso discusses holographic screens in the AdS bulk. The bound applies in AdS space, but here you can understand it in terms of the boundary theory; the entropy in the bulk corresponds to the entropy in the boundary CFT, and introducing a screen in the bulk corresponds to introducing a cutoff on the boundary CFT. Moving the screen out to the boundary at infinity corresponds to removing the cutoff in the CFT. So in AdS space, there is a CFT corresponding to a holographic screen: a cutoff version of the full boundary CFT.

In other spaces (that are not anti de Sitter), we don't have the gauge/gravity duality worked out - we don't know the boundary CFT - and so we don't know the cutoff appropriate for a screen in the middle of the bulk space, either. But it seems likely that when we do have the counterpart to AdS/CFT for other spaces (flat space, de Sitter space,...) figured out, it will be possible to define regularizations of the underlying CFT which correspond to specific holographic screens in the bulk.

To fully realize Erik Verlinde's argument in the context of AdS/CFT, the boundary CFT would need to be derived from a matrix model. I'm not sure of the status of that line of research, but the other Verlinde brother, Herman, has a paper constructing a twistor matrix model for N=4 Yang-Mills, the boundary CFT for Type IIB strings in AdS5 x S5. So it might be explored in that context.

For the real world, we want dS/CFT, with time holographically emergent from a Euclidean CFT at past infinity. Some of us are waiting anxiously for a paper by Hartman and Anninos, promised at Strings 2011, which will finally provide a detailed example of dS/CFT, ten years after Andrew Strominger first described how it should work in principle. One of the issues awaiting resolution is that in de Sitter space, you have, not just black-hole event horizons, but observer-dependent cosmological horizons. "Behind the horizon" - which in Verlinde's scheme is where the on-diagonal/off-diagonal thermodynamic equilibrium is realized - should correspond to beyond the cosmological horizon. But that space should be just like space here - unlike the space inside a black hole. So there are major unanswered questions. My guess is that cosmological horizons in de Sitter space are more like mid-bulk holographic screens and that the matrix "entropy" isn't there, it's at the boundary at past infinity. I also guess that this has something to do with the state of the universe before inflation being something like the state of the universe inside a black hole - it's a place where off-diagonal and on-diagonal degrees of freedom are in equilibrium, and the usual description of space does not apply. But those are just guesses.

现象派经济学 [ ] 于:2014-05-05 08:12:18 复:4006045

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