Basic Physical Scales Relevant to Cells and Molecules
Unfortunately at present, the electron microscope only works on samples in vacuum, and therefore on dead (and usually `fixed' or cross-linked) cells. In any case ...
University of Illinois at Chicago
蛋白质、核糖核酸和脱氧核糖核酸都是长链聚合物。“聚合物”中的 “ 物 ”指装配块,“聚合”指许多。蛋白质分子是典型的聚合物分子,由一百到三百个小装配块(或物) 组成,称为氨基酸。在蛋白质中,共有二十个不同类型的氨基酸装配块,图1列出了其中五个的示意图。这些氨基酸起化学反应,形成聚合物长链,然后再折叠起来形成三维结构(如图2所示)。正是这种独特结构使不同的蛋白质能够起到催化作用,使化学反应在生物系统内的速度快一百万倍。
安东尼•孚卢是英国哲学教授,也是半个多世纪以来无神论的主要拥护者。但他在81岁高龄时突然改变了想法,成为了自然神论信仰者。在二十04年12月9月接受美国广播公司新闻频道的电话采访时,他表示:“超理智是解释生命起源和自然复杂性的唯一好的解释。” 尼古拉斯?威德在二十00年6月13日的《纽约时报》中将现在关于生命起源事件的状态归纳如下:“解释第一个生命的化学反应就是场噩梦。迄今为止,就最初生命(有人认为是核糖核酸)如何从无机化学物质(无机化学物质可能在早期地球中就已存在)构造了它自己这一点,还没有人找到令人信服的解释。在原始地球上小小的核糖核酸分子自发装配“几乎就是一个奇迹”。两位这方面的专家去年曾说过有益的话:“生命的起源究竟是什么?它困惑了科学家这么多年,让无神论者变成了自然神论信仰者或有神论者。为什么生命的起源是“最伟大、未解决的科学奇事” 之一?”(《探索频道》,1993年)
蛋白质、核糖核酸和脱氧核糖核酸都是长链聚合物。“聚合物”中的 “ 物 ”指装配块,“聚合”指许多。蛋白质分子是典型的聚合物分子,由一百到三百个小装配块(或物) 组成,称为氨基酸。在蛋白质中,共有二十个不同类型的氨基酸装配块,图1列出了其中五个的示意图。这些氨基酸起化学反应,形成聚合物长链,然后再折叠起来形成三维结构(如图2所示)。正是这种独特结构使不同的蛋白质能够起到催化作用,使化学反应在生物系统内的速度快一百万倍。

第二个问题是, 生命起源前的地球的装配块本应被许多其他化学反应物所包围,而这些化学反应物与装配块的反应应该比它们相互之间反应时速度快很多。除非可以避免这种破坏性的交叉反应,否则脱氧核糖核酸、核糖核酸及蛋白质的产生都是不可能的。


如果能够在生命起源前的条件下制作装配块,成功避开致命的交叉化学反应,并正确组装装配块,得到左旋氨基酸或D-糖,此时就生命起源而言最具挑战性的问题是如何取得蛋白质中氨基酸的正确序列,以及脱氧核糖核酸中给生物功能提供信息的碱基的正确序列。如前所述, 大肠杆菌脱氧核糖核酸中的信息编码相当于800页的资料。尽管有人认为通过一段时间的化学筛选,这可能发生,但对于那些在偶尔出错的情况下不可复制的分子系统及提供优先选择功能的分子系统来说,不可能对其进行筛选。功能脱氧核糖核酸、核糖核酸或蛋白质可在筛选时通过复制错误而逐渐改进,但这对于分子来说是没有意义的,因为这种复杂性甚至还不足以让它承担最小的功能。这就是先有鸡还是先有蛋问题的分子版。
作者:布鲁斯 ·李·戈登贝勒大学物理学历史和哲学博士
- 量子力学是在微粒子和亚原子的层面上描述物体的运动。量子力学最重要的是其现象的二元性――电子和质子之类的物体在试验的环境下,既不表现为粒子也不表现为波。类似的,射线,例如光,同时呈现了波和例子的行为。
- 量子场理论是对系统的量子描述,有无穷的自由度可以发挥。通常很容易通过大量的物体的构成在量子场形式主义中来解释系统――例如金属中的离子和电子或者大原子核中的核子。
- 相对量子场理论把场理论(例如,电磁场理论),量子力学和特殊相对论融为一个数学结构。它是数学物理的一个重要工具。量子引力理论的研究还在继续完善,希望能够成功的把普遍相对性引入量子场理论。
- 量子宇宙论把量子场理论运用到宇宙起源和最初形成的问题中,但是一个理论充分的量子宇宙论需要一个完整的量子引力理论。
- 量子现象的一个主要特征是他们的非定域性和不可定为性。每次一个量子物体或者系统与另一个量子物体或系统相互作用的时候,它们的存在就交织在一起,其中一个发生的变化会立刻反影响另一个,不论它们之间相隔多远。由于局部反应受特别相对性的约束,而且以近似或者等同学光速的速度增加,这种瞬间相关叫做非局部的,相应反应它们的量子系统就展现非定域性。数学物理的结论贝尔定理(经过爱尔兰物理学家证明)指出,量子系统展现出非局部行为,它能够基于局部考虑解释这些瞬间相关关系,这一描述已经没有可以补充的隐藏变量了(无证可考)。
P1. 唯物主义的观点是一切存在都是具体的物质形态,演化过程,或者与之伴随的附加因果反应。
P3. 只要唯物主义的解释缺陷存在,就不能解释非局部量子相关性,也无法解释(基于不可定位性的)物质的真实本质。
P4. 这些量子现象需要一个解释。
C 所以,唯物主义/自然主义/物理主义作为世界观都有无可避免的缺陷,是错误和不充分的,所以应当拒绝。
但是这样会导致不连贯。人类无上需要量子结果,非局部相关但是可以通过局部特性理解。这种情况下,需要假设任意设置,空间上和谐隔离,不需要更深的本体解释。可能我能把疑难的微妙这样解释:这种情况下接受似是而非的人类无上,就等于相信坐在世界两极房间同时制造同样的文本的打字员,他们不会进行任何交流。 对世界的量子描述至少在这个背景下的人类无上是不可能的,它附加说,这个系统的历史上既没有共同追求,也没有局部的遗传信息能够解释相关性。这里怀疑不仅成了自然反应,而且是必然反应。一旦抓住了这一概念的内涵,人类无上就成了自身的推论。所以,我重复:量子非定域性缺少深层解释,不可能有物理解释。
Forces influencing protein structure, Primary and secondary structure
Proteins perform many of the functional roles necessary for living systems
- The function of most proteins is based upon the unique conformation that their polypeptide chain adopts in solution (i.e. the "native" or "folded" conformation)
- The folded conformation is determined by the primary sequence and the interaction of amino acid side chains with the solvent.
- The pH, ionic composition and concentration, and the solvent dielectric, can influence the electrostatic interactions that stabilize the folded conformation
Non-covalent interactions stabilizing protein structures:
- Hydrogen bonds. Structural studies of folded proteins indicate that hydrogen bonding groups almost always find an appropriate partner. Hydrogen bonding groups include the main chain carbonyl and amide groups as well as polar side chains. Polar groups exposed on the surface of proteins often have water as their hydrogen bonding partner. Polar groups within the core region usually form hydrogen bonds with other groups within the protein. Most proteins include at least some buried solvent groups, and these hydrogen bond with side chains and/or main chain groups in the interior of the protein. Mutational studies have shown that elimination of a hydrogen bonding partner is often destabilizing to a protein structure, and hydrogen bonds typically contribute about 12kJ/mol in stabilization energy.
- Hydrophobic interactions. A primary driving force for protein folding involves the removal of non-polar side chains from solvent exposure. This is accomplished by sequestering them within the core region. Related to this, interior packing (i.e. van der Waals forces) is optimized by appropriate choice of non-polar side chains in the primary sequence. Exposing non-polar groups to solvent is entropically costly (due to water clathrate structure), thus, folding of the polypeptide chain so as to sequester nonpolar sidechains within the core region is "hydrophobically driven". Some non-polar groups are still found on the surface of folded proteins.

This is a "slice" through the center of a small protein known as fibroblast growth factor. Notice that the core region is rich in non-polar amino acids (white atoms are carbons). Polar groups (red oxygen and blue nitrogen) are rich on the surface, and H-bond with solvent. Some polar groups can be found in the interior, and some non-polar groups can be found on the surface, however.
- Electrostatic interactions. These interactions between oppositely charged ionic side chains are also known as "salt-bridges". The main chain amino and carboxyl terminal are fully ionized at physiological pH, as are the side chains Asp (-), Glu (-), Lys (+), and Arg (+). Histidine can also be charged (+) at pH <=6.0. Opposite charge attraction is modulated by the dielectric constant of the environment. Charge groups on the surface experience a dielectric constant of 78.5 (that of water) and are therefore weaker than those in the hydrophobic core (with a dielectric of ~4). Thus, any buried electrostatic interactions are quite strong. The presence of ions in solution can also screen electrostatic charges and weaken them.
- Van der Waals interactions. Well packed hydrophobic cores of proteins represent optimized van der Waals interactions between non-polar residues. Although individually weak, numerous neighbor interactions in such central cores can contribute a significant stabilization to the native structure.

This is a "slice" through the center of a small protein known as fibroblast growth factor. Notice that the core packing amino acids (which are primarily hydrophobic) pack closely together with minimal cavity spaces. This maximizes the strength of the van der Waals interactions.
Many proteins can reversibly fold (i.e. they unfold at high temperature, and cooling them down allows them to refold to the original structure)
Therefore, all of the information necessary for folding the peptide chain into a unique three-dimensional structure is contained within the primary sequence. But, proteins are "designed" to fold in certain environments (e.g. aqueous, high-salt, non-polar).
Understanding how proteins fold up is a major challenge in modern biochemistry ("The Protein Folding Problem")
Secondary structure in proteins

- While the peptide bond is rigid, there is a single bond between the Ca(1) and C atoms and the N and C(2) which are free to rotate. Thus, while the Ca (1) - C (O) - N (H) - Ca (2) atoms are all planar, this planar peptide bond has two degrees of rotational freedom.
- These two rotation angles are known by the greek letters F (phi) and Y (psi). Y is the rotation angle about the Ca (1) - C bond and F is the rotation angle about the N - Ca (2) bond. These are also referred to as "main chain" angles.

- It is these two degrees of rotational freedom that allows polypeptides to fold up into unique conformations
The overall three-dimensional structure of a protein is a consequence of the unique F (phi) and Y (psi) angles that each peptide bond adopts
Some angles for F (phi) and Y (psi) are prohibited due to steric clashes with other atoms in the adjacent peptide bond:Here are some VRML files to highlight these steric problems:
- F (phi) = 0° and Y (psi) = 0°. Steric clash with R1 carbonyl and R3 amide.
- F (phi) = 180° and Y (psi) = 0°. Steric clash with R2 amide and R3 amide.
- F (phi) = 0° and Y (psi) = 180°. Steric clash with R1 carbonyl and R2 carbonyl.
- F (phi) = 180° and Y (psi) = 180°. One possible main chain configuration with no bad steric clashes.

a-helices and b-sheets are types of secondary structure that have characteristic values for main chain F (phi) and Y (psi) angles that are repeated throughout a region of the polypeptide chain.
- The a-helix has typical main chain angles of F (phi) = -60° and Y (psi) = -47°. This does not result in a steric clash of main chain groups (here is a vrml file with a representative structure)
- This regular arrangement of main chain angles results in the polypeptide backbone folding up into a right-handed helix. All the main chain carbonyl oxygens point "down" the helix, and all the main chain amide nitrogens point "up" the helix.
- Note that since each peptide bond has a dipole, and that since all the peptide bonds in an a-helix are pointing in the same direction, the peptide dipoles are aligned in an a-helix and reinforce one another, stabilizing the helical structure, and these combined dipole interactions are referred to as the helical macro-dipole
- The a-helix exhibits an intra-chain hydrogen bonding arrangement between the main chain carbonyl oxygen of group (i) and the main chain amide of group (i+4)
- The are ~3.6 residues per turn in the a-helix. The "average" helix in a protein comprises about 10 residues, or about 3 turns of the helix
- The amino acid proline will disrupt (put a kink into) an a-helix . Since it is an imino acid, the main chain amide is unavailable to participate in the intrachain hydrogen bond. The main chain carbonyl partner of the intrachain hydrogen bond will point out of the helix to fulfill its hydrogen bonding requirement
- There are less-common type of helices in proteins with 3.0 residues per turn (310 helix) and 4.4 residues per turn (4.416 helix). The subscript in this nomenclature indicates the number of atoms comprising one turn. The typical a-helix would therefore also be known as a 3.613 helix (13 atoms in one turn, 3.6 residues in one turn)
- Typical main chain angles for b-sheets are F (phi) = -120° and Y (psi) = 120°. This does not result in a steric clash of main chain groups (here is a vrml file with a representative structure)
- These values for the main chain angles results in an alternating up-down orientation to consecutive side chain functional groups
- Two polypeptide chains adopting these main chain angles can hydrogen bond together in either a parallel, or anti-parallel orientation (resulting in a parallel b-sheet or an anti-parallel b-sheet ). Note that this requires two strands to get together, therefore, the H-bonds are inter-strand (rather than intra-strand as with the a-helix )
Turns are extremely important structures in globular proteins. Without turn structures, the polypeptide secondary structures would simply continue and you would have a fibrous protein. Thus, globular proteins can be described as segments of secondary structure that are interrupted by turns, and this allows a globular tertiary structure to form.
- A common type of turn is the b-turn.
- It achieves a 180° turn with three amino acids
- The main chain amide of the first residue hydrogen bonds with the main chain carbonyl of the third residue, and can connect the ends of an anti-parallel b-sheet
- Residues such as proline and glycine occur often in turns. They can be readily accommodated in tight turns, and tend to destabilize other types of secondary structure (particularly a-helix )
The characteristic main chain F (phi) and Y (psi) angles for the different types of secondary structure puts them in characteristic locations in the Ramachandran plot:

This protein (2,5-DKG for short) is an enzyme involved in carbohydrate biosynthesis. It contains about 270 amino acids, and if we were to plot the location of each amino acid's F (phi) and Y (psi) angles on a Ramachandran plot we would find the following:

- The plot suggests that the protein contains both a-helices and b-sheets, but it looks like there must be more a-helical secondary structure overall in comparison to b-sheets. It also looks like there may be several b-turns in the protein as well.

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