I don't play dice!

Shared publicly  -  Oct 18, 2011

Meissner effect is pretty cool actually. Every time I watch this kind of applications I feel amazing. Imagine the revolution in the transport field for instance, in the future, the new cars will probably use this kind of effects.

What I really like about this effect http://goo.gl/kug93 is it's similarity to the Higgs Mechanism at a phenomenological level. (yeah, I know, Higgs again !). Both of them (Meissner & Higgs effects) describe somehow the generation of the Mass.

In this video, you are probably looking at an indirect evidence of the Higgs Boson! ^^
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Fahad Ayaz
Oct 18, 2011

Explain how this relates to the Higgs Boson please? I'm only a wannabe physicist :p

Amine Benaichouche
Oct 18, 2011

+Fahad Ayaz Actually, Meissner effect consists of the range of the Fields ( like the magnetic field here) becoming finite, so quantized in the fundamental level, and which amounts to its particles being rendered massive. However, when people unified Electromagnetism with the Weak interaction, the Higgs mechanism was created after to describe what we call now the spontaneous breaking of symmetry , which means the generation of Massive particles(W and Z boson of the weak interaction) from massless particles(photons of the Electromagnetic interaction).