Saturday, November 8, 2014


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王令隽 WANG Lingjuan 华夏文集

科普知识               引力时空是弯曲的吗?                  ·王令隽·   近代物理的诸多革命性的理论中,最为令人费解而感到莫测高深的概念之一,是引力时空弯曲的概念。   我把“引力时空弯曲”叫做“概念”而不是“理论”,是因为没有一个系统的理论证明这一概念。   这可能会让读者们感到惶惑:难道爱因斯坦的广义相对论不是一个证明这一概念的系统理论吗?广义相对论的数学基础是黎曼几何——曲面几何。爱因斯坦的引力场方程就是:爱因斯坦张量正比于能动量张量。而爱因斯坦张量就是从时空曲率张量收缩而成的。既然引力作用可以用黎曼空间中的场方程完全表述,那么就可以认为引力本质上是几何。难道这还不能说明引力时空是弯曲的吗?   不能。在探讨这个问题之先,我要特别说明,以下的讨论不挑战爱因斯坦引力场方程的正确性(当然也不确认它的正确性)。即是说,引力时空是否弯曲的概念和爱因斯坦引力场方程是否正确是完全不相关的两个问题。即使爱因斯坦引力场方程成立,也并不能证明引力时空是弯曲的。 一.运动轨迹的弯曲不意味着时空的弯曲   物体的运动轨迹可以是直线,也可以是曲线。垂直落下的物体的运动轨迹是一条直线;炮弹的运动轨迹是抛物线,行星的运动轨迹是圆或椭圆。描绘这些不同的曲线方程就是运动方程 – 规定某一物体所在的时空坐标关系的方程。显然,运动方程式中所规定的时空关系仅仅是某一物体可能经过的时空坐标点的关系,而不影响整个宇宙的时空结构。一只蝴蝶在空中翻飞,他所经过的时空坐标构成非常复杂而美丽的曲线,但这决不意味着整个世界的时空被这只蝴蝶搞弯曲了。这只蝴蝶可能自己觉得天翻地覆,如果宇宙间只有这只蝴蝶并且它服膺时空弯曲论,它也许可以认为时空的结构不仅是弯曲的而且时空还会翻跟斗玩杂技。可是宇宙间除了这只蝴蝶外还有追逐他的螳螂,黄雀和其他万事万物。这时空是大家的而不是蝴蝶那厮可以独占的,时空结构岂可由它一言而断曲直?   在经典力学里,运动方程就是牛顿第二定律。万有引力场中的运动方程规定了物体的运动轨迹必须是圆锥曲线。其中最简单的就是圆。地球的运动轨道就差不多是围绕太阳的一个圆。因为圆的曲率是半径的倒数,所以地球的运动方程可以表述为:地球的加速度和圆周轨道的曲率的平方成正比。这样的表述就把引力描述成了某种空间的几何特性。但是这种几何特性只属于行星的轨道,和宇宙空间的性质毫不相干。高能的宇宙射线中的带电粒子穿越太阳系,它的轨道可以是直线,双曲线或抛物线,它所感受到的时空性质和地球的轨道曲率毫无关系。所以,地球的运动方程的空间性质和轨道的弯曲决不意味着宇宙空间的弯曲。还是那句话,时空是大家的,不是只属于地球的。   如果我们选择以太阳为中心的球面坐标系而不是笛卡儿坐标系,则地球和其他行星的运动方程可以表述为:太阳系中的任何物体的加速度和它所在的球坐标面的曲率的平方成正比。这样,可不可以把引力看成是空间本身的某种几何性质呢?   不可以!我们选择球面坐标系,只是选择了一种较为方便的坐标系统,并没有改变空间的性质。我们同样可以选择笛卡儿坐标系来有效地描述行星的运动。难道空间的曲直会取决于我们对坐标系的选择?这符合相对性原理吗?天文学家几百年前就开始用球面坐标系来描述天体的运动,从来没有人认为一旦采用了球面坐标,宇宙空间就弯曲了。   加速度是位移矢量对时间的二阶导数,所以引力场中物体的运动方程又可以表述为:地球的位移矢量对时间的二阶导数和圆周轨道的曲率的平方成正比。这种表述更符合相对论理论的张量语言。但并没有改变问题的物理实质,也不能改变宇宙的时空性质。   其实,除了引力场中的物体运动方程可以用几何语言来表述,其他运动方程也可以用几何语言表述。比如说,圆周运动不一定非要引力不可。汽车轮子,机器的飞轮,田径运动员的铁饼,骑摩托车飞檐走壁的杂技演员,围绕原子核旋转的电子等等的圆周运动都不是因引力造成的。用上述几何语言,圆周运动的方程可以表述为:位移矢量对时间的二阶导数和圆周轨道的曲率成正比,同时又和位移矢量对时间的一阶导数的平方成正比。注意这里不涉及任何万有引力常数或质量之类的东西,是完完全全的几何关系,而且适用于所有圆周运动。这种普适的几何关系甚至和长度与时间单位的选择无关。但是这种普适的圆周运动方程的几何表述丝毫不影响宇宙空间的平坦,均匀,各向同性的物理性质,丝毫不能使空间弯曲。因为这种几何关系所规定的,仅仅是某物体的运动轨迹的几何特性,而不是整个空间的几何特性。   有了对经典运动方程中的空间和时间变量的物理意义的正确理解,就不难理解广义相对论中运动方程的物理意义。在广义相对论中,运动方程就是黎曼空间中的短程线方程。这一短程线方程中的空间和时间变量只是受引力作用的物体所能经历的空间和时间坐标,而不是整个宇宙的空间和时间。短程线方程规定的时间和空间坐标的关系,只描述物体运动轨迹的几何性质,不描述宇宙空间的几何性质。这一点, 在弱引力场下对短程线作线性近似以后就看得更加清楚。此时短程线方程就直接过渡到经典的牛顿定律和运动方程。所以,广义相对论中的运动方程由黎曼空间的短程线方程描述,并不意味着宇宙空间是弯曲的,而最多只意味着某物体在引力下的运动轨迹可能是弯曲的。 二.引力场方程本质上是运动方程的不同表述   人们相信引力使时空弯曲的另一个原因,是爱因斯坦的引力场方程中的爱因斯坦张量是由时空曲率张量收缩而成。这使爱因斯坦认为能动量张量造成了时空的弯曲,而时空的弯曲造成引力。这一观点很快被许多人接受而成为广义相对论理论界的流行看法。   爱因斯坦在建立场方程时,应该是从“能动量使空间弯曲”的猜想中得到灵感的。他根据这一猜想建立了广义相对论的引力场方程,这自然使人们相信引力使时空弯曲。从科学史和人文传记的角度看,这种猜想被接受是可以理解的。但从科学理论的严密性来考量,某种猜想或概念是否正确,不能仅看某一理论或观念形成的思想史,不能光看爱因斯坦从什么思想得到灵感,而要分析这一理论的物理意义。爱因斯坦有许多异乎寻常的思想,但不一定都对。有些被他自己否定了,比如万有斥力和宇宙项;有些被学界和它自己一起抛弃了,比如他的宇宙模型。为了了解爱因斯坦引力场方程的物理意义,我们还是从经典场论开始。   一个引力场既可以用场强来描述,也可以用它在空间各点的势能分布来描述。但这两种描述是等价的,同样有效的。场强是矢量,而势是标量。标量的数学处理通常比矢量的处理简单方便得多。所以只要有可能,我们通常先求得势。有了势,算出它的负梯度就是场强。算梯度是做微分,计算非常直截了当。   点质量或点电荷(或均匀的球形质量或球形电荷)的引力场或静电场十分简单,空间任何一点的势和从该点到球心的距离成反比。点质量或点电荷的等位面(或等势面)就是以其为中心的同心圆。如果用几何语言,我们可以说点质量或点电荷的等位面上的势和该等位面的曲率成正比。这种曲率并不是宇宙空间的属性,而只是等位面的属性。等位面的弯曲并不意味着空间的弯曲。我们在建立势的理论时是以一个平坦的刚性的均匀的各向同性的空间为前提的。描述势的空间分布的场方程和描述场强的空间分布的方程都能得到同样的运动方程,所以他们都是等效的。   如果质量或电荷不是静止的,而是随时间变动的,则场强的分布和势的分布会随时间而变动。等位面也会随时间而变动,形成波向外传播。因此,等位面的形状和位置会随时间而改变,移动。但是,这种变化并不是说整个空间在波动,在变化。描述真空中波动方程的前提也是一个平坦的刚性的均匀的各向同性的空间。   描述电磁场的理论非常成熟,非常精确。电磁场的场方程就是麦克斯韦的电磁场方程。波动方程既可以通过场强来描述,也可以通过标量电位和矢量磁势来描述。不同的数学表述方法并不改变它们所描述的同一物理现象。场方程和运动方程描述的是本质上同样的现象。这些方程中的空间和时间变量所代表的,都只是质量或电荷在引力场或电磁场中的运动轨迹的时空关系;或场强和势的空间分布和时变特性,根本不是宇宙时空的几何特性。   爱因斯坦的引力场方程中的时间和空间变量也是描述引力场的势的空间分布和时变特性的参数。这一点,在爱因斯坦场方程的线性近似中看的十分清楚:引力场的时空度规元素中的引力修正量h在线性近似下过渡到经典的引力势。爱因斯坦场方程中规定的时空关系和曲面几何特性,可以联系于等位面的弯曲的几何特性和时变特性,但不是宇宙时空的几何特性。   有人会说,这只不过是一个观点问题。你可以认为时空是平坦的,弯曲的只是场强曲线和等位面;我也可以认为弯曲的是时间和空间本身。比如地球的圆周轨道,既可以认为是平坦空间中的曲线,也可以认为是弯曲的球面空间中的“直线”(短程线)。两种不同的观点得到的数学结果是一样的。既然引力作用可以用黎曼空间中的场方程完全表述,那么就可以认为时空是弯曲的,引力本质上是几何。   这种看法经不起逻辑推敲。我们还必须认识到,时间和空间是属于宇宙间的一切自然现象的,而不是仅仅属于引力场的。在同一时空中,既有引力作用,也有电磁作用和核作用。让我们考虑一个很普通而又极简单的情形:在引力场中的电磁波。引力场由爱因斯坦场方程描述,电磁波由麦克斯韦场方程描述。爱因斯坦场方程的度规张量是弯曲的,而麦克斯韦方程的度规张量是平坦的闵可夫斯基度规。那时空到底是听爱因斯坦的还是听麦克斯韦的?在决定公共的时空特性时,我们有什么理由赋予引力作用以独断专行的特权,而令所有其他作用力处于听命的被奴役的地位?   麦克斯韦方程组中的时间和空间变量是经典的平坦时空,麦克斯韦的经典电动力学是经过无数宏观实验和工程实践检验过,现在还每日每时被检验的不容置疑的理论。如果时间和空间被弯曲了,则整个麦克斯韦方程组都要被扭曲了。即是说,时空弯曲的理论本质上决定了引力和其他作用力的耦合,而且这种耦合是单向的。质量使时空弯曲的理论是对电磁理论和核理论的根本修正。到现在为止,我们没有找到万有引力和其他相互作用力耦合的任何证据。把引力和其他相互作用统一的理论尝试也是失败的。万有引力是我们知道的所有作用力中最弱的一种。以万有引力相互作用而决定整个空间的曲直而左右其他作用力,不仅霸道,也太不自量力。   综上所述,虽然爱因斯坦张量是由时空曲率张量收缩而成,并根据此一张量建立引力场方程,但是爱因斯坦引力场方程本质上和运动方程一样,描述的仍然是引力场中的物体运动的轨迹和引力场结构。这些方程中的时间和空间关系,规定的是引力场中物体的运动轨迹,场强曲线和等位面的几何特性,而不是整个宇宙空间的特性。 三.时空弯曲的概念不是从黎曼几何推导出来的   如果爱因斯坦场方程仅仅是对牛顿引力方程的修正,其意义便不足以惊天动地。要建立一个伟大的理论,做出一些伟大的预言,必须往场方程里注入一些新的概念,新的假设。这里最重要的概念或假设,就是将引力场中的时间定义为时空间隔ds. 这一概念是从狭义相对论中直接“推广”而来。所以爱因斯坦的引力理论又叫做广义相对论。要注意的是,这种相对论的时间概念不是从爱因斯坦的引力场方程或黎曼几何中推导出来的,而是从狭义相对论的概念推广而来,从外面注入引力场理论的。   即使广义相对论最坚定的支持者也知道,爱因斯坦场方程的黎曼几何表述和运动方程的短程线表述,并不是时空弯曲的直接证明。比如,奥哈尼安(Hans Ohanian)在他的“Gravitation and Spacetime (1976年版)”一书中就强调,光线在引力场中的弯曲和引力场中的时间延缓才是时空弯曲的直接证据(Direct Evidence)。这一说法有些道理,因为这两个预言如果被实验证实,至少可以说明因为引力的存在影响电磁波的传播,因此可以说,麦克斯韦方程组受到了影响。   值得特别强调的是,奥哈尼安这里所说的,也仅仅是证据(Evidence),而不是证明(Proof)。因为在数理逻辑上,爱因斯坦场方程既不能得到引力使光线弯曲的结果,也不能得到引力使时间延缓的结论。要得到这两个结论,需要外加几个假定:一)爱因斯坦引力场方程适用于电磁场;二)引力场方程中的物体的动量适用于电磁场的动量;三)引力场中的时间间隔的量度不是时间变量的微分dt,而是时空间隔的微分ds,而时空间隔是由四维时空矢量与度规张量的内积收缩而成,既包含时间微分dt,也包含空间微分dx。这一时空间隔ds 定义为“固有时间”(Proper time)。这些假定不能从黎曼几何或者爱因斯坦引力场方程中“推导”出来,而只能被“定义”,被“引进”来,与爱因斯坦场方程一起构成广义相对论的主要内容。如果这些假定成立,则光线会被引力弯曲,时间会被引力延缓;如果这些假定不成立,或引力不存在,光线也可能会被其他因素弯曲,时间也可能被狭义相对论效应延缓。所以即使测量到了引力场中光线的弯曲和时间的延缓,也只能作为广义相对论的“证据”而不是“证明”,更不能作为时空弯曲的“证明”。   对于第一个假定的实验检验是光线在引力场中的弯曲。爱丁顿的实验因此成了使广义相对论得到学界承认的历史性实验。但是这个实验是极不可靠的,因为光线掠过太阳表面会被一万公里厚的,呈球面弯曲的,密度不均匀的,非常活跃的色球面和日冕所折射而弯曲。根据实验物理的原则,要得到光线因引力而弯曲的实验证据,至少应该在总的观测数据中减除因为色球和日冕折射而造成的弯曲并剔除其他可能的原因,或者找一个没有外层大气的天体(比如月亮)来做实验。否则这种所谓的“实验证据”就是假的。爱丁顿的成名其实是媒体炒作的结果。   至于第二个假定,是爱因斯坦从狭义相对论中时间的相对性推广而来的。狭义相对论中的时间相对性会导致“钟佯谬”,因而可以通过逻辑证伪(细节请参看拙作“检验钟佯谬的对称试验”"Symmetrical Experiments to Test Clock Paradox", Ling Jun Wang, Physics and Modern Topics in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, p 45, Ed., Nikos Mastorakis, World Scientific and Engineering Society Press, ISBN: 960-8052-10-6, July 1999.)。广义相对论的时间的相对性却不容易用逻辑来证伪,因为有引力的情形和没有引力的情形是不对称的,不可互易的。狭义相对论中,坐标系的运动是相对的,因而时间的延缓也是相对的;但在广义相对论中,引力的存在与否却不是相对的,而是绝对的,所以时间的延缓也是绝对的而不是相对的。这就使逻辑证伪比较困难,而实验检验变得异常重要了。   检验引力使时间延缓的最重要,也是最直接的实验是美国海军研究所的Hafele 和Keating 于1972年进行的原子钟环球实验。他们用飞机装上四个铯原子钟在约十公里的高度向东西两个方向飞行,然后比较这几个原子钟和地上的原子钟的快慢。因为这一实验涉及到因飞机运动造成的时间延缓和引力延缓的叠加,因此不能算是引力延缓的独立实验。另一方面,他们所使用的实验设备的精度根本不可能测量到如此小的时间延缓(在毫微秒的数量级)。 同时,他们用了特别的数据处理方法以凑出所期待的结果。对此我在“检验钟佯谬的对称试验”一文中有详尽的分析。   还有一种测量引力使时间延缓的方法,就是测量引力红移。理论计算表明,太阳的引力应该使太阳表面的原子谱线的频率比无穷远处的原子频谱的频率低大约百万分之二。这样大的引力红移应该是比较容易测量的,因为频谱分析是最为精确的实验测量手段之一。可是当人们认真地进行测量时,发现测量到的谱线红移和理论预言不符。于是人们解释说,这是因为在太阳的大气层里有强烈的气流,而气流中的分子的运动会因多普勒效应造成谱线红移。这种多普勒红移把引力红移掩盖了。不难想象,如果爱丁顿的太阳引力使光线弯曲的实验得不到他所预期的结果,他同样会解释为由于太阳色球面和日冕的折射而把引力效应掩盖了。后来,J.W Brault 和J.L. Snider 分别于1962年和1972年测量到了与理论期望相近的太阳红移数值,于是人们就认为这些数据是可靠的。至于太阳的大气层里的气流分子的运动的多普勒效应造成的谱线红移,当然就不得不被排除在外了。理由吗,找起来也方便,据说是因为这些钠和钾的谱线来自于光球面之外!这有点匪夷所思,因为“光球面”的定义就是太阳上发光的球面。光球面以外的部分是不发光的,怎么会有谱线呢?由此可见这一类实验解释的任意性,以及人们对待实验结果的选择性标准。一旦一个理论成为了流行的权威性理论,凡是印证它的实验都会被认为是可靠的实验证据,而和权威理论相悖的实验结果就会被认为是不可靠的。也因为如此,绝大多数科学家都知道厉害,凡是与权威理论不符合的结果索性不发表,以免影响到科研经费来源和学术名声。这样一来,支持权威理论的数据就越来越多,反面的数据即使不被驳倒也会被统计淹死。所以教科书上要列举一些支持理论的实验数据实在是太容易了。要揭露这些实验的错误,是非常吃力不讨好的事。只有你的分析无懈可击才有可能发表。有问题的实验实在太多了,你也驳不过来。经过了1958年大跃进运动的同胞们对这种情形应该非常熟悉。   其实要真想测量引力延缓,不必用飞机,只要在不同高度的实验室里放上一些原子钟,然后测量他们的时间差。因为这些钟都是静止的,所以不存在狭义相对论的时间延缓问题,因而是测量引力延缓的独立试验。另一方面,因为不用飞机,实验时间没有限制,可以通过长时间的积分增加信号。实验室的环境与稳定性控制也比飞机上要容易得多。中国的西康地区,峨眉山,华山,台湾的玉山等等,都可以进行这种实验测量。其实,在月亮上放置几个太阳能原子钟,也可以进行类似测量。欢迎有兴趣的朋友和我联系,讨论这一实验的技术细节。   如果测量到了引力对原子钟快慢的影响,是否就意味着证实了,或间接印证了时空的弯曲?否!举个例子来说吧。以单摆控制快慢的钟的周期和引力加速度的平方成反比。同一个单摆钟放到月亮上,周期要延长到相当于地球上的周期的两倍半,所以登月运动员的步行动作有点像快镜头慢动作电影。但这并不意味着时空的弯曲。原子中的物理过程好像不应该受引力影响,但是原子钟毕竟是一台相当大的设备,其运行不仅取决于原子过程,也取决于其他附件的性能。我们无法排除这些因素受引力影响的可能性。举个例子,电子振荡器的固有频率决定于电感和电容,但是漏电阻和负载电阻会改变这一“固有频率”。没有阻尼的振荡电路是没有的。这种阻尼的量度叫作“品质因数”。石英振荡器的频率稳定,就是因为品质因素高,而原子钟的品质因素更高。但只要有负荷,品质因素就不可能无穷大,频率就有可能受外界条件影响。这种影响造成的钟表的固有频率的变化不能证明引力使时间延缓。 四.非欧几何的背景是平坦时空中的曲线坐标系   相信时空弯曲的朋友们还忘记了一个基本事实:所有曲面几何中的公式和方程式的推导与证明,都是在一个均匀平坦的欧几里得空间中得到的。也就是说,均匀的平坦的欧几里得空间是曲面几何的背景与本地。曲面几何只不过是用弯曲的坐标系代替平直正交的笛卡儿坐标系来描述同一个几何体,他并不改变空间本身的几何特性。球面坐标系和柱面坐标系被科学家用了几百年了,黎曼早在1854年就提出了黎曼几何,但是这种新的几何学不要求,也不意味着空间的弯曲。整个黎曼几何的演绎和推理,都以一个均匀平坦的欧几里得本底空间的存在为依据,否则,新的几何中的任何关系都不可能成立。   如果不相信,朋友们可以试试推导一下黎曼几何中最基本的一些关系,比如协变微分,度规联络,短程线方程和曲率等等。如果不假定一个均匀平坦的欧几里得空间的存在,能导出这些关系式吗?所谓短程线,就是长度最短的线段,如果没有欧几里德几何对长度的定义,如何计算曲线的长度和积分?如果没有欧几里得几何对曲线微分和高阶导数的定义,如何定义并计算曲率?又比如大家都知道的,球面上的三角形的内角之和大于180度。曲面上的角度如何定义呢?定义为两个相交的大圆的切线之间的夹角。而这切线,就是欧几里得空间的直线。如果 没有一个均匀平坦的刚性的欧几里得空间作为本底,任何曲面几何都将寸步难行。   从逻辑上讲,所谓弯曲,是相对于平坦而言。如果没有平坦空间,如何定义弯曲空间?时空弯曲论者认为,没有引力的时空才是平坦的。可是我们知道整个宇宙中都存在引力,事实上引力的存在是宇宙学的基本前提之一。那么按照时空弯曲论,宇宙间根本就不存在平坦时空。既然如此,所谓的“弯曲”,就完全失去了现实的比较标准。 五.均匀的时间是一种数学极限   时间相对论者们为时间的相对性辩护的最得意的武器之一就是坚持任何科学上的钟都不能用来作为量度时间的仪器,时间只能用他们设计的“光子反射钟”和“几何动力钟”来量度。“光子反射钟”是达尔文(C.G. Darwin,不是那个进化论的发明者)为了解释钟佯谬于1957提出来的。他认为时间的测量必须通过不同的观测者之间互相发送和接收光线来实现。这种假想的理论钟不仅根本无法实现,而且在理论和逻辑上也站不住脚,因为它导致时钟的快慢与速度的方向有关 – 相互离开的速度使时间延缓,相互靠近的速度使时间加快。这完全违背狭义相对论。尽管如此,许多教科书上仍然大大方方地抄袭达尔文的这一辩解。他的这种“光子反射钟”机制被有些理论家们应用到广义相对论的时间测量。1964年,马兹克(R.F. Marzke)和惠勒(J.A. Wheeler)设计了一种理论的“几何动力钟”(geometrodynamic clock),就采用这种光线发收机制。只是因为在引力场中,不存在任何惯性参照系,因此任何一个参照系都没有一个共同的时间!所以,这种想象的“几何动力钟”不仅有一个不断校对时钟同步的问题,而且还有一个不断校准快慢的问题。引力场中的时间都是定域的(local)而不是全域的(global),这就造成整个“几何动力钟”概念的根本性混乱。这种校准还需要比光速还快的,理论上无穷快的某种信号才得以实现。就连他们自己也知道,这种假想的“几何动力钟”是一个“永远无法实现的理论家的梦想”。   所谓的“光子反射钟”和“几何动力钟”的发明者强加于物理学界的概念是,只有他们的假想钟才能用来测量时间,其他一切实际钟表的测量都不算数。他们要在相对论讨论中完全取消任何实际钟的资格。他们是要用钟表的精度问题来否认这样一个事实:理论上的时间可以被各种不同的自然过程来测量,而且可以被越来越精确的实际钟表逐渐逼近。   因为时间和空间为所有自然过程所共有,它也就可以为不同的自然过程来量度,来互相印证。而这,也就是时间和空间的本质。时间的均匀性和绝对性也只有在这样的互相印证和逐渐逼近中才能体现。时间可以通过天体的运行,动植物的寿命,单摆的周期,电子振荡器或原子振荡的频率,放射性同位素的自然衰变,山石的风化,铁管的氧化程度,美国总统换届的次数,等等等等,来共同测定。这些不同的过程各有优劣,互为短长。比如说,摆钟和电子表方便适用,原子钟准确但不方便,这些钟表不适用于测量漫长的过程如古尸的年代鉴定和地质结构的断代,只有同位素的衰变能测量这种漫长的过程。但是这种“同位素钟”不太准确。既准确又稳定,能够测量这样漫长的过程的钟表是天体的运行。但天体钟没有小刻度,不能用来量度短时间和快过程。人的衰老过程,并不是很精确的过程,可是他在揭示钟佯谬的逻辑矛盾,确立时间的客观本质上却起到了其他钟表无法替代的作用。这些不同的过程的测量精度各不一样,但并不妨碍他们所量度的时间的真实性和公共性。真实性和准确度不是同一个概念。科学上所有的测量都有误差,都不可能绝对精确。如果因为测量误差而否认真实性,那实验科学上的所有测量就没有一个是真实的。   测量误差和真实性如何统一呢?在于无限逼近。无限逼近是微积分和近代数学的基础。不能掌握数学极限的概念的人就无法入微积分的门。也就不能理解曲线的斜率,曲率,短程线,面积和体积的积分,密度,速度,加速度,矢量场的梯度,散度和旋度等概念。这些数学量和物理量的真实存在是不容置疑的,可是却无法绝对精确地测量。实验仪器和电脑的数值计算永远无法精确测量或计算微分,只能得到近似的差分。有些极简单的数学概念,比如点,直线和平面,现实中就无法找到,只能通过数学极限的概念来把握。现实中不存在真正的平面,但这并不能否认数学平面的真实性。人们可以通过平整的木板,墙壁,镜面,页岩和石英的断面,盆里的水面和平静的湖水等等来抽象出一个理论上绝对平坦的数学平面。同样,现实中的直线不是绝对的直。即使莱塞光也会因媒质的不均匀而弯曲。但是人们可以通过桌椅的边,直尺,木工的拉线,步枪的瞄准线,莱塞的光线等等来逼近理论上的直线,也可以想象两个抽象的数学平面的相交线来把握绝对的直线的真实性。物理世界的点都是有尺寸的,而数学上的点是无穷小的。总之,实验测量与理论极限的差别不能成为否认这些数学物理量的真实性的理由。   时间又何尚不是如此。为所有自然过程所共有的均匀的单向时间是我们通过诸多物理,化学,生物,历史等等过程来测量来把握的。因为我们有许多测量时间的方法,这就使得许多逻辑诡辩无可逃遁。这是时间的相对论者要排除所有实际的钟表,而代之以他们的假想的无法实现的钟表的真正原因。质言之,他们就是要用可以逃避实践检验的理论和仪器来取代可以通过实践来检验的理论和科学仪器,因为他们的理论和假想仪器经不起实践和逻辑的检验。 □ 读者投稿 刊登在 2011 华夏快递 kd110122.

The Neurophoton Consciousness Theory
I found this on another forum by accident while searching for something else recently. It's pretty interesting and I had never come across it before so I thought I'd post it here and see what everyone thinks.

I have been unable to find the original source or even the theory posted anywhere else besides here: [link to]

Although I have seen a site called linked to regarding the Opus Lux project but as you can see it no longer exists.

I also found this site [link to] but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with this other than sharing the name Opus Lux.

Here it is.

The Neurophoton Consciousness Theory


Daniel R. Hankins

© 2005

"Knowledge exists in two forms – lifeless, stored in books, and alive in the consciousness of men.”

--- Albert Einstein, 1949

ABSTRACT: Human consciousness is not a product of the brain. In order to process data carried on photons, the brain serves as a complex transducer converting consciousness from electrical photon energy to electrochemical energy. Human beings process all information, whether abstract or concrete through an extensive nervous system of insulated wiring. Electricity, a form of light energy, conducts consciousness throughout the body and provides animation and emotional response. To differentiate between the natures of the various spectrums of the electromagnetic spectrum, the term neurophoton is used to define those photons capable of interaction with the human physical apparatus. Consciousness in humans is made up of a cohesive field of electromagnetic energy; part of the electromagnetic spectrum and, therefore, must follow all the laws of quantum physics, Special Relativity, and nature.

How old are you? At first you are inclined to recite the day and year of your birth, but that would be misleading. In reality, you are somewhere between 12 and 14 billion years old. You are made up of water and other elements that have been around since the Big Bang. Many of the atoms that you are made of once existed in living dinosaurs. If our planet survives another 12 billion years, the atoms that now spin inside your body will spin inside whatever life form that inhabits the world at that time.

Exploding stars formed most of the oxygen, nitrogen, calcium, nickel, copper, mercury, and etc. that exist on our planet. The calcium in your bones was created from exploding blue-white stars like Sirius. The sky appears blue primarily because of nitrogen, a product of exploding red stars like Betelgeuse in the Orion constellation. All these elements were formed when stars collapsed to the core and then exploded.

Hydrogen, plentiful on earth, is also the most abundant element in the universe. It is the least complex atom in the universe with one proton and one electron. Nature loves simplicity. The point is; you are not new. You did not come from non-being to being: you came from one form of being to become another form of being. But let’s explore further exactly what you are made of.

From a physics point of view, practically speaking, we are actually made of mostly nothing. If you enlarged every atom in your body to the size of your thumbnail and began a journey to reach the next atom, you would have many miles to go before you arrived. Roughly speaking, if every atom was the size of a baseball, each atom would be separated by a distance equal to the distance between New York City and San Francisco. Even so, when asked what we are made of, we would say that we are made up mostly of water. But that is not going deep enough to answer the question from a quantum physics point of view. What is water made of? Water is made of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. But what is hydrogen and oxygen made of? They are made of atoms. What are atoms made of? Basically, they are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons. What are protons made of? A proton is made of two “u” (up) quarks and one “d” (down) quark giving the proton a positive charge. [Up (u) quarks have a +2/3 charge and down (d) quarks have a –1/3 charge.] Neutrons have two “d” quarks and one “u” quark, giving them a net charge of zero. Protons and neutrons make up the heavy nucleus of the atom. The quarks are as far as we can go regarding proton mass in quantum physics without undue speculation. An electron is a lepton. The word “lepton” comes from the Greek language and means “small mass.” The electron is the least massive charged particle of any mass particle. It has a negative charge. Quarks bind together while leptons are solitary. What holds all these quarks together in the protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus? Why don’t they just randomly fly off into space? Gluons, making up “glueballs,” hold the quarks together. IBM scientists Monty Denneau and David George worked for two years nonstop with the world’s fastest computers to calculate the properties of an elusive elementary particle, called a "glueball." This massive calculation, the largest single numerical calculation in the history of computing, is the first instance of a particle's "discovery" by means of a computer. The calculation required more than four hundred million billion arithmetic operations, running uninterrupted for two years. What are these gluons? Theoretically, gluons are without mass and without weight. They fall into the electro-magnetic spectrum thus they are a form of photon light with a velocity of “c”, the speed of light – around 700,000,000 miles per hour (1,120,000,000 kilometers per hour). If you break this information down into the context of our original question then, you could rightly say that your body is mostly light.

Many world religions believe that light is akasha, a Sanskrit word meaning the fundamental substance of the universe. We do not enter the science fiction realm, the metaphysical realm, the religious realm, or the realm of superstition or magic when we say we are primarily “beings of light.” We are very much in the field of investigative, theoretical quantum physics.

We have reached a fundamental understanding of what the human body is, but we are obviously more than our physical body. At death our bodies lie still and lifeless: something is clearly missing – the animation mechanism. That mechanism is something we call consciousness which excites our neuro-system. The time has come in human evolution to address, without bias, the question of the origin, history, makeup, and future of human consciousness. There is a clear prejudice in the world of science to undertake this task. From the skeptical mind of some scientists, this is perilously close to investigating the “soul,” and these scientists fear they will be ostracized by the professional community for exploring that “forbidden field” of science that creeps toward the edge of religious belief or metaphysical phenomenon.

For the purpose of science, we must first admit the existence of consciousness and then we must define consciousness. The Neurophoton Consciousness Theory defines consciousness as the sum total of all knowledge that is retained in the physical body in any medium, in any place, by any means, and in any form, both conscious and subconscious. We further use the word “Neurophoton” to mean photons that are capable of integration into human consciousness.

The existence of consciousness is universally accepted by humanity and science, whether expressed in the terminology of religion or psychology. Long before the philosopher Descartes said, “I think, therefore I am,” the concept of awareness of human existence and individuality was never seriously questioned. Even Eastern religions that declare the physical world an illusion accept that consciousness reincarnates in and out of that illusion.

Because of this very real prejudice in the scientific community towards the serious exploration of the potential of consciousness, scientists have failed to provide adequate research in this field. The nature of consciousness is where conventional science actually leaves the hard rational science it so firmly claims to defend, and ventures into superstition. Conventional science for all practical purposes says that consciousness is the product of the brain – a creation of the human brain – something new with the birth of each individual, and something that ceases to exist with the death of each individual.

This is patently false, unscientific, and will not satisfy the most elementary demands of Special Relativity. Quantum physics accepts the concept of light turning into matter and matter turning into light. That is the science of fission (splitting atoms) and fusion (combining atoms). The explosion of the atomic bomb in 1945 demonstrated the hypothesis that matter can be converted into light energy and in 1997, a team of physicists from the University of Rochester, Princeton University, the University of Tennessee, and Stanford carried out experiments at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and turned light energy into matter for the first time in human history. They accomplished this by propelling an incredible amount of light energy into a space smaller than the period at the end of this sentence – one billionth of a square centimeter. The amount of light energy used was almost equal to the amount of energy required to power the entire United States of America. Furthermore, they packed this light energy, more than 2 billion billion photons into a sliver of light that lasted one trillionth of a second (one picosecond). Even with these quantities of controlled light energy, the student physicists were unable to produce more than the most elementary particles of mass. Nature performs this same task of turning light energy into mass and mass into light energy almost effortlessly. Isaac Newton, (1642 – 1727) who discovered gravity, said, “Are not gross Bodies and Light convertible into one another, and may not Bodies receive much of their Activity from the particles of Light which enter their Composition? The changing of Bodies into Light, and Light into Bodies, is very conformable to the Course of Nature, which seems delighted with Transmutations?” While quantum physics has always accepted this concept, it does not accept the concept of something – light, matter, or anything else – coming from nothing. Why should science break its own rules for the birth of consciousness?

Neuroscience tells us that the human brain is made up of approximately 100-billion nerve cells, called neurons. These cells communicate with one another and the body through tiny electrochemical impulses. The neuron cell charges and discharges much like a battery. At rest it has a potential of -70mV and when enough positively charged sodium permeates the neuron cell wall to bring the charge up to -55mV the neuron electrically fires, or discharges, to the dendrite receiver of the next neuron. While the on going chemical process travels from 200 to 250 miles per hour across the nervous system, the electricity fires across the neuron cell at the speed of light and falls into the electromagnetic spectrum. These electrical impulses traveling along neuro-system pathways exist as a manifestation of light in one or more of the bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. Again we find the significance of light (photons) and the physical body. Light both holds the body together by the presence of gluons binding the quarks in the protons and neutrons; and in thought, electrically fired neurons direct every activity of the body. Both mentally and physically the body is controlled electrically. Your heart beats because a burst of light energy electricity strikes your atrial chamber in your heart and makes it pump. Lose your electricity (light energy) and you lose your body. It will die. It’s that simple. If your heart loses its electrical integrity and you develop sick sinus syndrome, a pacemaker can often be installed to produce adequate current. When the atrial chamber receives from 2 to 3 volts from the pacemaker it will initiate a beat. The heart functions because of electrical stimulation and the source of that input is apparently irrelevant to the heart.

We have shown that the human body did not begin with a birth (i.e. it did not come from “nothing”), but rather, it is made up of a collection of particles billions of years old, held together essentially by light energy, and acting in accord with the known principles of quantum physics. In the same way, we all know that the human body will not vanish at death. Rather, it will change again into the elements from whence it came. It was literally made out of stardust and it will return to stardust when the electrical light energy leaves it.

In the world of science, we don’t get something from nothing. If we can’t get something from nothing from a scientific perspective, and consciousness is clearly something, then where does it come from and where does it go? Consciousness cannot be a product of the brain. If so, the Law of Conservation of Energy (which says energy cannot be created or destroyed) must be discarded. If consciousness is not the product of the human brain, then what is it, and what is its source?

We have defined consciousness as: the sum total of all knowledge that is retained in the physical body in any medium, in any place, by any means, and in any form, both conscious and subconscious. This means that each individual has a unique consciousness, distinct from all others. But how do we get this knowledge that comprises our consciousness?

There is a vast band of light frequencies in our universe traveling at the speed of light. Collectively, we call them the electromagnetic spectrum. Presently, we recognize the electromagnetic spectrum as long wave radio frequencies on the bottom, up to gamma rays at the top of the spectrum. Between these two extremes lie microwaves, infrared waves, near-infrared waves, visible light (in all its array of colors), ultraviolet light, and x-rays. These are sometimes divided into sub-groups such as the different radio waves, short-wave, vhf, uhf, etc. Regardless of which band of the electromagnetic spectrum you are observing, they are all electromagnetic radiation which is a stream of photons. (Every photon contains a bundle of light energy.) Every photon is without mass and travels at light speed. The different spectrums in the electromagnetic spectrum are differentiated only by their frequencies – how fast they rhythmically vibrate in an orderly fashion. Each cycle of the orderly rhythm is identified as a sine wave and is measured in cycles per second. The magnetic part of the electromagnetic spectrum results from the movement of photons. Magnetism always results when light energy is in motion. As we have shown, the physical body operates on electromagnetic light energy impulses across neuron cells.

It is the height of scientific arrogance to assume that we have identified all the spectrums in the full electromagnetic spectrum. Heinrich Hertz discovered radio waves in 1888, which is just like a minute ago in cosmic time. Electricity was first used to power a lamp in Dover, England in 1858 in a lighthouse. In the space-time continuum in the field of the electromagnetic spectrum we a mere babies playing with a brand new toy.

We know that all photons have light speed velocity but only certain photons carry information that can be absorbed by a human through his senses. This theory refers to all photons in any spectrum of the electromagnetic spectrum as neurophotons if they are within human comprehension through any of the senses and can be integrated into human consciousness through the nervous system. Secondary neurophotons consist of impulses absorbed through the senses exclusive of sight; i.e. hearing, smell, touch, and taste and transformed in the brain into electrical impulses for inclusion in human consciousness. For the purposes of our theory, the term neurophoton is used to designate the nature of the photons rather than the frequency of the photons. We know that there are sounds at frequencies so high that we can’t hear them although dogs clearly can. We know that there are sounds at frequencies so low that we can’t hear them although elephants clearly can. The very same principle holds true for color and light. Humans consciously experience only a very small spectrum of the photon activity in the electromagnetic spectrum at any given moment in time. Visible light makes up only one-thousandths of one percent of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Photons are light, and light travels at roughly 186,000 miles per second (299,792,458 kilometers per second). Theoretically, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, although some physicists allow for the possibility of “tachyons.” Tachyons are particles that travel faster than the speed of light, but thus far in scientific inquiry, no one has observed any phenomenon that cannot be explained within the present understanding of physics which embraces the theory that nothing travels faster than light. If tachyons exist Cerenkov radiation could detect them easily. When photons are slowed down sufficiently in a medium of mass, and a particle is accelerated faster than the photons are traveling in that medium, the faster particle will emit Cerenkov radiation (sometimes called Cerenkov light). If tachyons existed, Cerenkov radiation studies would have likely indicated their reality by now. In a vacuum where photons travel at true light speed, Cerenkov radiation has never been detected. Therefore, at this point in science, most physicists don’t believe that tachyons exist.

Assume you live on a planet that is 160 million light-years from earth. This is a very short distance in galactic terms. (The most distant object to be seen in our universe is 18 billion light years away.) On your distant planet, assume you have constructed a telescope capable of seeing planet earth clearly. Today, at this very moment in time, you look through the telescope, what would you see? You would see all the dinosaurs that lived 160 million years ago in the Jurassic period. If you wanted to see what things on earth look like today, you’d have to wait 160 million years from today, because the light leaving our planet today will not reach your planet for 160 million years. The photons from our planet earth that are striking your planet today left our planet 160 million years ago. A certain spectrum of these photons contained the information with the images of the dinosaurs and flora that covered our planet during the Jurassic period. The information within those photons will still contain the same information when you view them that they contained when they left the surface of the earth 160 million years ago. Furthermore, they will continue bearing that information to infinity. As we have stated, the Neurophoton Consciousness Theory calls these certain information carrying photons capable of human integration into consciousness, neurophotons. Neurophotons travel, like all other photons, at the speed of light; therefore, the speed of light is also the speed of information. Information, in turn, is the component that makes up our consciousness which we have defined as the sum total of all knowledge that is retained in the physical body in any medium, in any place, by any means, and in any form, both conscious and subconscious.

But let’s drastically reduce the distance between you and the event you are observing. Let’s reduce that distance to the distance between you and the paper you are now reading (or the computer screen you are now viewing). The information must reach you in the very same way – light in the form of neurophotons. After all, you are not hard wired to the events you observe. They must travel to you across space and time on neurophotons. It is the nature of these bundles of information laden neurophotons to continue to infinity. If you and I stand in an open field ten feet apart, I can clearly see your image because neurophotons bring the image to me and I absorb them into my consciousness. If someone else is observing you 100 yards away, they too will see your image because neurophotons acting as a unique bundle of information will take your image to them. More importantly, if someone is 100 million light years away with enough sophisticated technology; they too can see your image, although they must wait 100 million years to do so. The point is, neurophotons bundled into unique information packets continue to infinity.

We gather information primarily from sight and sound. As we have said, sight is absorbed from neurophotons or light. Sound waves are rapid vibrations that strike our eardrum traveling from their source at 1,100 feet per second. Sound must have a medium to travel through. There is no sound in a vacuum. The human ear serves as a transducer, converting sound energy to mechanical energy and then to a nerve impulse that is transmitted to the brain. A nerve impulse is the electrical discharge that travels along the nerve fiber. In the final analysis, whether we get our information directly from light when our eyes observe things, or indirectly through nerve impulses stimulated by touch, smell, or hearing, it is translated, stored, and re-transmitted throughout the body through electrical stimuli across the nerves. Science does not have a uniform understanding of electricity, but it is universally understood that electricity travels at light speed. While the electrons that move in electricity are mass particles, the force of electricity that makes them move is not mass and that force travels at light speed. Electricity is yet another form of the many manifestations of light across the vast electromagnetic spectrum. Physicist James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), among others, agreed with this assessment. We have no problem identifying all mass particles with rest weight as matter; we should equally have no problem identifying anything without mass or rest weight traveling at light speed as some spectrum of light.

We know then where our consciousness comes from. It is absorbed through our senses from a type of photon (light) called a neurophoton that carries information, which we receive and process in our brain, which in turn will store the information and make it available through electromagnetic impulses throughout our nervous systems; or it is translated into electrical nerve impulses from our sense of touch, smell, taste, or the vibration of sound striking our ear drums. These electrical nerve impulses translated from any medium other than sight are secondary neurophotons. Consciousness does not originate in the human brain. Neurophotons may be stored and processed in the brain, but all information is extracted from neurophoton light. Light is without mass or weight, and light taken from light remains light. This is evident from neurological studies that have proven that the brain fires electrochemical-magnetic impulses to operate our body and produce our thoughts and our reaction to our thoughts. Electromagnetic phenomena are the product of photons in movement. Every movement you make, therefore, originated in light. Information is the fundamental substance of consciousness, and information is borne on light and in fact is light. Therefore, consciousness itself is light.

Albert Einstein wrote his famous Theory of Special Relativity in 1905 to present a fundamental set of principles and properties with which to interpret the universe. In simplistic terms he gave us usable definitions and parameters for space, time, matter, motion, mass, energy, and light, and then set about explaining the universal interaction of these properties. The thing that has caused so much difficulty with the theory (because it remains such a paradox) is the overwhelming conclusion in the Law of Special Relativity. In short, Einstein said, here are the rules of the physical universe but light won’t play by these rules. Everything else does, but light (photons) will not. In a sense this was good because, while all things are in a constant state of flux, light speed remains constant. Absolutely nothing in the entire cosmos is stationary but at least something moves the same way all the time. This fact gave a universal constant against which all variables could be measured.

Light, and light alone, moves at the same speed regardless of where the observer views it. The velocity of everything else is relative to the observer. This is the foundation of Special Relativity. If I am standing still and you are approaching me in a jet plane at 500 miles per hour and you fire a gun from the nose of your plane with a bullet velocity of 500 miles per hour, the speed of your plane and the speed of the bullet are additive which means that the bullet is effectively coming toward me at 1,000 miles per hour. Now if you are in the same plane and you turn on your headlight, you would think that the beam of light would approach me at the speed of light plus the speed of your airplane just like the bullet did. Again, you would think the speed of the plane and the speed of the light would be additive. They are not. Light approaches me at the speed of light alone. If your plane speeds up to 100,000 miles per hour, it will not change the speed of the light approaching me. No matter where you observe light, its speed is not relevant to your position. If you are driving down a road at 60 miles per hour parallel to a railroad track and a train approaches you from the opposite direction at 60 miles per hour, when the train passes you it will appear to whiz by at 120 miles per hour; however, if a train travels along side you in the same direction on the parallel railroad track at 60 miles per hour, the train will appear motionless. Your position relative to the thing you are observing determines its apparent speed. But light doesn’t obey this rule. Coming or going, light speed will appear to be, and in fact, will be the same. Your relative position will never warp your perception of light speed. Light steadfastly refuses to obey the rules that everything else follows. So light photons don’t cooperate with the way we think things ought to behave in space or time.

Furthermore, photons ignore our laws in regard to time. Photons traveling at the speed of light are not constricted to the laws of time because anything traveling at the speed of light ceases to experience time. The faster you go, the slower time passes. This is called time dilation in quantum physics. Because your physical body has a velocity less than the speed of light, it will wear out and die. Light does not experience time, because at light speed time ceases. Therefore, light does not wear out and die. Light continues to infinity.

The idea of time dilation has been scientifically proven to the satisfaction of the scientific community. Two highly accurate atomic clocks were synchronized and one was left stationary while the other was placed on a high-speed plane and sent on a trip. When the plane returned the clocks were no longer synchronized. Time on the high-speed plane passed slower than time on the ground. The atomic clocks validated this hypothesis of Einstein’s.

If your body could go at the speed of light, time would cease for you. You would never grow a day older and your physical appearance would never change from the instant you reached light speed. You cannot do this, of course, because you have weight mass but photons do not. While the physics of the problem may be quite complex, it is easier to understand things if we simply perceive that objects with mass increase their leading mass surface the faster they go. In other words, the resistance a mass faces as it speeds up tends to flatten the object and thus produce yet more resistance. The more the leading mass surface increases the more resistance it presents to the medium it is traveling through. As resistance increases, energy requirements to increase speed toward the speed of light also increases. In the end, the energy needed to bring the mass up to light speed is insufficient for the size of the expanded surface mass - to the point of infinity. This dilemma is not a problem for photons because they do not have mass.

Let’s say I work at a space station and we take two atomic clocks and synchronize them and we put one in the space station and one on a spaceship. I am told to take off in the spaceship and proceed at 60% of light speed. Remember, I cannot actually get to the speed of light because I have mass, so lets keep it a constant 60% of the speed of light. The faster I go, the slower time will be. Let’s assume I am instructed to send a beam of light back to the space station every hour on the hour according to our synchronized clocks. In the beginning, the staff of the space station would look into the sky when their atomic clock reached the first hour, however, they would not see my light signal. My signal would arrive 2 hours after my departure by space station time. They looked into space at the precise moment their clock indicated one hour had passed and I sent the signal at the precise moment my clock said one hour had passed, but since I am traveling at an extreme speed, time passed slower for me – at 60% of light speed, my time was twice as slow as space station time. Our time is no longer uniform although both clocks are still synchronized and show that only a single hour has passed. When the space station reaches the 2-hour point from starting time, my beam will take 4 hours from starting point to reach them, yet both our clocks will indicate that we are both precisely at the 2-hour mark. Interpreted another way, I have only aged 2 hours in a 4-hour interval that passed at the space station according to the space station atomic clock. I am aging at half the rate of my comrades back in the space station.

We have determined where consciousness comes from: it comes from light; it is stored in our brain as light; and it is transferred throughout the body as light. We have determined that consciousness is unique to each particular individual because each individual has absorbed a different bundle of information from the light than any other individual. Now we must discuss, in scientific terms, the question that has plagued mankind from the first instant of his awareness of individuality. We must discuss what happens to individual consciousness when the physical body dies.

When your physical body dies, it does not vanish. It is 12+ billion years old and it simply returns to the elements from whence it came. In our entire universe there is nothing that is stationary. All things are forever and constantly in a state of flux - forever in movement and change. Your body, at least in its present form, is not going to last very long in terms of galactic time. But what about your consciousness? At first glance you might be inclined to believe that it will go away also. Why wouldn’t it? Your body will be nothing more than dust a few years after you die. But remember your consciousness is not made up of matter. It is made up of light. Again, remember, photons refuse to play by the rules of the physical universe that dictate the behavior of everything else. Also, remember that photons travel effortlessly at the speed of light. Remember also that anything traveling at the speed of light will cease to be constrained by the ordinary physical rules of the space-time continuum. Time has stopped for light. Actually, time never really existed for light to begin with.

Let us suppose that you drop dead this instant. There can be no “magic” or “superstition” in quantum physics. Every element of your body must follow the laws of quantum physics. Even the photons, while not following the laws of the other elements, will nonetheless follow the clearly observable laws that define the behavior of all other photons. There are no maverick photons. There is no cosmic magic. The physical body must dissolve into individual atoms over a period of time and then find identity in other things. The atoms that make up your body existed billions of years ago and they will exist billions of years from now. But the photons that comprise individual consciousness are without physical constraint and must act like photons. They travel at the speed of light. This light consciousness can no more vanish without violating the fundamental laws of quantum physics than the physical electrons and protons of the body can.

Your consciousness is unique to you. It is a unified field of light. When all the bundles of neurophoton light energy in your consciousness exit the body at the same time that your physical body dies, those consciousness photons will act in a manner consistent with all other photons. They will be free to instantly reach the momentum of light speed and with that they will - in that precise moment - achieve timelessness and immortality. This is not religion; this is science.

That we are unable to observe something as tiny as a unified light field of individual consciousness across the vast spectrum of the electromagnetic spectrum in the same manner that we observe the light field of a many mega-ton star in the night sky is completely understandable. It is an accepted fact of physics that we cannot observe vast quantities of the electromagnetic spectrum unless we leave our earth’s atmosphere and venture into space. We cannot see X-rays, or ultraviolet light. In fact, we see much less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum. Because of the nature of consciousness it would manifest in a spectrum outside visible light, much like electricity or gamma rays.

In relationship to velocity, nomenclature for the particles of the universe has been greatly simplified by some physicists to the two terms tardyons (<c) and photons ©: that is, things that don’t travel at the speed of light and photons that do. When your physical body dies; because it has resting weight mass and occupies space, (tardyon group) it will remain mass but will disintegrate in time into trillions and trillions of individual atoms of mass that will eventually make up other forms of mass, including other life forms. Why doesn’t your consciousness do the same thing? Remember, your consciousness is made of light, and photons do not obey the general rules of the universe as defined in Special Relativity. In a sense, your consciousness may explode into a million different directions, just as your body disintegrates into many new things; but your unique consciousness will remain your single unique consciousness bearing all the information contained therein. Why is that?

This is a scientific paradox, but it is true. For instance, we know, though we don’t understand, that at the most sub-atomic levels, even particles of mass (electrons) can be in two places at once. When electrons are fired through specially built tubes that present two possible paths for the electrons to travel, some of those electrons, paradoxically, will travel through both tubes at the same time. Yet electrons are tiny particles of mass with weight and space dimensions of height, depth, and width, so it is not hard to understand that photons without mass can be in different places at one time, perhaps millions of places at one time. We can clearly observe this phenomenon in the universe. The proof lies in the fact that bundles of neurophotons bearing information continue to infinity as we have already shown. You can look into the night sky and observe a star that died billions of years ago. What you are seeing is the photons that left that star billions of years ago when it exploded, laden with the unique information-filled photons that tell the story of that star. In deep space, at light speed, they continued to travel in a unified field, uninterrupted by the constraints of time or mass and, billions of years later, appear in the night sky tonight as a star. You can look at them in the night sky and the light you see is a clear “fossil” record of that dead star, billions of years old. All the information is there. But remember, Special Relativity tells us that light is the same without regard to your relative position. If there are planets with beings billions of light years on the other side of that dead star or in any other direction from it, they too will observe the same light, containing the same “fossil” record of the very same star you observe on this side of the Milky Way. The fact that the photons stick together is clearly evident by the fact that you see a single light in the night sky although it has been traveling for billions of years - ample time to disintegrate into nothingness. In 1974, astronomer Carl Sagan championed an effort by humans to contact extraterrestrial intelligence. The program that resulted, Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CETI) beamed a binary message composed by astrophysicist Frank Drake and Sagan toward the M13 star cluster 21,000 light years away. Why would they choose this method of communication? It is self-evident that these scientists understood that a bundle of information packaged on photon energy (like their binary radio signal) would reach a destination 21,000 light years away intact. In point of fact, it will continue on perpetually to infinity. Your consciousness, being information charged light, is compelled to follow these same laws of physics.


Air passes through the lungs but air is not a product of the lungs. Blood passes through the heart but blood is not a product of the heart. And consciousness passes through the brain but consciousness is not a product of the brain, even though the brain stores and processes the bits of electromagnetic data retrieved from the space we interact with. Consciousness is a product of light. It begins as light; it remains light while interacting within the physical body; and it continues as light when the body dies.

Unless we revise the laws of physics including the Theory of Special Relativity, we must conclude that consciousness does not end with human death. Consciousness is constructed uniquely in the body of each person with light energy taken into their bodies through the senses, carried throughout the body on clearly identified carriers in the electromagnetic spectrum of the universe. The photons carrying information used to construct the unique consciousness of any individual existed before the birth of the individual and will continue to exist after the death of the individual because all the parts of individual consciousness are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Furthermore, once those neurophotons are bound into a unique field of consciousness that particular consciousness continues to exist as a singular cohesive light field because it is the nature of light bearing information to do so. At the speed of light, photons are not acted upon by time or any other stimuli that act upon things with rest mass; therefore, they exist perpetually to infinity.


1. Baker, M. L., (2005) Ziff Davis Internet, Article: Does the Brain Work Like the Internet from information published in Physical Review

2. Letters by scientists from the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, N.Y.; and the University of Islas

Baleares, Mallorca, Spain.

3. Folger, Tim (2005) DISCOVER, Vol. 26, No. 06, June 2005, Astronomy and Physics, Article If

4. Electrons Can be in Two Places at Once, Why Can’t You. IBM Research News, (1995) IBM Corporation.

5. Isaac Newton – Optics (1704) Book Three, Part 1, Qu.30

6. Lochner, Jim, (2005) Goddard Space Flight Center, Article: Electromagnetic Spectrum Measuring the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

7. Moody, R.A. (1975) Life After Life, Covington, GA: Mockingbird Books.

8. The Luxon Theory, by Daniel Kirchmann, [link to]

9. National Institute of Mental Health, (2001) Teenage Brain: A Work in Progress, Institute Office of Communications.

10. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes, National Institutes of Health, (2005)

11. Brain Basics: Know Your Brain, Office of Communications and Public Liaison. Science Magazine, (1997) Volume 277, Number 5330, Issue of 29, August,

1997 by The American Association for the Advancement of Science.

12. The Great Story, [link to,] Connie Barlow and Michael Dowd.

Appendix A


Radio: This is the energy that radio stations emit into the air to carry information changed from sound vibrations to photon information through a microphone. Radio waves are also emitted stars and gases in space.

Microwaves: This is the same kind of photon wave used to cook with. They are also used by astronomers to learn about the structure of nearby galaxies, including the Milky Way.

Infrared: We often think of this as being the same thing as 'heat', because it makes our skin feel warm and keeps food hot. In space, IR light maps the dust between stars.

Visible: The part that our eyes see. Most of our knowledge travels across this medium either by direct observation of an event or by reading the words on a page or seeing the depiction on a screen. Visible radiation is emitted by everything from fireflies to light bulbs to stars. Visible light makes up only one-thousandth of a percent of the spectrum.

Ultraviolet: The Sun is a source of ultraviolet (or UV) radiation, because it is the UV rays that cause sunburn on our skin. Stars and other "hot" objects in space emit UV radiation.

X-rays: Used to look at bones and dentist use to look teeth. Hot gases in the Universe also emit X-rays.

Gamma-rays: radioactive materials (some natural and others made by man in nuclear power plants) emit gamma-rays. Big particle accelerators used to understand what matter is made of sometimes generate gamma-rays.

NOTE: Neurophoton: This theory refers to all photons in any spectrum of the electromagnetic spectrum as neurophotons if they are encoded with cohesive information and are within human comprehension through any of the senses and can be integrated into human consciousness through the neuron-system.

© 2005, Daniel R. Hankins, all rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the author. Author may be reached at

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