Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Quantum Atom Theory, "Energy levels will cascade down", Energy levels will cascade down from a few high frequency photons to a large number of low frequency photons.

Quantum Atom TheoryPhoton energy levels will cascade down forming greater degrees of freedom for the statistical entropy

The problem statement, all variables and given/known data A model to describe the vibrations of atoms in a solid is to assume that the atoms are isotropic harmonic oscillators and that the vibrations are independent of the vibrations of the other atoms. We use this model to describe the entropy and heat capacity of Bohrium (B). The entropy is given as 9.797 J/(mol K) at T = 400K What is the heat capacity of B at T = 600K? 2. Relevant equations Energy level of a harmonic oscillator: En = hw(1/2 + n) (1 dimension) Z = the partition function = ∑ \sume^(-En/k*T) = 1/(2*sinh(hw/k*T)) F = -k*T*ln(Z) The partition function above is valid for a single atom which is only moving in one dimention but to get the correct parition function for motion in 3D one simply does Zcorrect = Z³ which gives the free energy as Fcorrect = -3*k*T*ln(Z) S = -(∂ \partialF/∂ \partialT) Cv = T(∂ \partialS/∂ \partialT) 3. The attempt at a solution From the partition function i can derive the function for S in a straight forward way. I am given the entropy at T = 400 and what i need to know to derive the heat capacity Cv from S is the value for hw. But i cant figure out how to get hw from S given the entropy. I have tried solving the function by the Newton Rhapson method using MatLab but it doesnt want to work. So im stuck and im wondering if im even on the right track. Is there a simple way to find the energy levels of a vibration as in this case when given the entropy?

Reference https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/entropy-energy-levels-and-harmonic-oscillation.250873/
[PDF]Entropy and Energy Levels (Oxford Chemistry) pdf ...
www.amazon.com/Entropy-Energy-Levels-Oxford-Chemistry/dp/... curriculum vitae graham richards. Entropy and Energy Levels ... of Chemistry. Oxford ...

[PDF]Entropy and Energy Levels (Oxford Chemistry) pdf ...

www.amazon.com/Entropy-Energy-Levels-Oxford-Chemistry/dp/... R. P. H. Gasser (Open Library). Entropy and Energy Levels (Oxford Chemistry Primers) 1 ...

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Oct 4, 2011 - Uploaded by An artist theory on the physics of 'Time' as a physical process. Quantum Atom Theory
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Photon energy levels will cascade down forming greater degrees of freedom for the statistical entropy and disorganization of everyday life! Therefore ...

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This spherical symmetry forms the organization for the disorganization of entropy. Photon energy levels will cascade down forming greater degrees of freedom ...

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This spherical symmetry forms the organization for the disorganization of entropy. Photon energy levels will cascade down forming greater degrees of freedom ...

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Published on Aug 10, 2013
In this theory the physics of quantum mechanics represents the physics of time. The wave particle duality of light is acting like the bits or zeros and ones of a computer forming a blank canvas that we can interact with turning the possible into the actual! Time is an emergent property with the future coming into existence photon by photon relative to the position and actions of the atoms!
In modern physics the Arrow of Time is linked to the disorganization known as statistical entropy explained in the Second Law of Thermodynamics. But one of the great mysteries of physics is where the organization comes from for the disorganization of statistical entropy that forms the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
In Quantum Atom Theory this organization is formed by a process of continuous spherical symmetry forming and breaking. When light waves come in contact with the electrons of an atom it forms a photon electron coupling. This represent a new moment in time in this theory and the electron is the most spherical object in the Universe. This spherical symmetry forms the organization for the disorganization of entropy.
Photon energy levels will cascade down forming greater degrees of freedom for the statistical entropy and disorganization of everyday life!
Therefore Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is the same uncertainty we have with any future event with the future continuously coming into existence relative to the position and the energy and momentum of the atoms.
In this theory creation is truly in the hand and eye of the beholder!

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