nvesting volatility01 boring01 variance01 rentseeking power laws umich : not in case of boring thermodynamic equilibrium, i.e. boring ones, should have correlations which decay exponentially over space and time
如果有谁想清楚了这个问题或者看到过哪里有比较好的讨论 欢迎email我或者在这里留言!
P.S. 据某大牛说 就算是有辐射 也是非常非常弱的效应 所以说做实验应该是没法观察到的(除非跑到黑洞附近观测)...所以这个问题只能做理论探讨了...
在引力场中静止不动的带电球 会一直辐射电磁波吗?
前几天有个同学跟我讨论了一个很有意思的问题 我到现在也还没有搞明白这个问题的答案到底应该是什么。问题是:在引力场中静止不动的带电球 会一直辐射电磁波吗?更详细的说明一下这个问题:电动力学告诉我们,在惯性系中,加速运动的带电粒子会向外辐射电磁波,功率与加速度的平方成正比。但是问题是,按照广义相对论的观点,在引力场中静止不动的参考系(下文中称之为S1)并不是一个真正的惯性系,真正的惯性系是自由落体的参考系(下文中称之为S2)。所以说,在真正的惯性系S2中来看,问题中描述的那个带电球其实是在加速运动的,所以说它应该一直有电磁辐射。按照等效原理,在一个S2中有辐射那么在S1中肯定也有辐射。但是问题又来了:如果我们就在S1中看这个问题,那么引力场没有变化、带电球也静止,辐射出去的电磁波的能量是哪来的呢?!
如果有谁想清楚了这个问题或者看到过哪里有比较好的讨论 欢迎email我或者在这里留言!
P.S. 据某大牛说 就算是有辐射 也是非常非常弱的效应 所以说做实验应该是没法观察到的(除非跑到黑洞附近观测)...所以这个问题只能做理论探讨了...
作者: physixfan 在知乎上看到这样一个问题:什么是可控核聚变?实现它的难点是什么?。宏观上来看,难点就是同时实现高温高密度和长约束时间(Lawson criterion)。因为自己是聚变方向的PhD,所以我想我可以谈一些比通常见到的科普更多的内容。下文主要针对托卡马克方案(即用磁场约束等离子体以实现聚变的方案),贴自我自己在知乎上对这个问题的回答。
第一方面的难点是物理理论上的。虽然等离子体的运动无非就是麦克斯韦方程组就可以完全描述的,连量子力学都用不到,但是因为包含的粒子数目多,就会遇到本质的困难,此所谓 “More is different”。正如在流体力学里,我们虽然知道基本方程就是Navier-Stokes方程,但是其产生的湍流现象却是物理上几百年来都攻不下来的大山。等离子体同样会产生等离子体湍流,因为有外磁场的存在甚至是比流体湍流更复杂一些。于是在物理上,我们就没有办法找到第一性原理出发找到一个简洁的模型去很好地预测等离子体行为。我们现在所能做的,很多时候就是像流体湍流的研究那样,构建一些更加偏唯像一点的模型,同时发展数值模拟的技术。
第一方面的难点是物理理论上的。虽然等离子体的运动无非就是麦克斯韦方程组就可以完全描述的,连量子力学都用不到,但是因为包含的粒子数目多,就会遇到本质的困难,此所谓 “More is different”。正如在流体力学里,我们虽然知道基本方程就是Navier-Stokes方程,但是其产生的湍流现象却是物理上几百年来都攻不下来的大山。等离子体同样会产生等离子体湍流,因为有外磁场的存在甚至是比流体湍流更复杂一些。于是在物理上,我们就没有办法找到第一性原理出发找到一个简洁的模型去很好地预测等离子体行为。我们现在所能做的,很多时候就是像流体湍流的研究那样,构建一些更加偏唯像一点的模型,同时发展数值模拟的技术。
作者: physixfan Nature于2014年2月12日发表的一篇文章《Fuel gain exceeding unity in an inertially confined fusion implosion》宣布NIF(美国国家点火装置)用惯性约束聚变的方法首次实现了受控核聚变能量增益大于1的实验,其意为聚变释放出的能量大于输入到靶丸的激光能量,实属受控核聚变道路上的一个重大里程碑!
群众们对受控核聚变的认识,似乎是好几十年了也做不出什么来。有一种说法是:1950年代,科学家说,50年后人类就可以用上聚变能了;2000年代,科学家说,50年后人类就可以用上聚变能了;现在科学家仍然在说50年后就可以了。。。其实,受控核聚变在过去几十年间的进展也是稳步提高的。实际上几十年前就有磁约束的聚变能释放出来,但是能量输出还小于能量输入。1997年JET装置(托卡马克)上实现了能量增益为0.7;1998年他们宣称能量增益已经达到1.25,但是其实那是拿DD反应间接推算出来的并不是真正的DT聚变。而今NIF装置实现了货真价实的能量增益大于1。目前正在建设当中的ITER目标是能量增益为10。不仅如此,这几十年间人们对聚变等离子体理论的认识也是进展巨大的,越来越小尺度的不稳定性开始被研究和理解,湍流如何被抑制,还有80年代偶然发现的高性能约束H Mode也逐渐被研究利用,等等。
群众们对受控核聚变的认识,似乎是好几十年了也做不出什么来。有一种说法是:1950年代,科学家说,50年后人类就可以用上聚变能了;2000年代,科学家说,50年后人类就可以用上聚变能了;现在科学家仍然在说50年后就可以了。。。其实,受控核聚变在过去几十年间的进展也是稳步提高的。实际上几十年前就有磁约束的聚变能释放出来,但是能量输出还小于能量输入。1997年JET装置(托卡马克)上实现了能量增益为0.7;1998年他们宣称能量增益已经达到1.25,但是其实那是拿DD反应间接推算出来的并不是真正的DT聚变。而今NIF装置实现了货真价实的能量增益大于1。目前正在建设当中的ITER目标是能量增益为10。不仅如此,这几十年间人们对聚变等离子体理论的认识也是进展巨大的,越来越小尺度的不稳定性开始被研究和理解,湍流如何被抑制,还有80年代偶然发现的高性能约束H Mode也逐渐被研究利用,等等。
作者: physixfan 在知乎上看到这样一个问题:什么是可控核聚变?实现它的难点是什么?。宏观上来看,难点就是同时实现高温高密度和长约束时间(Lawson criterion)。因为自己是聚变方向的PhD,所以我想我可以谈一些比通常见到的科普更多的内容。下文主要针对托卡马克方案(即用磁场约束等离子体以实现聚变的方案),贴自我自己在知乎上对这个问题的回答。
第一方面的难点是物理理论上的。虽然等离子体的运动无非就是麦克斯韦方程组就可以完全描述的,连量子力学都用不到,但是因为包含的粒子数目多,就会遇到本质的困难,此所谓 “More is different”。正如在流体力学里,我们虽然知道基本方程就是Navier-Stokes方程,但是其产生的湍流现象却是物理上几百年来都攻不下来的大山。等离子体同样会产生等离子体湍流,因为有外磁场的存在甚至是比流体湍流更复杂一些。于是在物理上,我们就没有办法找到第一性原理出发找到一个简洁的模型去很好地预测等离子体行为。我们现在所能做的,很多时候就是像流体湍流的研究那样,构建一些更加偏唯像一点的模型,同时发展数值模拟的技术。
Jul 4, 2011 - I used to work in plasma physics. A plasma is just a gas -- say, simple hydrogen gas -- which has been heated up to the point where the atoms ...
How swarming theory could inform plasma physics and financial markets ... be used to analyse plasma in the solar wind and movements in financial markets.
University of Warwick How swarming theory could inform plasma physics and financial markets (более 101 песен) скачать или слушать онлайн бесплатно.
Aug 24, 2007 - Warwick Podcast – How swarming theory could inform plasma physics and financial markets. Writing about web page ...
... for physicists interested in the statistical properties of financial markets. ... Applied & Technical Physics; Atomic, Molecular, Optical & Plasma Physics ...
Aug 23, 2007 - ... Wicks talks about how a tool to analyse swarming could be used to analyse plasma in the solar wind and movements in financial markets.
nvesting volatility01 boring01 variance01 rentseeking power laws umich : not in case of boring thermodynamic equilibrium, i.e. boring ones, should have correlations which decay exponentially over space and time
variance hits like blk swan in groups
Why do physicists care about power laws so much? I'm probably not the best person to speak on behalf of our tribal obsessions (there was a long debate among the faculty at my thesis defense as to whether "this stuff is really physics"), but I'll do my best. There are two parts to this: power-law decay of correlations, and power-law size distributions. The link is tenuous, at best, but they tend to get run together in our heads, so I'll treat them both here. The reason we care about power law correlations is that we're conditioned to think they're a sign of something interesting and complicated happening. The first step is to convince ourselves that in boring situations, we don't see power laws. This is fairly easy: there are pretty good and rather generic arguments which say that systems in thermodynamic equilibrium, i.e. boring ones, should have correlations which decay exponentially over space and time; the reciprocals of the decay rates are the correlation length and the correlation time, and say how big a typical fluctuation should be. This is roughly first-semester graduate statistical mechanics. (You can find those arguments in, say, volume one of Landau and Lifshitz's Statistical Physics.) Second semester graduate stat. mech. is where those arguments break down --- either for systems which are far from equilibrium (e.g., turbulent flows), or in equilibrium but very close to a critical point (e.g., the transition from a solid to liquid phase, or from a non-magnetic phase to a magnetized one). Phase transitions have fluctuations which decay like power laws, and many non-equilibrium systems do too. (Again, for phase transitions, Landau and Lifshitz has a good discussion.) If you're a statistical physicist, phase transitions and non-equilibrium processes define the terms "complex" and "interesting" --- especially phase transitions, since we've spent the last forty years or so developing a very successful theory of critical phenomena. Accordingly, whenever we see power law correlations, we assume there must be something complex and interesting going on to produce them. (If this sounds like the fallacy of affirming the consequent, that's because it is.) By a kind of transitivity, this makes power laws interesting in themselves. Since, as physicists, we're generally more comfortable working in the frequency domain than the time domain, we often transform the autocorrelation function into the Fourier spectrum. A power-law decay for the correlations as a function of time translates into a power-law decay of the spectrum as a function of frequency, so this is also called "1/f noise". Similarly for power-law distributions. A simple use of the Einstein fluctuation formula says that thermodynamic variables will have Gaussian distributions with the equilibrium value as their mean. (The usual version of this argument is not very precise.) We're also used to seeing exponential distributions, as the probabilities of microscopic states. Other distributions weird us out. Power-law distributions weird us out even more, because they seem to say there's no typical scale or size for the variable, whereas the exponential and the Gaussian cases both have natural scale parameters. There is a connection here with fractals, which also lack typical scales, but I don't feel up to going into that, and certainly a lot of the power laws physicists get excited about have no obvious connection to any kind of (approximate) fractal geometry. And there are lots of power law distributions in all kinds of data, especially social data --- that's why they're also called Pareto distributions, after the sociologist. Physicists have devoted quite a bit of time over the last two decades to seizing on what look like power-laws in various non-physical sets of data, and trying to explain them in terms we're familiar with, especially phase transitions. (Thus "self-organized criticality".) So badly are we infatuated that there is now a huge, rapidly growing literature devoted to "Tsallis statistics" or "non-extensive thermodynamics", which is a recipe for modifying normal statistical mechanics so that it produces power law distributions; and this, so far as I can see, is its only good feature. (I will not attempt, here, to support that sweeping negative verdict on the work of many people who have more credentials and experience than I do.) This has not been one of our more successful undertakings, though the basic motivation --- "let's see what we can do!" --- is one I'm certainly in sympathy with. There have been two problems with the efforts to explain all power laws using the things statistical physicists know. One is that (to mangle Kipling) there turn out to be nine and sixty ways of constructing power laws, and every single one of them is right, in that it does indeed produce a power law. Power laws turn out to result from a kind of central limit theorem for multiplicative growth processes, an observation which apparently dates back to Herbert Simon, and which has been rediscovered by a number of physicists (for instance, Sornette). Reed and Hughes have established an even more deflating explanation (see below). Now, just because these simple mechanisms exist, doesn't mean they explain any particular case, but it does mean that you can't legitimately argue "My favorite mechanism produces a power law; there is a power law here; it is very unlikely there would be a power law if my mechanism were not at work; therefore, it is reasonable to believe my mechanism is at work here." (Deborah Mayo would say that finding a power law does not constitute a severe test of your hypothesis.) You need to do "differential diagnosis", by identifying other, non-power-law consequences of your mechanism, which other possible explanations don't share. This, we hardly ever do. Similarly for 1/f noise. Many different kinds of stochastic process, with no connection to critical phenomena, have power-law correlations. Econometricians and time-series analysts have studied them for quite a while, under the general heading of "long-memory" processes. You can get them from things as simple as a superposition of Gaussian autoregressive processes. (We have begun to awaken to this fact, under the heading of "fractional Brownian motion".) The other problem with our efforts has been that a lot of the power-laws we've been trying to explain are not, in fact, power-laws. I should perhaps explain that statistical physicists are called that, not because we know a lot of statistics, but because we study the large-scaled, aggregated effects of the interactions of large numbers of particles, including, specifically, the effects which show up as fluctuations and noise. In doing this we learn, basically, nothing about drawing inferences from empirical data, beyond what we may remember about curve fitting and propagation of errors from our undergraduate lab courses. Some of us, naturally, do know a lot of statistics, and even teach it --- I might mention Josef Honerkamp's superb Stochastic Dynamical Systems. (Of course, that book is out of print and hardly ever cited...) If I had, oh, let's say fifty dollars for every time I've seen a slide (or a preprint) where one of us physicists makes a log-log plot of their data, and then reports as the exponent of a new power law the slope they got from doing a least-squares linear fit, I'd at least not grumble. If my colleagues had gone to statistics textbooks and looked up how to estimate the parameters of a Pareto distribution, I'd be a happier man. If any of them had actually tested the hypothesis that they had a power law against alternatives like stretched exponentials, or especially log-normals, I'd think the millennium was at hand. (If you want to know how to do these things, please read this paper, whose merits are entirely due to my co-authors.) The situation for 1/f noise is not so dire, but there have been and still are plenty of abuses, starting with the fact that simply taking the fast Fourier transform of the autocovariance function does not give you a reliable estimate of the power spectrum, particularly in the tails. (On that point, see, for instance, Honerkamp.)
See also: Chaos and Dynamical Systems; Complex Networks; Self-Organized Criticality; Time Series; Tsallis Statistics
第一方面的难点是物理理论上的。虽然等离子体的运动无非就是麦克斯韦方程组就可以完全描述的,连量子力学都用不到,但是因为包含的粒子数目多,就会遇到本质的困难,此所谓 “More is different”。正如在流体力学里,我们虽然知道基本方程就是Navier-Stokes方程,但是其产生的湍流现象却是物理上几百年来都攻不下来的大山。等离子体同样会产生等离子体湍流,因为有外磁场的存在甚至是比流体湍流更复杂一些。于是在物理上,我们就没有办法找到第一性原理出发找到一个简洁的模型去很好地预测等离子体行为。我们现在所能做的,很多时候就是像流体湍流的研究那样,构建一些更加偏唯像一点的模型,同时发展数值模拟的技术。
The Physics of Finance: Natural chaos in the markets
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nvesting volatility01 boring01 variance01 rentseeking power laws umich : not in case of boring thermodynamic equilibrium, i.e. boring ones, should have correlations which decay exponentially over space and time
variance hits like blk swan in groups
Power Law Distributions, 1/f Noise, Long-Memory Time Series
05 Sep 2013 11:26Why do physicists care about power laws so much? I'm probably not the best person to speak on behalf of our tribal obsessions (there was a long debate among the faculty at my thesis defense as to whether "this stuff is really physics"), but I'll do my best. There are two parts to this: power-law decay of correlations, and power-law size distributions. The link is tenuous, at best, but they tend to get run together in our heads, so I'll treat them both here. The reason we care about power law correlations is that we're conditioned to think they're a sign of something interesting and complicated happening. The first step is to convince ourselves that in boring situations, we don't see power laws. This is fairly easy: there are pretty good and rather generic arguments which say that systems in thermodynamic equilibrium, i.e. boring ones, should have correlations which decay exponentially over space and time; the reciprocals of the decay rates are the correlation length and the correlation time, and say how big a typical fluctuation should be. This is roughly first-semester graduate statistical mechanics. (You can find those arguments in, say, volume one of Landau and Lifshitz's Statistical Physics.) Second semester graduate stat. mech. is where those arguments break down --- either for systems which are far from equilibrium (e.g., turbulent flows), or in equilibrium but very close to a critical point (e.g., the transition from a solid to liquid phase, or from a non-magnetic phase to a magnetized one). Phase transitions have fluctuations which decay like power laws, and many non-equilibrium systems do too. (Again, for phase transitions, Landau and Lifshitz has a good discussion.) If you're a statistical physicist, phase transitions and non-equilibrium processes define the terms "complex" and "interesting" --- especially phase transitions, since we've spent the last forty years or so developing a very successful theory of critical phenomena. Accordingly, whenever we see power law correlations, we assume there must be something complex and interesting going on to produce them. (If this sounds like the fallacy of affirming the consequent, that's because it is.) By a kind of transitivity, this makes power laws interesting in themselves. Since, as physicists, we're generally more comfortable working in the frequency domain than the time domain, we often transform the autocorrelation function into the Fourier spectrum. A power-law decay for the correlations as a function of time translates into a power-law decay of the spectrum as a function of frequency, so this is also called "1/f noise". Similarly for power-law distributions. A simple use of the Einstein fluctuation formula says that thermodynamic variables will have Gaussian distributions with the equilibrium value as their mean. (The usual version of this argument is not very precise.) We're also used to seeing exponential distributions, as the probabilities of microscopic states. Other distributions weird us out. Power-law distributions weird us out even more, because they seem to say there's no typical scale or size for the variable, whereas the exponential and the Gaussian cases both have natural scale parameters. There is a connection here with fractals, which also lack typical scales, but I don't feel up to going into that, and certainly a lot of the power laws physicists get excited about have no obvious connection to any kind of (approximate) fractal geometry. And there are lots of power law distributions in all kinds of data, especially social data --- that's why they're also called Pareto distributions, after the sociologist. Physicists have devoted quite a bit of time over the last two decades to seizing on what look like power-laws in various non-physical sets of data, and trying to explain them in terms we're familiar with, especially phase transitions. (Thus "self-organized criticality".) So badly are we infatuated that there is now a huge, rapidly growing literature devoted to "Tsallis statistics" or "non-extensive thermodynamics", which is a recipe for modifying normal statistical mechanics so that it produces power law distributions; and this, so far as I can see, is its only good feature. (I will not attempt, here, to support that sweeping negative verdict on the work of many people who have more credentials and experience than I do.) This has not been one of our more successful undertakings, though the basic motivation --- "let's see what we can do!" --- is one I'm certainly in sympathy with. There have been two problems with the efforts to explain all power laws using the things statistical physicists know. One is that (to mangle Kipling) there turn out to be nine and sixty ways of constructing power laws, and every single one of them is right, in that it does indeed produce a power law. Power laws turn out to result from a kind of central limit theorem for multiplicative growth processes, an observation which apparently dates back to Herbert Simon, and which has been rediscovered by a number of physicists (for instance, Sornette). Reed and Hughes have established an even more deflating explanation (see below). Now, just because these simple mechanisms exist, doesn't mean they explain any particular case, but it does mean that you can't legitimately argue "My favorite mechanism produces a power law; there is a power law here; it is very unlikely there would be a power law if my mechanism were not at work; therefore, it is reasonable to believe my mechanism is at work here." (Deborah Mayo would say that finding a power law does not constitute a severe test of your hypothesis.) You need to do "differential diagnosis", by identifying other, non-power-law consequences of your mechanism, which other possible explanations don't share. This, we hardly ever do. Similarly for 1/f noise. Many different kinds of stochastic process, with no connection to critical phenomena, have power-law correlations. Econometricians and time-series analysts have studied them for quite a while, under the general heading of "long-memory" processes. You can get them from things as simple as a superposition of Gaussian autoregressive processes. (We have begun to awaken to this fact, under the heading of "fractional Brownian motion".) The other problem with our efforts has been that a lot of the power-laws we've been trying to explain are not, in fact, power-laws. I should perhaps explain that statistical physicists are called that, not because we know a lot of statistics, but because we study the large-scaled, aggregated effects of the interactions of large numbers of particles, including, specifically, the effects which show up as fluctuations and noise. In doing this we learn, basically, nothing about drawing inferences from empirical data, beyond what we may remember about curve fitting and propagation of errors from our undergraduate lab courses. Some of us, naturally, do know a lot of statistics, and even teach it --- I might mention Josef Honerkamp's superb Stochastic Dynamical Systems. (Of course, that book is out of print and hardly ever cited...) If I had, oh, let's say fifty dollars for every time I've seen a slide (or a preprint) where one of us physicists makes a log-log plot of their data, and then reports as the exponent of a new power law the slope they got from doing a least-squares linear fit, I'd at least not grumble. If my colleagues had gone to statistics textbooks and looked up how to estimate the parameters of a Pareto distribution, I'd be a happier man. If any of them had actually tested the hypothesis that they had a power law against alternatives like stretched exponentials, or especially log-normals, I'd think the millennium was at hand. (If you want to know how to do these things, please read this paper, whose merits are entirely due to my co-authors.) The situation for 1/f noise is not so dire, but there have been and still are plenty of abuses, starting with the fact that simply taking the fast Fourier transform of the autocovariance function does not give you a reliable estimate of the power spectrum, particularly in the tails. (On that point, see, for instance, Honerkamp.)
See also: Chaos and Dynamical Systems; Complex Networks; Self-Organized Criticality; Time Series; Tsallis Statistics
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