Thursday, November 20, 2014

brain01 电场和磁场交替变化扩散传播,真空中在任意线性方向上速率不变但其球波振面不是匀速递增的,而呈加速递增。这种加速递增是能量的作用


WSS 随机过程仅仅要求一阶和二阶矩不随时间变化 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (237 bytes) (23 reads) 01/07/2010 postreply 03:25:39
来源: 2010-01-06 17:02:03 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 9 次 (0 bytes)


保守场几个充要条件 单连通区域:无旋场 势场 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (6221 bytes) (14 reads) 06/22/2010 postreply 11:27:48
YouTube - 旋度场的散度为零的证明;场论初步 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (773 bytes) (9 reads) 06/22/2010 postreply 14:10:33
北京航空航天大学 环量与涡 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (89 bytes) (10 reads) 06/22/2010 postreply 14:30:29
Van Anantha-Nageswaran trader economist -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (362 bytes) (15 reads) 07/14/2010 postreply 09:10:20
economist 老看客 用数据、图表还原美国的经济状况 (图) -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (14724 bytes) (12 reads) 11/14/2010 postreply 07:53:41
WSS 随机过程仅仅要求一阶和二阶矩不随时间变化 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (237 bytes) (23 reads) 01/07/2010 postreply 03:25:39
高斯波在簡諧位能井運動時是一個不擴散的波包 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (372 bytes) (8 reads) 01/10/2010 postreply 07:53:52
相空间是一个六维假想空间,其中动量和空间各占三维 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (3778 bytes) (9 reads) 01/10/2010 postreply 08:19:04
a1m 遇见你是我的缘 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (66 bytes) (11 reads) 01/11/2010 postreply 13:02:40
波包如果散开,其中一些波波长可以变长,发生绕行 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (50 bytes) (13 reads) 01/10/2010 postreply 08:22:12
量子波包之古典行徑 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (17212 bytes) (13 reads) 01/10/2010 postreply 08:35:21
基本粒子的力学量的本征值就是整体上的确定值 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (710 bytes) (19 reads) 01/11/2010 postreply 09:12:57
关于原子模型的对话(姜水根) -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (10537 bytes) (14 reads) 01/11/2010 postreply 09:24:25
线状谱,吸收谱,条带谱,连续谱 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (1467 bytes) (10 reads) 01/12/2010 postreply 17:23:32
retails are 二阶 folks -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (933 bytes) (9 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 05:50:39
5.电子结构与不同跃迁轨道 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (3308 bytes) (10 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 06:01:28
无机化学 wave function best explained -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (246 bytes) (14 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 10:06:20
wave function best explained 2 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (123 bytes) (7 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 10:51:58
"轨道离核越远" google,cn -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (292 bytes) (8 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 11:59:51
splitting buy-side orders into smaller orders which are then sen -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (2681 bytes) (7 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 12:11:11 block trade -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (14089 bytes) (17 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 12:20:59
block trade Purchases are associated with persistent order book -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (758 bytes) (16 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 15:23:13
Block trader A dealer who will take a position in the block tra -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (354 bytes) (9 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 15:47:10
block trader, (图) -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (2642 bytes) (32 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 15:52:48
In 90% of these trades the broker has to buy or short some part -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (155 bytes) (8 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 15:54:40
block trader, The best informed investors are those with the mos -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (126 bytes) (10 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 16:02:25
Lee MannionEquity Trader UBS Investment Bank:Block Trader/Market -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (2722 bytes) (12 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 16:11:30
All the above mechanisms have in common a process of search for -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (57941 bytes) (8 reads) 01/15/2010 postreply 09:03:08
Asset management traders are increasingly running out of options -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (3633 bytes) (13 reads) 01/15/2010 postreply 09:14:31
Market microstructure theory By Maureen O'Hara -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (291 bytes) (11 reads) 01/15/2010 postreply 09:31:53
“China knows it has problems,” said Liu Chao-shiuan, Taiwan’s fo -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (2008 bytes) (13 reads) 01/15/2010 postreply 11:20:28
内存芯片, dram,价格上涨 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (356 bytes) (11 reads) 01/17/2010 postreply 07:48:55
relative performance of regional banks (KRE) to the broader bank -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (1516 bytes) (9 reads) 01/17/2010 postreply 07:56:38
gold, U.S. Treasuries, dow -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (5133 bytes) (7 reads) 01/18/2010 postreply 11:45:12
David Rosenberg S&P 500, econ growth is 5%; corporate bonds,2.5% -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (3846 bytes) (5 reads) 01/18/2010 postreply 11:53:28
10-year yields above 5% could prove “destabilizing", supply ris -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (8955 bytes) (8 reads) 01/18/2010 postreply 11:59:37
Prediction market, without any risk for the bookmaker -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (16509 bytes) (10 reads) 01/19/2010 postreply 11:20:57
only six previous studies consider forecasting of non-actual -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (39962 bytes) (4 reads) 01/19/2010 postreply 11:28:24
周达的博客 北京大学概率专业在读博士 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (53 bytes) (7 reads) 01/19/2010 postreply 13:41:11
"极性光人眼睛看不见" -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (1321 bytes) (8 reads) 01/25/2010 postreply 10:09:38
极化光(一个方向的电磁振荡)人眼睛识别不料 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (6660 bytes) (11 reads) 01/25/2010 postreply 10:18:58
麦克斯韦提出的涡旋电场的概念 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (3299 bytes) (8 reads) 01/25/2010 postreply 10:58:42
第一场麦,二场爱,三场杨振宁 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (290 bytes) (11 reads) 01/25/2010 postreply 14:26:25
§8麦克斯韦电磁理论和电磁波 best graphics! (图) -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (4680 bytes) (16 reads) 01/25/2010 postreply 14:32:23
高斯波包, 量子波包的演化與散射 (图) -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (226 bytes) (35 reads) 01/26/2010 postreply 10:40:51
song1 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (66 bytes) (9 reads) 01/26/2010 postreply 12:47:10
song11 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (42 bytes) (9 reads) 01/26/2010 postreply 14:09:47
电势是反映静电场性质(静电场强环路积分为零)的物理量 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (160 bytes) (9 reads) 01/26/2010 postreply 17:10:33
真空中静电场场强的计算 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (3998 bytes) (8 reads) 01/26/2010 postreply 17:16:22
波恰由于电的两极性而可以在真空中传播 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (1142 bytes) (10 reads) 01/26/2010 postreply 17:07:07
第六章麦克斯韦电磁场理论和电磁波 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (333 bytes) (7 reads) 01/26/2010 postreply 17:40:10
元素失电子,化合价升高、被氧化, 情感变化 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (1081 bytes) (14 reads) 01/26/2010 postreply 22:39:23
恒定电流不产生磁场,均匀变化的电流产生恒定的磁场 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (74 bytes) (8 reads) 01/26/2010 postreply 15:35:49
"market maker algorithm" -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (37 bytes) (14 reads) 01/19/2010 postreply 13:20:33
交易者数目,方向,携带的能量 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (129 bytes) (10 reads) 01/20/2010 postreply 09:08:01
曾自洲 美国: market maker -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (10113 bytes) (7 reads) 01/20/2010 postreply 11:27:08
交易系统 系统交易方法 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (126 bytes) (10 reads) 01/20/2010 postreply 13:20:07
系统交易: 不到目标价位系统不启动交易 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (118 bytes) (8 reads) 01/20/2010 postreply 13:24:28
所谓对冲,也是围着主力平衡点相反布局 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (100 bytes) (10 reads) 01/19/2010 postreply 13:27:26
China ranks second with a PEG of 3.66 (图) -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (1314 bytes) (10 reads) 01/19/2010 postreply 19:30:15
doji at top or bottom: loss of momentum (图) -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (153 bytes) (14 reads) 01/26/2010 postreply 08:17:26 on china -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (19 bytes) (33 reads) 01/26/2010 postreply 15:16:15
上证在5个月内破掉2009年9月的前期低点 (图) -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (3835 bytes) (10 reads) 01/31/2010 postreply 17:57:19
In Play China Eastern Airlines -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (522 bytes) (8 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 12:33:57
trader Michael J. Zerinskas when the markets continually go into -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (4759 bytes) (13 reads) 11/28/2010 postreply 09:00:47
a market maker:go into the futures market to hedge their short c -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (349 bytes) (12 reads) 11/28/2010 postreply 09:05:18
trader David Morrison VIX's long-term average 20 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (3732 bytes) (13 reads) 11/28/2010 postreply 10:12:08
vix future premium level (图) -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (1156 bytes) (11 reads) 11/28/2010 postreply 14:15:48
vix options premium level 11/15/2010 closing price (图) -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (748 bytes) (9 reads) 11/28/2010 postreply 14:18:56
VXX:The put-call ratio is .25, normally considered bullish,but i -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (1475 bytes) (8 reads) 11/28/2010 postreply 14:23:26
NYSE McClellan Summation Index,Transportation Average Index (IYT -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (2855 bytes) (9 reads) 11/28/2010 postreply 14:26:22
trader (图) -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (7745 bytes) (8 reads) 11/28/2010 postreply 14:34:40
trader Lawrence McMillan if actual 20-day historic volatility of -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (3737 bytes) (14 reads) 11/28/2010 postreply 10:21:25
The equity-only put-call ratios are both on buy signals again. A -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (231 bytes) (10 reads) 11/28/2010 postreply 10:22:29
HL:IV/HV ratio of 1.36 and an extremely bullish put-call ratio o -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (6266 bytes) (9 reads) 11/28/2010 postreply 13:41:03
最终幻想--东方文化复兴 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (36 bytes) (15 reads) 01/11/2010 postreply 13:13:51
虚空的BLOG -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (2148 bytes) (30 reads) 01/12/2010 postreply 19:45:42
"态函数状态随时间变化线性微分方程" -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (3105 bytes) (14 reads) 01/13/2010 postreply 08:29:41
刘金刚 每一个具体事物,都与特定的尺度相连系 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (9947 bytes) (14 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 13:49:24
透过物理看人生:人生悟理 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (3382 bytes) (12 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 14:15:32
原子物理理论,最内壳为K壳(n=1),只能允许存在2个电子 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (4046 bytes) (10 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 14:21:52
量子数:主量子数,角量子数,磁量子数 自旋量子数ms -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (2241 bytes) (9 reads) 01/14/2010 postreply 14:59:18
先轉換到時域去對時間積分,在轉換回空域對空間微分." -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (2486 bytes) (9 reads) 01/09/2010 postreply 09:54:43
任何服从量子力学和相对论的理论必须服从CPT联合对称。 -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (853 bytes) (11 reads) 01/08/2010 postreply 13:24:42
"做相对论加速运动的电子会放出电磁辐射" -marketreflections- 给 marketreflections 发送悄悄话 marketreflections 的博客首页 marketreflections 的个人群组 (9 bytes) (7 reads) 01/07/2010 postreply 05:02:23

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