variance hits like blk swan in groups
Power Law Distributions, 1/f Noise, Long-Memory Time Series
05 Sep 2013 11:26Why do physicists care about power laws so much? I'm probably not the best person to speak on behalf of our tribal obsessions (there was a long debate among the faculty at my thesis defense as to whether "this stuff is really physics"), but I'll do my best. There are two parts to this: power-law decay of correlations, and power-law size distributions. The link is tenuous, at best, but they tend to get run together in our heads, so I'll treat them both here. The reason we care about power law correlations is that we're conditioned to think they're a sign of something interesting and complicated happening. The first step is to convince ourselves that in boring situations, we don't see power laws. This is fairly easy: there are pretty good and rather generic arguments which say that systems in thermodynamic equilibrium, i.e. boring ones, should have correlations which decay exponentially over space and time; the reciprocals of the decay rates are the correlation length and the correlation time, and say how big a typical fluctuation should be. This is roughly first-semester graduate statistical mechanics. (You can find those arguments in, say, volume one of Landau and Lifshitz's Statistical Physics.) Second semester graduate stat. mech. is where those arguments break down --- either for systems which are far from equilibrium (e.g., turbulent flows), or in equilibrium but very close to a critical point (e.g., the transition from a solid to liquid phase, or from a non-magnetic phase to a magnetized one). Phase transitions have fluctuations which decay like power laws, and many non-equilibrium systems do too. (Again, for phase transitions, Landau and Lifshitz has a good discussion.) If you're a statistical physicist, phase transitions and non-equilibrium processes define the terms "complex" and "interesting" --- especially phase transitions, since we've spent the last forty years or so developing a very successful theory of critical phenomena. Accordingly, whenever we see power law correlations, we assume there must be something complex and interesting going on to produce them. (If this sounds like the fallacy of affirming the consequent, that's because it is.) By a kind of transitivity, this makes power laws interesting in themselves. Since, as physicists, we're generally more comfortable working in the frequency domain than the time domain, we often transform the autocorrelation function into the Fourier spectrum. A power-law decay for the correlations as a function of time translates into a power-law decay of the spectrum as a function of frequency, so this is also called "1/f noise". Similarly for power-law distributions. A simple use of the Einstein fluctuation formula says that thermodynamic variables will have Gaussian distributions with the equilibrium value as their mean. (The usual version of this argument is not very precise.) We're also used to seeing exponential distributions, as the probabilities of microscopic states. Other distributions weird us out. Power-law distributions weird us out even more, because they seem to say there's no typical scale or size for the variable, whereas the exponential and the Gaussian cases both have natural scale parameters. There is a connection here with fractals, which also lack typical scales, but I don't feel up to going into that, and certainly a lot of the power laws physicists get excited about have no obvious connection to any kind of (approximate) fractal geometry. And there are lots of power law distributions in all kinds of data, especially social data --- that's why they're also called Pareto distributions, after the sociologist. Physicists have devoted quite a bit of time over the last two decades to seizing on what look like power-laws in various non-physical sets of data, and trying to explain them in terms we're familiar with, especially phase transitions. (Thus "self-organized criticality".) So badly are we infatuated that there is now a huge, rapidly growing literature devoted to "Tsallis statistics" or "non-extensive thermodynamics", which is a recipe for modifying normal statistical mechanics so that it produces power law distributions; and this, so far as I can see, is its only good feature. (I will not attempt, here, to support that sweeping negative verdict on the work of many people who have more credentials and experience than I do.) This has not been one of our more successful undertakings, though the basic motivation --- "let's see what we can do!" --- is one I'm certainly in sympathy with. There have been two problems with the efforts to explain all power laws using the things statistical physicists know. One is that (to mangle Kipling) there turn out to be nine and sixty ways of constructing power laws, and every single one of them is right, in that it does indeed produce a power law. Power laws turn out to result from a kind of central limit theorem for multiplicative growth processes, an observation which apparently dates back to Herbert Simon, and which has been rediscovered by a number of physicists (for instance, Sornette). Reed and Hughes have established an even more deflating explanation (see below). Now, just because these simple mechanisms exist, doesn't mean they explain any particular case, but it does mean that you can't legitimately argue "My favorite mechanism produces a power law; there is a power law here; it is very unlikely there would be a power law if my mechanism were not at work; therefore, it is reasonable to believe my mechanism is at work here." (Deborah Mayo would say that finding a power law does not constitute a severe test of your hypothesis.) You need to do "differential diagnosis", by identifying other, non-power-law consequences of your mechanism, which other possible explanations don't share. This, we hardly ever do. Similarly for 1/f noise. Many different kinds of stochastic process, with no connection to critical phenomena, have power-law correlations. Econometricians and time-series analysts have studied them for quite a while, under the general heading of "long-memory" processes. You can get them from things as simple as a superposition of Gaussian autoregressive processes. (We have begun to awaken to this fact, under the heading of "fractional Brownian motion".) The other problem with our efforts has been that a lot of the power-laws we've been trying to explain are not, in fact, power-laws. I should perhaps explain that statistical physicists are called that, not because we know a lot of statistics, but because we study the large-scaled, aggregated effects of the interactions of large numbers of particles, including, specifically, the effects which show up as fluctuations and noise. In doing this we learn, basically, nothing about drawing inferences from empirical data, beyond what we may remember about curve fitting and propagation of errors from our undergraduate lab courses. Some of us, naturally, do know a lot of statistics, and even teach it --- I might mention Josef Honerkamp's superb Stochastic Dynamical Systems. (Of course, that book is out of print and hardly ever cited...) If I had, oh, let's say fifty dollars for every time I've seen a slide (or a preprint) where one of us physicists makes a log-log plot of their data, and then reports as the exponent of a new power law the slope they got from doing a least-squares linear fit, I'd at least not grumble. If my colleagues had gone to statistics textbooks and looked up how to estimate the parameters of a Pareto distribution, I'd be a happier man. If any of them had actually tested the hypothesis that they had a power law against alternatives like stretched exponentials, or especially log-normals, I'd think the millennium was at hand. (If you want to know how to do these things, please read this paper, whose merits are entirely due to my co-authors.) The situation for 1/f noise is not so dire, but there have been and still are plenty of abuses, starting with the fact that simply taking the fast Fourier transform of the autocovariance function does not give you a reliable estimate of the power spectrum, particularly in the tails. (On that point, see, for instance, Honerkamp.)
See also: Chaos and Dynamical Systems; Complex Networks; Self-Organized Criticality; Time Series; Tsallis Statistics
- Recommended, bigger picture:
- Michael Mitzenmacher, "A Brief History of Generative Models for Power Law and Lognormal Distributions", Internet Mathematics 1 (2003): 226--251 [PDF]
- M. E. J. Newman, "Power laws, Pareto distributions and Zipf's law", cond-mat/0412004 [If you read one other thing on power laws, read this]
- Manfred Schroeder, Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws: Minutes from an Infinite Paradise
- Recommended, more technical or more specialized:
- Robert J. Adler, Raise E. Feldman and Murad S. Taqqu (eds.), A Practical Guide to Heavy Tails [Presumes that you already know something about statistics and stochastic processes, so not suitable for beginners.]
- Barry C. Arnold, Pareto Distributions [Fine guide to the statistical literature, as it was in 1983; still valuable, though many things which were nasty computations then are easy now.]
- Arijit Chakrabarty, "Effect of truncation on large deviations for heavy-tailed random vectors", arxiv:1107.2476
- Aaron Clauset, Maxwell Young, and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, "Scale Invariance in the Severity of Terrorism", physics/0606007 [Surprising, but well-supported]
- F. Clementi, T. Di Matteo, M. Gallegati, "The Power-law Tail Exponent of Income Distributions", physics/0603061 = Physica A 370 (2006): 49--53 [An interesting way to improve the accuracy of Hill-type (tail-conditional maximum likelihood) estimates of the scaling parameter. Written with few concessions to those who are neither statisticians nor econometricians. Not directly suitable for determining the range of the scaling region. Income distribution is used only as an example.]
- Andrew M. Edwards, Richard A. Phillips, Nicholas W. Watkins, Mervyn P. Freeman, Eugene J. Murphy, Vsevolod Afanasyev, Sergey V. Buldyrev, M. G. E. da Luz, E. P. Raposo, H. Eugene Stanley and Gandhimohan M. Viswanathan, "Revisiting Lévy flight search patterns of wandering albatrosses, bumblebees and deer", Nature 449 (2007): 1044--1048
- Paul Embrechts and Makoto Maejima, Selfsimilar Processes
- Alexander Gnedin, Ben Hansen, Jim Pitman, "Notes on the occupancy problem with infinitely many boxes: general asymptotics and power laws", Probability Surveys 4 (2007): 146--171, arxiv:math.PR/0701718
- Michel L. Goldstein, Steven A. Morris and Gary G. Yen, "Fitting to the Power-Law Distribution", cond-mat/0402322 [Pedestrian, but accurate, exposition in terms physicists and engineers are likely to understand. Insufficiently sourced to the statistical literature; e.g., their calculation of the maximum likelihood estimator was first published in 1952.]
- Josef Honerkamp, Stochastic Dynamical Systems: Concepts, Numerical Methods, Data Analysis
- Yuji Ijiri and Herbert Simon, Skew Distributions and the Sizes of Business Firms [Collects Simon and co.'s pioneering papers on power laws and related distributions --- including "On a Class of Skew Distribution Functions", below --- as well as considering the limitations, alternatives, modifications to match data, statistical issues, the connection to Bose-Einstein statistics, the importance of going beyond just staring at distributional plots if you want to learn about mechanisms, etc., etc. This was all published in 1977...]
- A. James and M. J. Plank, "On fitting power laws to ecological data", arxiv:0712.0613
- Raya Khanin and Ernst Wit, "How Scale-Free Are Biological Networks?", Journal of Computational Biology 13 (2006): 810--818 [Ans.: not very scale-free at all.]
- Joel Keizer, Statistical Thermodynamics of Nonequilibrium Processes [Has a good discussion of critical fluctuations in chapter 8. Review: Molecular Fluctuations for Fun and Profit]
- Paul Krugman, The Self-Organizing Economy [Has a nice discussion of power-law size distributions in economics. Review]
- Michael LaBarbera, "Analyzing Body Size as a Factor in Ecology and Evolution", Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 20 (1989): 91--117 [Statistical problems in many studies of power-law scaling in biology, their effects on the conclusions of those studies (ranging from "wrong, but correctable" to "meaningless"), and how to do it right. JSTOR]
- J. Laherrère and D. Sornette, "Stretched exponential distributions in nature and economy: 'fat tails' with characteristic scales", The European Physical Journal B 2 (1998): 525--539
- L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Statistical Physics [For the theory of fluctuations in statistical mechanics, and for critical phenomena in equilibrium]
- Adrián López García de Lomana, Qasim K. Beg, G. de Fabritiis and Jordi Villà-Freixa, "Statistical Analysis of Global Connectivity and Activity Distributions in Cellular Networks", arxiv:1004.3138
- R. Dean Malmgren, Daniel B. Stouffer, Adilson E. Motter, Luis A.N. Amaral, "A Poissonian explanation for heavy-tails in e-mail communication", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 105 (2008): 18153--18158, arxiv:0901.0585
- Elliott W. Montroll and Michael F. Shlesinger, "On 1/f noise and other distributions with long tails", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 79 (1982): 3380--3383
- V. F. Pisarenko and D. Sornette, "New statistic for financial return distributions: power-law or exponential?", physics/0403075 [Actually, two new statistics: one converges to a constant if the distribution you're sampling from is an exponential, independent of the exponent, and the other converges to a constant if the distribution is a power law, independent of the power. They even have some indications of the sampling distributions, so you can at least gauge the statistical signifcance, i.e., the probability of deviations from the ideal value, even though the distribution really is of the appropriate type. I don't recall anything about the power of these statistics, however (i.e., the probability that a power law will look like an exponential, or vice-versa).]
- William J. Reed and Barry D. Hughes, "From Gene Families and Genera to Incomes and Internet File Sizes: Why Power Laws are so Common in Nature", Physical Review E 66 (2002): 067103 [This is, as I said, perhaps the most deflating possible explanation for power law size distributions. Imagine you have some set of piles, each of which grows, multiplicatively, at a constant rate. New piles are started at random times, with a constant probability per unit time. (This is a good model of my office.) Then, at any time, the age of the piles is exponentially distributed, and their size is an exponential function of their age; the two exponentials cancel and give you a power-law size distribution. The basic combination of exponential growth and random observation times turns out to work even if it's only the mean size of piles which grows exponentially.]
- M. V. Simkin and V. P. Roychowdhury, "Re-inventing Willis", physics/0601192 [The comical, yet pathetic, history of the innumerable re-inventions of basic mechanisms which plague this area]
- Herbert Simon, "On a Class of Skew Distribution Functions", Biometrika 42 (1955): 425--440 [JSTOR]
- Didier Sornette
- "Multiplicative Processes and Power Laws" cond-mat/9708231 = Physical Review E 57 (1998): 4811--4813
- "Mechanism for Powerlaws without Self-Organization" cond-mat/0110426
- Not altogether recommended (without being actively dis-recommended either):
- R. Alexander Bentley, Paul Ormerod, Michael Batty, "An evolutionary model of long tailed distributions in the social sciences", arxiv:0903.2533 [This is a minor modification of the classical Yule/Simon mechanism for random growth, with the main advantage being that (with the right parameter tweaking) it allows for more turn-over of which values are most common. Unsurprisingly, this is done by adding extra parameters, and so the family of distributions is more flexible. But they use bad statistical procedures, and the finding that the estimated power law exponent grows as the amount of data held in the tail shrinks is simply explained: the tails aren't power laws.]
- Recommended, of a not entirely serious character:
- Mason Porter's Power Law Shop
- Modesty forbids me to recommend:
- Aaron Clauset, CRS and M. E. J. Newman, "Power-law distributions in empirical data", SIAM Review 51 (2009): 661--703 = arxiv:0706.1062 [with commentary by Aaron and myself]
- Pride compels me to recommend:
- Georg M. Goerg, "Lambert W random variables: A new family of generalized skewed distributions with applications to risk estimation", Annals of Applied Statistics 5 (2011): 2197--2230, arxiv:0912.4554 [By my student, but entirely independent work]
- To read:
- Eduardo G. Altmann and Holger Kantz, "Recurrence time analysis, long-term correlations, and extreme events", physics/0503056
- J. A. D. Aston, "Modeling macroeconomic time series via heavy tailed distributions", math.ST/0702844
- Stefan Aulbach and Michael Falk, "Testing for a generalized Pareto process", Electronic Journal of Statistics 6 (2012): 1779--1802
- Katarzyna Bartkiewicz, Adam Jakubowski, Thomas Mikosch, Olivier Wintenberger, "Infinite variance stable limits for sums of dependent random variables", arxiv:0906.2717
- Michael Batty, "Rank Clocks", Nature 444 (2006): 592--596
- Marco Bee, Massimo Riccaboni and Stefano Schiavo, "Pareto versus lognormal: A maximum entropy test", Physical Review E 84 (2011); 026104
- Jan Beran, Bikramjit Das, Dieter Schell, "On robust tail index estimation for linear long-memory processes", Journal of Time Series Analysis 33 (2012): 406--423
- Patrice Bertail, Stéphan Clémençon, and Jessica Tressou, "Regenerative block-bootstrap confidence intervals for tail and extremal indexes", Electronic Journal of Statistics 7 (2013): 1224--1248
- P. Besbeas and B. J. T. Morgan, "Improved estimation of the stable laws", Statistics and Computing 18 (2008): 219--231
- Eric Beutner, Henryk Zähle, "Continuous mapping approach to the asymptotics of U- and V-statistics", arxiv:1203.1112
- Danny Bickson, Carlos Guestrin, "Linear Characteristic Graphical Models: Representation, Inference and Applications", arxiv:1008.5325 [Graphical models with heavy-tailed latent variables]
- Thierry Bochud and Damien Challet, "Optimal approximations of power-laws with exponentials", physics/0605149 ["We propose an explicit recursive method to approximate a power-law with a finite sum of weighted exponentials. Applications to moving averages with long memory are discussed in relationship with stochastic volatility models." The last part sounds like a rediscovery of Granger.]
- Laurent E. Calvet and Adlai J. Fisher, Multifractal Volatility: Theory, Forecasting, and Pricing [Thanks to Prof. Calvet for bringing this to my attention]
- Anna Carbone and Giuliano Castelli, "Scaling Properties of Long-Range Correlated Noisy Signals," cond-mat/0303465
- C. Cattuto, V. Loreto and V. D. P. Servedio, "A Yule-Simon process with memory", cond-mat/0608672 [Memo to self: compare this to the auto-correlated Yule-Simon process in Ijiri and Simon's book.]
- Arijit Chakrabarty, "Central Limit Theorem and Large Deviations for truncated heavy-tailed random vectors", arxiv:1003.2159
- Arijit Chakrabarty, Gennady Samorodnitsky, "Understanding heavy tails in a bounded world or, is a truncated heavy tail heavy or not?", arxiv:1001.3218
- Anirban Chakraborti, Marco Patriarca, "A Variational Principle for Pareto's power law", cond-mat/0605325
- Ali Chaouche and Jean-Noel Bacro, "Statistical Inference for the Generalized Pareto Distribution: Maximum Likelihood Revisited", Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 35 (2006): 785--802
- F. Clementi, M. Gallegati, "Pareto's Law of Income Distribution: Evidence for Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States", physics/0504217
- Cline, heavy-tailed noise, 1983 (?)
- B. Conrad and M. Mitzenmacher, "Power Laws for Monkeys Typing Randomly: The Case of Unequal Probabilities", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 50 (2004): 1403--1414
- Bikramjit Das and Siddney I. Resnick, "QQ plots, Random sets and data from a heavy tailed distribution", math.PR/0702551
- Anirban Dasgupta, John Hopcroft, Jon Kleinberg and Mark Sandler, "On Learning Mixtures of Heavy-Tailed Distributions"
- Nima Dehghani, Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos, Zach D. Haga, Rebecca A. Parker, Bradley Greger, Eric Halgren, Sydney S. Cash, Alain Destexhe, "Avalanche analysis from multi-electrode ensemble recordings in cat, monkey and human cerebral cortex during wakefulness and sleep", arxiv:1203.0738 [Ummm, we explain why you can't use
R 2 that way in the paper you cite...] - T. Di Matteo, T. Aste and M. Gallegati, "Innovation flow through social networks: Productivity distribution", physics/0406091 [Those look an awful lot like log-normals to me.]
- Paul Doukhan, George Oppenheim and Murad S. Taqqu (eds.), Theory and Applications of Long-Range Dependence
- Rick Durrett and Jason Schweinsberg, "Power laws for family sizes in a duplication model", math.PR/0406216 = Annals of Probability 33 (2005): 2094--2126
- R. Fox and M. S. Taqqu
- "Noncentral Limit Thorems for Quadratic Forms in Random Variables Having Long-Range Dependence," Annals of Probability 13 (1985) 428--446
- "Central Limit Theorems for Quadratic Forms in Random Variables Having Long-Range Dependence," Probability Theory and Related Fields 74 (1987): 213--240
- "Power-law tails in nonstationary stochastic processes with asymmetrically multiplicative interactions", Physical Review E 70 (2004): 031106 = cond-mat/0506785
- "Similarity and Probability Distribution Functions in Many-body Stochastic Processes with Multiplicative Interactions", cond-mat/0508615
- "The quasi-likelihood approach to statistical inference on multiple time-series with long-range dependence," Journal of Econometrics 73 (1996): 217--236
- "A limit theory for long-range dependence and statistical inference on related models," Annals of Statistics 25 (1997): 105--137
- "Estimating long range dependence: finite sample properties and confidence intervals," cond-mat/0103510
- "Measuring long-range dependence in electricity prices," cond-mat/0103621
Burned all my notebooks
What good are notebooks
If they won't help me survive?
But a curiosity of my type remains after all the most agreeable of all vices --- sorry, I meant to say: the love of truth has its reward in heaven and even on earth. ---Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, 45They're, well, notebooks --- things I find amusing, outrageous, strange or otherwise noteworthy; notes towards works-in-glacial-progress; hemi-demi-semi-rants; things I want to learn more about; lists of references; quotations from the Talking Heads where appropriate. If you can help with any of these, I'd be grateful; if you can tell me of anything I can profitably prune, I'd be even more grateful.
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Physics, Biology, or Peltzman?
January 3, 2012
Quantivity is fortunate to be acquainted with numerous folks who have earned consistent returns over multiple decades without significant drawdown. Although they have varying trading strategies, there is a common theme which unifies them: top-down systematic focus on the sociology of market participants.
This focus is not behavioral finance, in search of anomalies driven by cognitive biases divergent from equilibrium (although majority do that too). Rather asking inferential sociological questions, such as: was the market “efficient”, in the Fama sense, during the post-war decades prior to 2000 because people expected it to be (blissfully ignoring a few hiccups); in contrast to how it is commonly understood and formalized, with reverse causality: market is assumed to be efficient, thus people understand it as such.
Similarly, have the past 15 years been “inefficient”, in the bubble and anomaly sense, because cultural faith among investors in such “efficiency” was lost; or, did they lose faith because the market became inefficient? Big difference.
In other words: is finance governed by physics, biology, or Peltzman?
The traditional answer of market hypothesis, provided by financial economics via microeconomic principles of equilibrium and efficiency: causality flows from market to investor. This explanation comes in two variants, known by their colloquial analogical fields:
An alternative explanation is to apply the self-fulfilling Peltzman effect to financial markets, and reverse causality: markets behave as they do because of investor sociology, rather than arising emergent from implicit cooperation of equilibrium-seeking rational microeconomic agents.
In other words: when investors believe the market is rational (irrespective of whether that belief is well-founded), then they embody Dunning-Kruger by ex ante faithfully dumping money into their 401K each month; in doing so collectively, the investment management industry undertakes its rent seeking activity resulting in the market possessing ex post “efficient” characteristics. Conversely, when investors believe the market is irrational, they either: go to cash, pursue uninformed non-collective trading, or both. Both of which result in anomalous market behavior, uncontrollable by the industry, either due to decreased liquidity or absence of predictable momentum.
If the market is indeed Peltzmanian, then the real question is how to best quantify and model primary and spillover effects resulting from investor sociology as they unfold ephemerally.
This focus is not behavioral finance, in search of anomalies driven by cognitive biases divergent from equilibrium (although majority do that too). Rather asking inferential sociological questions, such as: was the market “efficient”, in the Fama sense, during the post-war decades prior to 2000 because people expected it to be (blissfully ignoring a few hiccups); in contrast to how it is commonly understood and formalized, with reverse causality: market is assumed to be efficient, thus people understand it as such.
Similarly, have the past 15 years been “inefficient”, in the bubble and anomaly sense, because cultural faith among investors in such “efficiency” was lost; or, did they lose faith because the market became inefficient? Big difference.
In other words: is finance governed by physics, biology, or Peltzman?
The traditional answer of market hypothesis, provided by financial economics via microeconomic principles of equilibrium and efficiency: causality flows from market to investor. This explanation comes in two variants, known by their colloquial analogical fields:
- Physics: market is governed by immutable mathematical principles and can be formalized into coherent predictive models, either in favor or contradiction of excess returns; exemplified by classic weak/strong EMH theory
- Biology: market is governed by evolutionary principles ala Darwin, as exemplified by Lo’s 2004 AMH article: “Very existence of active liquid financial markets implies that profit opportunities must be present. As they are exploited, they disappear. But new opportunities are also constantly being created as certain species die out, as others are born, and as institutions and business conditions change.” (p. 24)
An alternative explanation is to apply the self-fulfilling Peltzman effect to financial markets, and reverse causality: markets behave as they do because of investor sociology, rather than arising emergent from implicit cooperation of equilibrium-seeking rational microeconomic agents.
In other words: when investors believe the market is rational (irrespective of whether that belief is well-founded), then they embody Dunning-Kruger by ex ante faithfully dumping money into their 401K each month; in doing so collectively, the investment management industry undertakes its rent seeking activity resulting in the market possessing ex post “efficient” characteristics. Conversely, when investors believe the market is irrational, they either: go to cash, pursue uninformed non-collective trading, or both. Both of which result in anomalous market behavior, uncontrollable by the industry, either due to decreased liquidity or absence of predictable momentum.
If the market is indeed Peltzmanian, then the real question is how to best quantify and model primary and spillover effects resulting from investor sociology as they unfold ephemerally.
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