Friday, August 22, 2014


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国际单位制指定热力学温标为热力学温度的计量标度,并选择水的三相点273.16K作为基点。历史上一直在使用其他标准。使用华氏度作为单位间隔的朗肯温标,在美国的某些工程领域仍然用作英制工程单位的一部分。ITS-90给出了一个以非常高的精确度估计热力学温度的实用方法。 大体上,体静止时的温度是一种计量物质的粒子构成如分子原子亚原子粒子的平动、振动和转动的能量的方法。所有的这些运动的动能和粒子的势能,有时还包括某些其他类型的等效粒子能量构成物体的总内能。在物体不受外力或外力对其不做功的条件下,内能可以被不严格地称作热能。内能可以以多种方式存储于一种物质内,每种构成一个“自由度”。每个自由度有相同的能量平均值k_B T/2k_B玻尔兹曼常数),除非其处于量子体系。内部自由度(转动,振动等)适用于室温下的量子体系,平动自由度适用于经典体系,除了在极低的温度(开尔文的分数)下。大多数情况下,热力学温度由粒子的平均平动动能确定。

Thermodynamic temperature is the absolute measure of temperature and it is one of the principal parameters of thermodynamics.
Thermodynamic temperature is defined by the third law of thermodynamics in which the theoretically lowest temperature is the null or zero point. At this point, called absolute zero, the particle constituents of matter have minimal motion and can become no colder.[1][2] In the quantum-mechanical description, matter at absolute zero is in its ground state, which is its state of lowest energy. Thermodynamic temperature is often also called absolute temperature, for two reasons: one, proposed by Kelvin, that it does not depend on the properties of a particular material; two that it refers to an absolute zero according to the properties of the ideal gas

Roughly, the temperature of a body at rest is a measure of the mean of the energy of the translational, vibrational and rotational motions of matter's particle constituents, such as molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles. The full variety of these kinetic motions, along with potential energies of particles, and also occasionally certain other types of particle energy in equilibrium with these, make up the total internal energy of a substance. Internal energy is loosely called the heat energy or thermal energy in conditions when no work is done upon the substance by its surroundings, or by the substance upon the surroundings. Internal energy may be stored in a number of ways within a substance, each way constituting a "degree of freedom". At equilibrium, each degree of freedom will have on average the same energy: k_B T/2 where k_B is the Boltzmann constant, unless that degree of freedom is in the quantum regime. The internal degrees of freedom (rotation, vibration, etc.) may be in the quantum regime at room temperature, but the translational degrees of freedom will be in the classical regime except at extremely low temperatures (fractions of kelvins) and it may be said that, for most situations, the thermodynamic temperature is specified by the average translational kinetic energy of the particles.

已有 2163 次阅读 2013-7-24 04:29 |个人分类:科学史故事|系统分类:科普集锦|关键词:统计
上两篇博文絮絮叨叨谈了第二定律发现过程的前三步。下面要说第四步。本来呢,按不才的风格,一页纸把四大步都说尽,岂不痛快。不料又有红颜知己说你历来心高气傲,说什么事不点到即止,一副“那还用说?”的臭架子。那就啰嗦一点吧。其实这四步推演,都可分别在不同的地方或书中找到。本人将其制成羊肉串,不仅仅为了吃着香,是让人别忘了第二定律多么简单明了,而其妊娠诞生多么艰难,给工业界带来多少福祉,给科学界带来多少美梦与噩魇,那一个名词“熵”,便把物理界搞得神魂颠倒,天下大乱,群雄遍野。几世几劫过去,至今仍不见大治。君不见There are as many viewpoints as physicists in statistical mechanics.忘了谁说的。
如果是不可逆热机,此效率必小于(小卡诺说的),立刻写出。与可逆热机的熵比较一下, 立刻可以写出

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