the scalar differential operator , is called the Laplacian. The Laplacian is a good scalar operator (i.e., it is coordinate independent) because it is formed from a combination of divergence (another good scalar operator) and gradient (a good vector operator).
which is a vector field formed from a scalar field, and
which is a scalar field formed from a vector field. There are two ways in which we can combine gradient and divergence. We can either form the vector field or the scalar field . The former is not particularly interesting, but the scalar field turns up in a great many physical problems, and is, therefore, worthy of discussion.
Let us introduce the heat flow vector , which is the rate of flow of heat energy per unit area across a surface perpendicular to the direction of . In many substances, heat flows directly down the temperature gradient, so that we can write
where is the thermal conductivity. The net rate of heat flow out of some closed surface must be equal to the rate of decrease of heat energy in the volume enclosed by . Thus, we have
where is the specific heat. It follows from the divergence theorem that
Taking the divergence of both sides of Equation (1446), and making use of Equation (1448), we obtain
If is constant then the above equation can be written
The scalar field takes the form
Here, the scalar differential operator
is called the Laplacian. The Laplacian is a good scalar operator (i.e., it is coordinate independent) because it is formed from a combination of divergence (another good scalar operator) and gradient (a good vector operator).
What is the physical significance of the Laplacian? In one dimension, reduces to . Now, is positive if is concave (from above) and negative if it is convex. So, if is less than the average of in its surroundings then is positive, and vice versa. In two dimensions,
Consider a local minimum of the temperature. At the minimum, the slope of increases in all directions, so is positive. Likewise, is negative at a local maximum. Consider, now, a steep-sided valley in . Suppose that the bottom of the valley runs parallel to the -axis. At the bottom of the valley is large and positive, whereas is small and may even be negative. Thus, is positive, and this is associated with being less than the average local value.
Let us now return to the heat conduction problem:
It is clear that if is positive then is locally less than the average value, so : i.e., the region heats up. Likewise, if is negative then is locally greater than the average value, and heat flows out of the region: i.e., . Thus, the above heat conduction equation makes physical sense.
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最浅层的答案是,拉普拉斯算子是Coordinate-free的。===================确切地说,拉普拉斯算子是阶数最低的,从scalar function 到scalar function 的 Coordinate-free的 平移不变的不平庸的算子, up to a factor。物理研究的对象要求具有平移和旋转的对… 显示全部
最浅层的答案是,拉普拉斯算子是Coordinate-free的。 =================== 确切地说,拉普拉斯算子是阶数最低的,从scalar function 到scalar function 的 Coordinate-free的 平移不变的不平庸的算子, up to a factor。 物理研究的对象要求具有平移和旋转的对称性,拉普拉斯算子就是满足这两条的阶数最低的算子。
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