无序系统中的局域有序化区域与一级相变 - 北京师范大学机构库-
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請問一下自由膨脹再計算entropy時 dS=dQ/T 如果是理想氣體的話 他不能使用這個公式的原因到底是因為 他不是近似穩態 還是因為 他是不可逆過程? 有些人說是因為他不可逆 可是很多不可逆過程 不是也可以用這公式算亂度值嗎 像是把熱球丟到 湖水中 計算總亂度變化 理想氣體自由膨脹不能用的原因到底是什麼?? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
→ qp2dguxiou:因為這是不可逆過程 但在一般計算總亂度變化時 我們是 02/05 21:59
→ qp2dguxiou:假想存在一個可逆過程連接終態與末態 故dQ=TdS可以用 02/05 22:00
→ qp2dguxiou:至於為什麼一定存在一個可逆過程連接兩態 這就是熱力學 02/05 22:01
→ qp2dguxiou:的基本假設了 02/05 22:01
推 fermion:體積非常數,壓力非常數,溫度無定義,故無法算。 02/05 22:01
→ fermion:如真要算,應該要用微觀方法,如分子動力學。 02/05 22:03
→ fermion:這跟可不可逆應該無關。熱力講究熱平衡,溫度要有有定義。 02/05 22:07
→ qp2dguxiou:這跟可不可逆有關. 否則的話可逆與否應導致一樣的結論 02/05 22:13
→ qp2dguxiou:但若是可逆 那麼從dQ=TdS知 初態與末態的S差為零 02/05 22:14
→ qp2dguxiou:這顯然是錯的 02/05 22:14
→ qp2dguxiou:熱力學第二定律應寫為dQ>=TdS 等號成立若且惟若可逆 02/05 22:18
→ qp2dguxiou:但在不可逆情形 因為是非平衡 不存在可定義的T 02/05 22:19
→ qp2dguxiou:但若引入局域平衡假設 上式中的T事實上為系統吸熱處的 02/05 22:20
→ qp2dguxiou:溫度(局域溫度) 所以這個式子還是提供了S變化量的下界 02/05 22:20
推 herbert570:因為初狀態和末狀態之間沒有辦法用"線"連起來。 02/06 01:01
→ herbert570:試想你要在PV圖上畫出這個系統的變化,你畫不出來。 02/06 01:02
→ herbert570:這和可不可逆無關,和你的過程是不是quasi-static有關 02/06 01:02
→ herbert570:這個變化在PV圖上就只是兩個點,直接從一點跳到另一點 02/06 01:03
→ herbert570:(不過你仍然可以硬畫一條線去算他熵的變化,因為熵是狀 02/06 01:03
→ herbert570:態函數,只是你的積分不代表這個系統的真實變化情形) 02/06 01:04
推 qp2dguxiou:樓上 但在氣體自由膨脹的例子中 就算每個時刻都接近平 02/06 01:21
→ qp2dguxiou:衡態 他還是不是個quasi-static過程 因為dW!=-pdV 02/06 01:22
→ qp2dguxiou:在一般的情況下 準靜過程與否決定dQ=TdS是否成立 02/06 01:24
→ qp2dguxiou:但在自由膨脹不是如此 因為它絕對不是個準靜過程 02/06 01:25
→ qp2dguxiou:(修正一下 10樓說的應為dQ=TdS若且惟若過程為準靜) 02/06 01:52
→ fermion:Q大,公式不能亂套。熱力學第零定律?T都無意義,dS>=? 02/06 08:27
→ qp2dguxiou:我說啦 就算T對整個系統是無意義的 還是可以想成是局域 02/06 08:56
→ qp2dguxiou:的溫度 因為局域還是可以看成是平衡的 有定義溫度 02/06 08:57
→ qp2dguxiou:我的意思是 想像系統的吸熱處為一子系統 該系統近似平 02/06 08:58
→ qp2dguxiou:衡 該處的T 就是dQ<TdS處所使用的T 當然整個系統沒有定 02/06 08:59
→ qp2dguxiou:義的T 02/06 08:59
推 qp2dguxiou:或許問題癥結點在於說 一般情形可逆=>準靜 但反過來不 02/06 09:15
→ qp2dguxiou:成立 但至少在絕熱過程中這是成立的 故覺熱和準靜是同 02/06 09:17
→ qp2dguxiou:一見事(在絕熱的情況下) 02/06 09:17
→ qp2dguxiou:我說錯了 是可逆和準靜是同一件事 02/06 09:21
→ qp2dguxiou:故在這個問題(自由膨脹) 回答這兩個答案都對 因其等價 02/06 09:22
恩 感恩 所以說考試寫因為他是不可逆跟因為他不是近似穩態其實都OK囉?
※ 編輯: eli7429 來自: (02/06 10:21)
→ fermion:局域?怎麼算?可不可逆都是準靜,不可逆例如開放系統。 02/06 10:24
→ qp2dguxiou:自由膨脹就是不可逆但不準靜的例子 理由我上面說了 02/06 10:31
→ qp2dguxiou:至於局域溫度要怎麼算: 如果我們知道熱是由熱庫流進系 02/06 10:31
→ qp2dguxiou:統的 局域與熱褲接觸部分的溫度就與熱褲相同 所以T也可 02/06 10:32
→ qp2dguxiou:取熱褲的溫度 它是WELL-DEFINED的 02/06 10:32
→ qp2dguxiou:數學上來說 考慮絕熱的近似平衡過程(可以不是準靜) 02/06 10:40
→ qp2dguxiou:則不可逆過程=>dS>0. 但若同時其是準靜, 則因dW=-pdV和 02/06 10:41
→ qp2dguxiou:dU=dQ+dW=TdS-pdV, 我們推得dQ=TdS, 但因為絕熱dQ=0, 02/06 10:42
→ qp2dguxiou:所以推得dS=0, 但這與不可逆矛盾! 02/06 10:43
推 fermion:您推導怪怪的。為何準靜可得dW=-PdV? 02/06 11:03
→ qp2dguxiou:這是定義 見Callen一書 Ch2 02/06 11:06
→ qp2dguxiou:該書也明確說了自由膨脹不是個準靜過程(某個習題) 02/06 11:07
→ qp2dguxiou:應該這樣說 就算自由膨脹的過程是隨時平衡的(例如一直 02/06 11:28
→ qp2dguxiou:無限小的自由增加體積) 雖然該過程在PV圖上可以被畫出 02/06 11:29
→ qp2dguxiou:但他還是不是個準靜過程 02/06 11:29
→ fermion:我不是一直都說自由膨脹非準靜?重點是,不可逆也要準靜 02/06 11:45
→ fermion:才能用熱力來算。不然就要用微觀方法。 02/06 11:47
→ qp2dguxiou:只要初態與末態是平衡態 就可以用熱力學方法計算S 02/06 12:50
→ qp2dguxiou:另外我不知道您的準靜過程定義為何? 如果您的定義是每 02/06 12:51
→ qp2dguxiou:一時刻都是處在平衡態 那這在自由膨脹是可以辦到的 02/06 12:53
→ qp2dguxiou:但若是像Callen那樣的定義 不論自由膨脹多麼緩慢 永遠 02/06 12:53
→ qp2dguxiou:也不是個準靜過程 02/06 12:53
→ fermion: 自由膨脹可以時刻都在平衡態?沒聽過ㄟ。 02/06 18:17
→ qp2dguxiou:你逐漸微小的增加體積 每次增加後等待平衡再增加就好啦 02/06 20:02
→ fermion:那就不自由囉。 02/06 20:41
→ qp2dguxiou:還是自由的 每次增加都是自由膨脹... 02/06 20:55
→ qp2dguxiou:意思是每次體積增加都是自由膨脹 只是增加的量很小 02/06 20:59
→ qp2dguxiou:從複幾次 就得到一系列在pv圖上有定義的自由膨脹過程 02/06 21:00
推 fermion:循環論證?某膨脹過程自由,因為每個子過程自由? 02/06 21:11
推 qp2dguxiou:我只是說存在"連續"的自由膨脹過程而已 沒有扯循環論證 02/06 21:24
→ qp2dguxiou:至少版主的問題已經解決了 先這樣吧
北京师范大学物理系 2
黑龙江大学物理科学与技术学院 mailto:wuxt@bnu.edu.cn, 电话:010-58802977
Locally ordered regions in the first-order phase transition in the disordered systems Abstract:
The locally ordered regions should exist in the phase transition in disordered systems[1-6]. The physical picture is simple and clear: due to the spatial fluctuation of the impurity, the local transition temperature will different. As the temperature decreases, the local ordered regions appear. Ginzburg suggested this idea early in 1977[1]. Someone use it to discuss the phase transition with the percolation of the locally ordered regions[2]. The experiments on the magnetic phase transition in disordered systems and the superfluid phase transition of 4
He in porous media indeed showed the evidence of the local ordered regions[3-4]. In order to understand the local ordered regions more, we studied the one and two-dimension saddle point equation of the Ginzburg-Landau Hamiltonian with random temperature[5-6]. Through the solution of the saddle point we get the size of the local ordered regions, the order parameter of locally ordered regions. The numerical data are fitted with the scaling relations well.
Now we study the first-order phase transition in disordered systems. Consider the Ginzburg-Landau Hamiltonian with random temperature:
)(41)())((21|)(|21(664422xgxgxxttxdxH Where t and )(xt
are the average reduced temperature and the random part caused by the disorder
respectively. We consider a lattice, each cell has a local temperature .In the ith cell, itxt)( and itis a random number and distributed in the Gaussian form:
The saddle point equation of the Ginzburg-Landau
Hamiltonian above is given by 0)()()())(()(56342xgxgxxttx We solve the saddle point equation numerically, and find the solution in strongly
disordered case and weekly one is different in quality. The numerical data are fitted with the scaling relations well. At last, we discuss the relation between the result and experiment.
Key word: locally ordered regions, phase transition, quenched disorder
[1]S. L. Ginzburg, Zh.EKsp. Teor. Fiz. 73, 1961(1977)。[Sov. Phys. JETP 46, 1029 (1970)]. [2]Korzhenevskii A L, Heuer H-O and Herrmanns K,J. Phys. A: Math. & Gen. 31 927 (1998). [3]O. Plantevin and H. R. Glyde, Phys. Rev. B 65, 224505 (2001).
[4] S. V. Grigoriev, S. A. Klimko, W. H. Kraan, S. V. Maleyev, A. I. Okorokov, M. Th. Rekveldt, and V. V. Runov, Phys. Rev. B 64, 094426 (2001).
[5] X. T. Wu and K. Yamada, J. Phys. A: Math. & Gen. 37, 3363 (2004). [6]X. T. Wu, Phys. Rev. B 71, 174204 (2005).
北京师范大学物理系 2
黑龙江大学物理科学与技术学院 mailto:wuxt@bnu.edu.cn, 电话:010-58802977
Locally ordered regions in the first-order phase transition in the disordered systems Abstract:
The locally ordered regions should exist in the phase transition in disordered systems[1-6]. The physical picture is simple and clear: due to the spatial fluctuation of the impurity, the local transition temperature will different. As the temperature decreases, the local ordered regions appear. Ginzburg suggested this idea early in 1977[1]. Someone use it to discuss the phase transition with the percolation of the locally ordered regions[2]. The experiments on the magnetic phase transition in disordered systems and the superfluid phase transition of 4
He in porous media indeed showed the evidence of the local ordered regions[3-4]. In order to understand the local ordered regions more, we studied the one and two-dimension saddle point equation of the Ginzburg-Landau Hamiltonian with random temperature[5-6]. Through the solution of the saddle point we get the size of the local ordered regions, the order parameter of locally ordered regions. The numerical data are fitted with the scaling relations well.
Now we study the first-order phase transition in disordered systems. Consider the Ginzburg-Landau Hamiltonian with random temperature:
)(41)())((21|)(|21(664422xgxgxxttxdxH Where t and )(xt
are the average reduced temperature and the random part caused by the disorder
respectively. We consider a lattice, each cell has a local temperature .In the ith cell, itxt)( and itis a random number and distributed in the Gaussian form:
The saddle point equation of the Ginzburg-Landau
Hamiltonian above is given by 0)()()())(()(56342xgxgxxttx We solve the saddle point equation numerically, and find the solution in strongly
disordered case and weekly one is different in quality. The numerical data are fitted with the scaling relations well. At last, we discuss the relation between the result and experiment.
Key word: locally ordered regions, phase transition, quenched disorder
[1]S. L. Ginzburg, Zh.EKsp. Teor. Fiz. 73, 1961(1977)。[Sov. Phys. JETP 46, 1029 (1970)]. [2]Korzhenevskii A L, Heuer H-O and Herrmanns K,J. Phys. A: Math. & Gen. 31 927 (1998). [3]O. Plantevin and H. R. Glyde, Phys. Rev. B 65, 224505 (2001).
[4] S. V. Grigoriev, S. A. Klimko, W. H. Kraan, S. V. Maleyev, A. I. Okorokov, M. Th. Rekveldt, and V. V. Runov, Phys. Rev. B 64, 094426 (2001).
[5] X. T. Wu and K. Yamada, J. Phys. A: Math. & Gen. 37, 3363 (2004). [6]X. T. Wu, Phys. Rev. B 71, 174204 (2005).
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