Monday, September 1, 2014

frank wilczek 漸近自由 The other, much heavier quarks are all unstable; “asymptotic freedom"

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Quarks and gluons

One class of particles that

carry color charge are the

quarks. We know of six different

kinds, or “flavors,” of

quarks—denoted u, d, s, c, b, and t, for: up, down,

strange, charmed, bottom, and top. Of these, only u and d

quarks play a significant role in the structure of ordinary

matter. The other, much heavier quarks are all unstable.

Quarks and gluons

One class of particles that

carry color charge are the

quarks. We know of six different

kinds, or “flavors,” of

quarks—denoted u, d, s, c, b, and t, for: up, down,

strange, charmed, bottom, and top. Of these, only u and d

quarks play a significant role in the structure of ordinary

matter. The other, much heavier quarks are all unstable.

A quark of any one of the six flavors can also carry a unit

of any of the three color charges. Although the different

quark flavors all have different masses, the theory is perfectly

symmetrical with respect to the three colors. This

color symmetry is described by the Lie group SU(3).

For all their similarities, however, there are a few

crucial differences between QCD and QED. First of all,

the response of gluons to color charge, as measured by the

QCD coupling constant, is much more vigorous than the

response of photons to electric charge. Second, as shown

in the box, in addition to just responding to color charge,

gluons can also change one color charge into another. All

possible changes of this kind are allowed, and yet color

charge is conserved. So the gluons themselves must be

able to carry unbalanced color charges. For example, if

absorption of a gluon changes a blue quark into a red

quark, then the gluon itself must have carried one

The third difference between QCD and QED, which is

the most profound, follows from the second. Because gluons

respond to the presence and motion of color charge

and they carry unbalanced color charge, it follows that

gluons, quite unlike photons, respond directly to one

another. Photons, of course, are electrically neutral.

Therefore the laser sword fights you’ve seen in Star Wars

wouldn’t work.

But it’s a movie about the future, so maybe

they’re using color gluon lasers.
A remarkable feature of QCD, which we see in figure 1,

is how few adjustable parameters the theory needs. There
is just one overall coupling constant g and six quark-mass

parameters mj for the six quark flavors. As we shall see,

the coupling strength is a relative concept; and there are

many circumstances in which the mass parameters are

not significant. For example, the heavier quarks play only

a tiny role in the structure of ordinary matter. Thus QCD

approximates the theoretical ideal: From a few purely

conceptual elements, it constructs a wealth of physical
consequences that describe nature faithfully.4

Besides confinement, there is another qualitative difference

between the observed reality and the fantasy

world of quarks and gluons. This difference is quite a bit

more subtle to describe, but equally fundamental. I will

not be able to do full justice to the phenomenological arguments

here, but I can state the essence of the problem in

its final, sanitized theoretical form. The phenomenology

indicates that if QCD is to describe the world, then the u

and d quarks must have very small masses. But if these

quarks do have very small masses, then the equations of

QCD possess some additional symmetries, called chiral
symmetries (after chiros, the Greek word for hand). These

symmetries allow separate transformations among the

right-handed quarks (spinning, in relation to their

motion, like ordinary right-handed screws) and the lefthanded

But there is no such symmetry among the observed

strongly interacting particles; they do not come in opposite-

parity pairs. So if QCD is to describe the real world,

the chiral symmetry must be spontaneously broken,

much as rotational symmetry is spontaneously broken in

a ferromagnet.

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