Wednesday, April 15, 2015

lie generator Gauge transformations enter when interactions are described in terms of potentials, instead of forces. If you have a basis for the Lie algebra, you can talk of these basis vectors as being "generators for the Lie group".

covariant derivitive transform

[PDF]Local Gauge Invariance - Nikhef
Nov 16, 2013 - of a local gauge transformation. • Now consider the .... For massless fields we recover the Maxwell equations in empty space (no sources or ...

where the generator G is to be identified later. Since ⇤ is an
arbitrary function of x and t we require that ✏ is also an arbitrary
function of x and t. Because ✏ can vary

[PDF]Chapter 7 Continuous Groups, Lie Groups, and Lie Algebras
example, the Hamiltonian of a system with spherical symmetry (e.g., atoms and, in ... In fact, the introduction of analytic groups by Sophus Lie late in the 19th century ... of an infinitesimal generator of a transformation, from which every element ...

[PDF]The why and how of gauge theories! - damtp
University of Cambridge
Feb 24, 2015 - Those three forces are electromagnetism, the weak force and the strong force. These are described ... The gauge fields unrelated by a gauge transformation are called A/G in [1]. We can remove ... spacetime, it is called a local symmetry. ... theory. These gauge fields mediate a force between the fields ¯Ψ, Ψ.

Lawhigh - Docstoc
Jun 6, 2014 - Local Gauge Transformation Covariant derivative Quantum particle equations that are locally gauge invariant Photon is massless!
[PDF]Local Gauge Invariance - Nikhef
Nov 16, 2013 - of a local gauge transformation. • Now consider the .... For massless fields we recover the Maxwell equations in empty space (no sources or ...
Electric charge conservation
• In subatomic physics it is customary to express electric charge in
units of the elementary charge e = 1.6⇥10−19 Coulomb. The
electron then has charge −1, the positron +1, the up quark +2
the down quark −1
3, etc., see the table on Page 1–5.
• As far as we know, total electric charge is the same in the initial
and final state of any elementary reaction, and this charge
conservation is experimentally verified to great accuracy.
• For instance electron decay
e ! ! ⌫e
is allowed by all known conservation laws but is forbidden by charge
conservation and it indeed has never been observed. In fact, the
life time of the electron is measured to be larger than 5⇥1026 years.
• We have seen that conserved quantities are related to symmetries
in the Hamiltonian, or the Lagrangian, so the question is now which
symmetry causes this charge conservation. Charge is obviously an
additive conserved quantity so that the symmetry transformation
must be continuous.
The answer, as we will see, is that a so-called gauge symmetry
is responsible for the charge conservation. Gauge transformations
enter when interactions are described in terms of potentials, instead
of forces. A well known example is from classical electrodynamics
where we can transform the scalar and vector potentials in such a
way that the E and B fields are una↵ected.
[PDF]8. Gauge theories
Thus local U(1) gauge invariance requires the existence of a massless ... tions of n2 − 1 gauge bosons with matter, using as a single parameter the gauge coupling g. ... Since the number of generators is m = n2 − 1 for SU(n), the groups SU(2).
If you have a basis for the Lie algebra, you can talk of these basis vectors as being "generators for the Lie group". This is true in the sense that, by using the exponential map on linear combinations of them, you generate (at least locally) a copy of the Lie group. So they're sort of "primitive infinitesimal elements" that you can use to build the local structure of the Lie group from.

[PDF]Chapter 7 Continuous Groups, Lie Groups, and Lie Algebras
example, the Hamiltonian of a system with spherical symmetry (e.g., atoms and, in ... In fact, the introduction of analytic groups by Sophus Lie late in the 19th century ... of an infinitesimal generator of a transformation, from which every element ...
7.1 Continuous Groups
Consider a set of elements R that depend on a number of real continuous
parameters, R(a) ´ R(a1; a2; : : : ; ar). These elements are said to form
a continuous group if they ful¯ll the requirements of a group (Section
2.1) and if there is some notion of `proximity' or `continuity' imposed
on the elements of the group in the sense that a small change in one
of the factors of a product produces a correspondingly small change in
their product. If the group elements depend on r parameters, this is
called an r-parameter continuous group.

In general terms, the requirements that a continuous set of elements
form a group are the same as those for discrete elements, namely, closure
under multiplication, associativity, the existence of a unit, and
an inverse for every element.

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